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Is Sole’s F65 Treadmill A Smart Buy? [A Review]

sole f65 treadmill review

The F65 is one of Sole’s more affordable treadmills, but you’d be hard pressed to tell based on the impressive list of specs and features this folding model comes with.

Highlights include a 22″ x 60″ running surface, a 3.0 HP motor, 2.36″ rollers, and a 325 lb weight capacity.

The performance specs alone make the F65 one of the smartest choices in its price range, but when you consider the generous warranty Sole backs it with, it’s nearly impossible to deny this model’s awesomeness.

In other words, if you’re looking for a sturdy, moderately-priced treadmill, the F65 is a great choice.

But there are a lot of nice treadmills in this price range, so it’s important to do your homework- and that’s where I come in.

In this review, I’ll take ya on a tour of everything this treadmill has to offer, but I’ll also compare it to some of the other best options in this price range.

After reading, you’ll not only be well-versed in all the specs and features, but you’ll have a better ideas as to whether or not the F65 is the right treadmill for your home gym.

Sole’s F65 is a robust treadmill with great specs and features, but Horizon’s 7.4 AT comes with a stronger motor and a longer warranty. And if you don’t mind giving up 2″ on the running surface, you can save a little cash and go with Sole’s own F63.

Sole’s F65 Treadmill

sole f65 treadmill review
Photo courtesy of Sole Fitness

Sole is a well-known home fitness brand that’s gained a lot of respect in the industry for providing high-quality machines that work the way they’re supposed to.

And they’re surprisingly well-priced too.

Sole offers a pretty generous lineup of ellipticals and exercise bikes to choose from, but I think it’s their treadmills that they’re most known for.

This makes sense, considering Sole started out as a supplier of light commercial grade treadmills to hotel chains before branching out into the world of residential fitness.

Anyway, Sole has 7 treadmills in their current lineup, and with a sales price of roughly $1500, the F65 is the second most affordable one on that list (with only the F63 costing less).

As you work your way up their lineup, you’ll see upgrades in terms of motor strength and weight capacity, as well as console size.

Speaking of consoles, Sole updated all their higher-end models and gave them touchscreens of various sizes with built-in entertainment apps, screen mirroring, and free streaming fitness classes through Sole+.

Exciting stuff.


  • 22″ x 60″ running surface
  • 3.0 HP motor
  • 325 lb weight capacity
  • 2.36″ rollers
  • 10 workout programs
  • Top speed of 12 mph
  • 15 levels of incline
  • Folding frame
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Compatible with fitness apps
  • USB charging port
  • Straightforward assembly
  • Great warranty


  • Pretty basic console

Running Surface

The first spec I like to discuss with any treadmill is the running surface. As the title implies, this spec refers to the actual dimensions of the top side of the belt.

You know, how much available space you have to work with during your workouts.

This spec is usually written as “width x length” and measured in inches (at least here in the USA anyway).

Having a larger running surface is beneficial because it’s going to provide a more spacious workout experience and having more room always feels more comfortable than having less room, regardless of whether or not you need the extra space.

And for the taller folks out there, you’ll want to pay close attention to the length especially, because if the running surface isn’t long enough, you could literally run out of room (see what I did there?).

Most quality treadmills these days are offering running surfaces of at least 20″ x 60″ because at this size, the treadmill can handle most folks comfortably.

That said, the F65 comes with a running surface that measures 22″ x 60″.

The extra couple of inches in width makes for a roomier feel, and the 60″ length is long enough for most people to be able to stretch out fully when running at faster speeds.

The running surface is large on the F65, but I also like that Sole uses 2 ply belts on their treadmills, which are a little thicker than the single ply belts used on some budget models.

Their Cushion Flex Whisper Decks also do a nice job of absorbing shock, making for a comfortable experience.

Something else I want to point out is that this treadmill comes with a weight limit of 325 lb, which is pretty high for this price range.

Higher weight limits are indicative of superior frame/deck strength, as well as just overall machine quality.

It also allows the F65 to accommodate larger users than many other home treadmills that top out with a 300 lb limit.

This treadmill is also quite heavy compared to most home treadmills – with an assembled weight of 267 lb, this is a very robust machine.

This extra weight is a good thing though, because it gives the treadmill a more stable base, meaning it won’t wiggle or feel shaky during use.

Overall, the F65 scores highly in this department with its large running surface and heavy-duty frame.

sole f65 folded
The F65 folded up. Image courtesy of Sole Fitness.


If the running surface is the most important spec to look at, the motor strength is a close second. After all, the treadmill’s motor is responsible for powering every workout you’ll do on it.

And if the motor isn’t strong enough, your workouts will suffer for it.

Home treadmills usually come with DC motors that range between 1.5 – 4.0 HP.

While walkers can safely get away with weaker motors, people who plan on running regularly should look for a treadmill that has at least a 3.0 HP motor (and even stronger for serious runners).

Stronger motors will be able to reach and maintain faster speeds more efficiently. This makes for quieter, smoother belt action, which relates to a more enjoyable feel during your workouts.

And since stronger motors don’t have to work as hard as weaker ones to provide the same output, theoretically stronger motors should last longer.

Well, Sole’s F65 comes with a 3.0 HP motor.

At this strength, I consider this treadmill a solid option for walking, jogging, and fairly regular running.

Serious runners might want to consider a treadmill with a little more horsepower under the hood, but this is still a pretty powerful treadmill.

This model has a top speed of 12 mph, which is pretty normal for any home treadmill, and can reach a top incline of 15%, which is about as high as most treadmill go.

This treadmill also comes with 2.36″ rollers, which is pretty good for a treadmill in this price range.

FYI, the rollers are what allow the belt to glide over the deck as the motor does its thing- they make physical contact with the belt and spin as the belt moves.

Having larger rollers is beneficial because it makes for a smoother feel, while also putting less stress on the belt, the rollers, and even the motor.

Treadmills in this price range usually use rollers in the 1.9″ – 2.25″ range, so at 2.36″, the F65’s are still larger than average.

Overall, this treadmill scores highly in this category too- the motor is strong enough to support comfortable running and the rollers are larger than most in this price range.

sole f65 console
The F65 comes with a 9″ LCD console. Image courtesy of Sole Fitness.


The Sole F65 comes with the following features:

9″ LCD console- the console on this treadmill isn’t particularly advanced or anything, but it’s large enough to see easily during workouts. It can also display all your key metrics at the same time without having to wait for your desired metric to scan across.

10 workout options- these include 6 standard programs (like cardio and fat burn, etc), as well as 2 custom workouts and 2 heart rate guided workouts.

Bluetooth speakers- you can connect your phone or tablet up to the built-in speakers wirelessly to jam out during workouts.

App compatible- you can also use bluetooth to connect to a fitness app and track your data. Sole has their own free app (Sole+) which gives you access to free instructor-led workouts, but you can also connect with other popular options like Fitbit, Apple Health, and MapMyRun.

USB charging port- you can plug your smart devices in and keep them charged during workouts (convenient if you choose to watch Netflix, which can really drain a battery).

Heart rate monitoring- this treadmill comes with grip heart rate monitors, but it’s also compatible with wireless monitors for more accurate readings.

Quick touch speed/incline controls- these buttons allow you to instantly set the speed and/or incline to a predetermined value with the push of a button. Very convenient.

Tablet holder- the tablet holder is located above the console, so you won’t have to worry about blocking your screen when watching your tablet.

Cooling fan- there’s a little fan in the console that can help keep ya cool during workouts.

Water bottle holders- there are places to store items/water bottles on each side of the console. There’s also a little shelf under the console with convenient departments for storing all kinds of things.


The assembly process for the F65 is a very straightforward one and Sole does a nice job making the assembly manual easy to follow.

There’s really not that much that needs to be done to get this treadmill up and running.

The deck comes preassembled, so you’re basically just attaching the uprights and then attaching the console to the uprights. After that, there are just a few covers, etc that need to be screwed on.

Pretty easy stuff.

The trickiest part with putting treadmills like this together is usually the step where you have to connect the wires before attaching the console.

It’s a good idea to have a second person available to hold the console while you make the attachments (or vice-versa) because you’ll have to take care not to pinch any wires during the process.

The last thing you want is to get everything attached just to find something isn’t working from a pinched wire.

Overall, I think most people will be able to get this treadmill assembled on their own without the need for professional assistance. I’d expect to speed 30-60 minutes getting the job done.


Sole backs their F65 with the following warranty:

  • Lifetime frame
  • Lifetime motor
  • 2 year deck/electronics/parts
  • 1 year labor
  • 90 day cosmetic items

I think this is a good warranty for this treadmill considering what other brands are offering.

You can’t beat a lifetime guarantee on the frame and motor, that’s as good as it gets (and most at this price point are only offering 10 years on the frame).

And two years on parts is pretty average, matching what NordicTrack and ProForm offer on their treadmills.

That said, Horizon’s 7.4 AT is in the same price range and it comes with a 5 year parts warranty, so there’s that.

A year on labor is pretty standard operating procedure.

Overall, Sole is known for their long warranties and the guarantee they provide for the F65 is pretty solid for the price range.

The F65 vs The Competition

Sole F65Horizon 7.4 ATProForm Pro 2000
Running Surface22″ x 60″22″ x 60″20″ x 60″
Motor3.0 HP3.5 CHP3.25 CHP
Speed/Incline0.5 – 12 mph
0 – 15%
0.5 – 12 mph
0 – 15%
0.5 – 12 mph
-3 – 12%
Console9″ LCDLCD10″ HD touchscreen
WarrantyLifetime frame/motor
2 year parts
1 year labor
Lifetime frame/motor
5 year parts
2 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
The F65 can hold its own against any treadmill in this price range. Speaking of which, these prices may vary a little throughout the year.

The above table shows how the F65 holds up against Horizon’s 7.4 AT and ProForm’s Pro 2000, both of which are top options in the $1500 price range.

The 7.4 AT comes with a stronger motor and a much better warranty, but Horizon doesn’t have a free fitness streaming app.

ProForm’s Pro 2000 also has a slightly stronger motor and a touchscreen console for iFit, but it comes with a smaller running surface, smaller rollers, and a shorter warranty.

That said, the Pro 2000 is the only treadmill of the 3 that can decline for downhill training.

Overall, I think the F65 is easily one of the best treadmills in this price range.

The F65 vs The F63

Before I finish up here though, I wanna offer a quick comparison to Sole’s own F63 (for a more detailed look, check out my full comparison between the F63 and the F65).

The F63 is usually about $300 cheaper than the F65 and it comes with a lot of the same specs and features.

Like the F65, the F63 also comes with a 3.0HP motor, a max incline of 15%, and all the same console features.

These two treadmills are covered by identical warranties as well.

The only real differences between ’em are the following:

  • The F63 comes with a smaller, 20″ x 60″ running surface
  • The F63 comes with a smaller, 6.5″ LCD console
  • The F63 comes with smaller rear rollers (1.81″ vs 2.36″)
  • The F63 weighs about 40 lb less

Based on these differences, I’d say the smaller width is the most notable – and that said, smaller users might not really notice the 2″ difference.

Certainly something to consider if you’re looking to save a little cash.

Final Thoughts

That about does it for the F65.

There’s really not much to complain about here because this treadmill comes with great performance specs, solid features, and a nice warranty.

And the fact that Sole gives customers free access to their streaming app is a great perk.

As we discussed above, there’s quite a bit of competition in this price range, so it’s a good idea to think about what features are most important to ya.

As mentioned, Horizon’s 7.4 AT comes with a stronger motor and better warranty, but it’s usually a little more expensive and doesn’t come with free streaming access.

And if you’re looking to save a little money, Sole’s own F63 could be a good fit because it has very similar specs and features.

All things considered though, I think the F65 is a great treadmill.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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