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Is NordicTrack’s T 6.5 Si Treadmill A Smart Buy? [A Review]

nordictrack t 6.5 si treadmill review

The T 6.5 Si is one of NordicTrack’s older models and even though it’s been discontinued by the brand, it still offers an interesting mix of specs and features.

Especially for folks interested in getting a streaming treadmill that won’t break the budget.

The most notable highlight of the T 6.5 Si is the 10″ HD touchscreen console that gives you access to all the good stuff iFit has to offer, but its performance specs aren’t bad for a $1k treadmill either.

With a 2.6 CHP motor and a top incline of 10%, it should be able to challenge walkers and joggers alike and NordicTrack’s warranty here isn’t bad either.

The biggest downside I see is that the running surface could be bigger, but I wouldn’t necessarily consider this a dealbreaker.

Overall, if you’re looking for an affordable streaming treadmill, I could see the T 6.5 Si making sense, but before you buy, you need to know what to expect.

And that’s where I can help.

In this review, I’ll go over everything this treadmill has going for it, as well as where it falls a bit short – I’ll also compare it to some of the other treadmills in this price range to see how it stacks up.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not the T 6.5 Si is the right treadmill for your home gym.

NordicTrack’s T 6.5 Si comes with a smaller running surface, but with solid performance specs and a 10″ HD touchscreen, it could still be a smart investment (depending on the price you find it at).

NordicTrack’s T 6.5 Si Treadmill

NordicTrack’s a nice mid-range home fitness brand and when it comes to streaming, their iFit app is easily one of the biggest names in the game.

Actually, I would assume it’s the biggest name in the game, but I don’t have any numbers to back this up.

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, the T 6.5 Si is one of NordicTrack’s older models and the brand doesn’t offer it directly anymore, but you can still find it through other retailers like Amazon.

Honestly, I’m not sure how much longer it’s going to be around – it wouldn’t surprise me if NordicTrack’s entire ‘T-Series’ disappeared soon, but who knows.

And that would be a real shame because these treadmills are easily some of the best buys in the under $1k price range (especially their T 6.5 Treadmill).

The ‘T-Series’ has been replaced with the NordicTrack’s ‘EXP Series’, which are very similar, but a little sleeker looking (and a little more expensive).

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let’s start things off with a rundown on the performance specs and features.

FYI, the price for this treadmill has varied over the years – at one point it was just under $1k, but I’ve seen it more recently for around $1600…


  • 10″ HD touchscreen console
  • iFit compatible
  • 30 days of iFit included
  • Automatic Trainer Control
  • Folding deck
  • 2.6 CHP motor
  • Top speed of 10 mph
  • Top incline of 10%
  • Quick-touch speed/incline buttons
  • 300 lb weight limit
  • FlexSelect Cushioning
  • Bluetooth heart rate strap compatible
  • Good warranty


  • Running surface could be larger
  • Price varies

Running Surface

Personally, I think the size of the running surface is easily one of the most important things to look at for any treadmill.

This spec tells us how much room we’ll have at our disposal during workouts and it gives you a good idea as to how comfortable you’ll be – especially while running.

If you’re a little height challenged, this spec might not be as important, but the taller folks out there will want to pay attention because if the running surface length is too short, you might find yourself having to shorten your stride.

Which is no bueno.

Most respectable home treadmills come with widths in the 20 – 22″ range and lengths in the 55 – 60″ range, but the gold standard has kinda become a size of 20″ x 60″.

At this size, folks of all sizes should be able to run at top speeds without having to shorten their stride.

That said, it’s not uncommon to see smaller running surfaces when looking at more affordable treadmills – after all, there are reasons why these treadmills are more affordable in the first place.

With that said, the T 6.5 Si comes with a running surface of 20″ x 50″.

This is smaller than the 60″ length I like to see, but to be fair, I’m 6’1″.

Smaller runners and walkers, or folks specifically looking for a compact treadmill, will likely be fine with the smaller running surface.

That’s not to say you can’t find larger running surfaces in this price – Horizon’s T202 actually costs less and comes with a larger, 20″ x 60″ running surface… but it’s not a streaming treadmill, so there’s that.

Long-story-short, walkers and joggers should be fine with this sized treadmill, but taller sprinters might want to consider a longer machine.

While we’re here, I also like to look at a treadmill’s assembled weight because I think this spec can give us an idea as to how “heavy-duty” the machine is.

And seeing higher weights is a good thing, because the more a treadmill weighs, the more stable it should feel during workouts.

Well, NordicTrack doesn’t really offer this spec, instead they give us the “in box” weights, which would also include the weight of any packaging.

And according to Amazon, the package weight for T 6.5 Si is around 205 lb.

I’m not sure how much the packaging weighs, but 40 lb or so is a conservative guess.

If I’m in the right ballpark, that would put the actual weight of this treadmill some where around 160 lb, which is pretty average for a treadmill in this price range (Horizon’s T202 mentioned earlier weighs around 187 lb).

Sole’s slightly more expensive F63 comes with an assembled weight of 224 lb, but that’s Sole just being Sole – they pride themselves in making the heaviest-duty equipment in town.

The T 6.5 Si also comes with a max weight limit of 300 lb, which is pretty average for home treadmills in this price range as well.

Overall, the T 6.5 Si comes with a smaller running surface, but it’s heavy-dutiness is adequate given the price range.


Moving on, let’s talk motors.

It’s probably not that hard to agree that having a stronger motor is generally a good thing.

Mostly because stronger motors don’t have to work as hard to provide the same output, which theoretically should make for a smoother feel (and no one wants to hear their treadmill struggling to keep up).

Most home treadmills come with motors somewhere in the 2 – 4 CHP range, but if you’re planning on running a lot, it’s a good idea to choose one that has at least 3 horses under the hood.

You know, for the sake of your workouts (and treadmill).

Anyway, the T 6.5 Si comes with a 2.6 CHP motor that can reach a top speed of 10 mph and a top incline of 10%.

This is a bit under the 3 CHP limit recommended for serious running, so this treadmill might not be the best option for serious runners, but walkers and joggers should do just fine.

Keep in mind, affordable treadmills tend to come with weaker motors.

And even so, the T 6.5 Si is pretty average for this price range.

ProForm’s Carbon T7 and NordicTrack’s EXP 7i both come with 2.6 CHP motors, Horizon’s T202 comes with a 2.75 CHP motor, and Sole’s F63 packs a 3.0 CHP motor.

So, not bad.

It’s also worth looking at the size of the rollers (the parts that the belt physically glide against), although again, more affordable treadmills tend to come with smaller rollers.

FYI, having larger rollers is preferred, not only because they add another layer of overall heavy-dutiness, but because larger rollers tend to offer smoother belt action.

Higher-end treadmills will come with rollers in the 2.5 – 3″ range, while more affordable treadmills usually come with rollers in the 1.6 – 2″ range.

With that in mind the T 6.5 Si comes with 1.9″ rollers, so certainly on the smaller side.

Even so, most users agree this treadmill offers smooth operation for the price.

Overall, this isn’t the best treadmill for serious runners, but its motor and rollers are pretty average for the price range.


10″ HD console- the highlight of this treadmill is the generously-sized, HD touchscreen console found front and center. This touchscreen makes it easy to make all selections and view all stats. And it’s there so you can take advantage of everything iFit has to offer.

iFit- through iFit, you get can access unlimited, instructor-led workouts, scenic runs, metric tracking, and more. You get a 30 day free trial with purchase, but after that it’ll cost ya somewhere around $39/month to keep using it. And yes, you can still use this treadmill without an iFit membership.

Auto-adjust trainer control- this is another feature you get through iFit and it’s a pretty cool one. During your instructor-led workouts, the instructors can automatically adjust your speed and incline settings, so all you have to do is keep up (you can manually change this stuff too, so you’re not completely at the instructors’ mercy).

Quick-touch buttons- these buttons let you instantly set your speed and/or incline, making it really easy to make adjustments during workouts.

FlexSelect Cushioning- this treadmill comes with an adjustable shock absorbing system, allowing you to choose between a softer or firmer deck feel.

Heart rate monitoring- there are built-in grip monitors in the handles, but the T 6.5 Si is also compatible with bluetooth chest strap monitors for more accurate readings (one not included).

Speakers- there are built-in speakers to let you hear your workouts, but you can also hook up headphones via the audio jack.

Water bottle holders- and yes, there’s room to hold 2 water bottles, so hydration shouldn’t be an issue.


If you decide to purchase this treadmill and assemble yourself, the process should be fairly straightforward – although it’s recommended to have a second person around to assist.

After you get it unpacked, you’ll have to attach the uprights to the base, including snaking the cable wires through the right side.

I know from experience that this can be a little more difficult than expected, but be patient and you’ll get it.

After that, you’ll have to attach the handles, the cross bar, and the console itself – and this is where it’s really helpful to have a second person around because it makes connecting the cables and getting it lined up a lot easier.

Once you get the console hooked up, it’s just a matter of connecting a few covers and hooking up the storage latch on the underside (the hydraulic part that makes folding/unfolding easier).

Overall, most folks who are cool with following instructions should be able to get this treadmill assembled with minimal headache.


NordicTrack offers the following home warranty on their T 6.5 Si Treadmill:

  • 10 year frame
  • 2 year parts
  • 1 year labor

This is the same warranty NordicTrack offers on all their treadmills and I think it works a lot better on this one than it does for their $4500 Commercial X32i.

It would be nice to see a lifetime frame guarantee (like Horizon offers), but 10 years is solid for the price.

And 2 years on parts is actually really good for this price range (Horizon only offers 1 year on parts for their T202).

And 1 year on labor is standard stuff across the board.

So yeah, overall I think NordicTrack’s warranty for the T 6.5 Si is pretty good.

Final Features

Ok, I guess that about does it.

All things considered, the T 6.5 Si is a compact treadmill with decent specs for its price range, but it’s the 10″ HD touchscreen that really stands out here.

So if you’re looking for an affordable streaming treadmill, the T 6.5 Si could make a lot of sense.

But as I mentioned earlier, it all boils down to the price being asked.

If you can find this treadmill for anywhere near $1k, as it was once priced, I think it’s a great buy.

Anything over $1200 and it probably doesn’t make any sense.

Mostly because for that price, you can get NordicTrack’s newer, updated models (like their EXP 7i).

When it comes to performance alone, there are better treadmills in this price range, like Horizon’s T202, T303, and 7.0 AT (which comes with a 20″ x 60″ running surface, 3.0 CHP motor, and lifetime frame/motor warranty).

But none of these treadmills come with HD touchscreen consoles.

So, long story short, the T 6.5 Si could be a smart buy, but it all depends on how much the seller’s asking for.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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