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Everything You Should Know About Horizon’s T202 Treadmill [A Review]

horizon t202 treadmill review

The T202 is one of the most affordable treadmills in Horizon’s lineup, but it’s easy to forget that when checking out everything this cardio machine has to offer.

Strong motor, large running surface, durable frame, solid warranty… the list goes on.

At around $800, the T202 comes with better specs and more features than you’d expect from a treadmill in this price range.

But hey, that’s how Horizon rolls.

The biggest downside is likely the simple console that only offers a handful or so of workout programs, but otherwise, it’s hard to find stuff to complain about with this model.

So, long-story-short, I think the T202 is the best $800 treadmill currently on the market.

If you’re looking for the longer story, keep reading.

In this thorough review, we’ll go over all the specs, features, and everything else in between that this impressive treadmill has to offer.

I’ll also offer a side-by-side comparison with some of the other top treadmills in this price range so you can see how it holds up against the competition.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not Horizon’s T202 is the right treadmill for your home gym.

Horizon’s T202 is larger and stronger than most treadmills in its price range, making it a great choice for folks looking for an affordable treadmill that’ll last. That said, its console is a bit lacking in the workouts department.

Horizon’s T202 Treadmill

horizon t202 treadmill
Image courtesy of Horizon.

Non-pretentious and reliable, two words that describe Horizon Fitness perfectly.

Unlike many brands these days, you won’t find a bunch of touchscreen displays and built-in streaming features on Horizon products, but when it comes to durable machines that perform, they’re the best in the biz.

I mean they literally make the heaviest-duty treadmills in their class, but more on that later.

Overall, I’m a huge fan of Horizon as a whole, but it’s their treadmill lineup that really shines.

I’ve personally owned their 7.8 AT for years and it hasn’t missed a beat since we got it (knock on wood).

Anyway, the T202 we’re here to talk about now is their second most affordable model, with their T101 being the only one that costs less.

And as I’m writing this, Horizon’s selling the T202 for $799, making it quite affordable for a home treadmill.


  • 20″ x 60″ running surface
  • 2.75 CHP motor
  • 325 lb weight capacity
  • Top speed of 12 mph
  • Max incline of 12%
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • EasyDial speed/incline controls
  • Cooling fan
  • Quick touch speed/incline buttons
  • USB charging
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Tablet holder
  • Good warranty
  • Great price


  • Limited workout programs
  • Small rollers

Running Surface

I always like to start with a treadmill’s running surface because I think it’s the most important thing to consider when checking out a prospective treadmill.

And just to make sure we’re all talking about the same thing here, the “running surface” refers to the physical dimensions of the belt.

And if you ask me, bigger is always better, regardless of how tall (or not tall) you are.

If a treadmill is too narrow or too short, it’s going to be uncomfortable to run on.

Mostly because if the belt is too short, you’re going to end up shortening your stride during your workouts- especially if you like to run at faster speeds.

And having a narrow belt isn’t quite as big a deal, but it’s still uncomfortable to feel like you’re going to step off the belt if you sway any left or right.

Luckily, the T202 doesn’t have to worry about this because it comes with a 20″ x 60″ running surface.

This is the gold standard when it comes to quality home treadmills and getting this size in this price range is pretty rare.

But with a running surface this large, users of all sizes will be able to run as fast as they like without fear of running out of leg room.

And like all of Horizon’s treadmills, the T202 is designed with their 3-Zone Variable Response cushioning system.

This shock absorbing design element provides more cushion at the front of the deck (where forces are higher during your normal running pattern) and less cushion at the end of the deck where you want a firmer surface to push off of.

The result is a comfortable surface that will help protect your joints from unnecessary stress during your workout.

This treadmill also folds vertically for storage, which is a nice perk if you have limited workout space at home.

And the hydraulic folding system makes it easy for anyone to raise and lower the deck without getting injured.

In terms of size, the T202 is pretty standard, coming with a footprint of roughly 76″ x 34″ (L x W).

What isn’t standard though, is the assembled weight of 187 lb.

This is quite a bit heavier than most in this price range and this is a good thing – heavier treadmills feel more stable during use.

For the sake of comparison, XTERRA’s similarly-priced TRX1400 weighs in at 124 lb… just sayin’.

With this much bulk, the T202 is going to provide a more secure feeling than you’d normally get from a treadmill in this price range.

This extra bulk also allows this treadmill to safely hold users weighing up to 325 lb – a capacity that’s also impressive for such an affordable machine.

Overall, the T202 scores highly with a large running surface, heavy-duty frame, and impressive weight limit.


The motor strength is another key feature to look at when comparing different machines and I doubt you’re surprised to hear that when it comes to motors, stronger is better.

This is because a stronger motor doesn’t have to work as hard as a weaker motor to produce the same output.

Which, theoretically, should prolong the life of the motor as well as make for a smoother ride.

After all, who wants to hear their motor struggling to keep up with them?

Anyway, the T202 comes with a 2.75 CHP motor that’s capable of reaching a top speed of 12 mph.

Personally, I like to see motors 3.0 CHP and higher if serious running is involved, but this one isn’t too far off (and that’s not realistic for this price range anyway).

With a max speed of 12 mph and a max incline of 12%, this treadmill should have enough muscle to challenge users of all skill levels though.

When comparing motors, it’s a good idea to take a look at the roller size too.

FYI, the rollers are the part that make contact with the belt and actually make the belt move along the deck.

And when it comes to rollers, larger is also better because it puts less stress on the motor and provides a smoother motion for the belt.

High-end home treadmills usually come with larger rollers in the 2-3″ range, while more affordable treadmills usually use 1.8″ – 2″ rollers.

With this in mind, the T202 uses 1.8″/1.65″ (46mm/42mm) tapered rollers.

This is a bit small, but it’s in the norm for this price range (ProForm’s Carbon TL uses 1.6″ rollers).

Overall, the rollers could be larger, but the T202 comes with a powerful motor and impressive speed/incline range for the cost.

t202 console
The T202 comes with a 7″ LCD console, as well as 3 LED windows, making it easy to track all metrics during workouts. Image courtesy of Horizon.


The following features come standard on the T202:

7″ LCD console- the screen on the T202 is simple, but it’s brightly-lit and easy enough to read during workouts. It also comes with 3 little LED windows, ensuring you can see all workout stats during use.

5 workout programs- not a ton of workouts to choose from here, just the basics: calorie, distance, manual, time, and weight loss. But if you like to hit manual and start running, this might not be a big deal.

Bluetooth speakers- this is a cool feature not often seen in budget treadmills. You can connect your tablet or phone to the built-in speakers through bluetooth and hear your music or media while you workout.

Bluetooth- the T202 is bluetooth compatible with fitness apps and heart rate monitors. Always a nice feature.

Quick touch buttons- this feature lets you instantly set your incline or speed with the touch of a button. It beats having to tap the up and down buttons feverishly to set your intensity. PS, this comes in handy for interval training.

EasyDial controls- all Horizon treadmills come with this feature now and I love it. These little dials make it fast and easy to adjust the speed and incline. I often find myself using the dials instead of the quick touch buttons.

USB charging port- you can charge your phone/tablet from the console during workouts, so you won’t have to worry about draining your battery.

Built-in device holder- this compartment makes it easy to set up your tablet or phone for use. It’s positions conveniently to work with the charging port.

Cooling fan- the built-in fan will help keep you a little more comfortable during those strenuous workouts.


One of the great things about the T202 is how easy it is to assemble.

Horizon markets that you can have it out of the box and ready to operate in 30 minutes- based on the instruction manual, I think that is a realistic expectation.

There are only a fw steps in the assembly instructions and each step is well organized and displayed clearly.

The images are large enough to see what’s going on and all the hardware is clearly labeled for each step.

All of the necessary wrenches are included, but you will have to supply your own Philip’s head screwdriver.

Overall though, assembly is straightforward and shouldn’t be an issue.


Horizon’s T202 is backed by the following home warranty:

  • Lifetime frame
  • Lifetime motor
  • 1 year parts
  • 1 year labor

For the price, this is a great warranty.

The lifetime guarantee on frame and motor is a sign of a quality machine and 1 year on labor is standard.

It would be nice to see an extra year on parts, but to be fair, 1 year is what most budget brands in these price range will offer.

Overall, for the price range, about as good as it gets.

Horizon’s T202 vs The Competition

Horizon’s T202NordicTrack’s T 6.5 SProForm’s Carbon TLXTERRA’s TRX1400
Running surface20″ x 60″20″ x 55″18″ x 55″18″ x 50″
Motor2.75 CHP2.6 CHP2.25 CHP2.25 HP
Speed/incline0 – 12 mph
0 – 12%
0 – 10 mph
0 – 10%
0 – 10 mph
0 – 10%
0 – 10 mph
0 – 10%
Weight limit325 lb300 lb300 lb265 lb
WarrantyLifetime frame
1 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
1 year parts
1 year labor
Lifetime frame
1 year motor
90 day parts/labor
Horizon’s T202 comes with better performance specs than the competition.

Speaking of the competition, let’s take a look at some of the other treadmills you can get for $800.

The first one that comes to mind is NordicTrack’s T 6.5 S, which usually goes for around $800.

FYI, the T 6.5 S is an older model and isn’t offered through NordicTrack directly anymore, but you can still find in on sites like Amazon.

And it’s still a great machine for the price.

The T 6.5 S comes with a 20″ x 55″ running surface, a 2.6 CHP motor, a top speed of 10 mph, a top incline of 10%, and a 300 lb weight limit.

It’s console is comparable to the T202’s and NordicTrack does offer a 2 year parts warranty, but otherwise the T202 is larger, heavier, and a bit more powerful.

There’s also ProForm’s Carbon TL, which also sells for about $800 (although it’s been out of stock recently, so I’m not sure it’s coming back).

Regardless, the Carbon TL comes with an even smaller 18″ x 55″ running surface, a 2.25 CHP motor, a top speed of 10 mph, and a 10% max incline.

It’s lighter-duty as well and comes with a shorter frame warranty.

Finally, I want to mention XTERRA’s TRX1400, which costs $800 as well.

The TRX1400 is smaller (18″ x 50″), weaker (2.25 HP), and much lighter (weighs 124 lb).

This treadmill has a lot of built-in workouts (24), but it comes with a much shorter warranty too.

Overall, I think NordicTrack’s T 6.5 S is the closest rival to the T202, but I’d say the T202 beats that one out as well.

Horizon’s T202 vs Horizon’s T101

Horizon’s T202Horizon’s T101
Running surface20″ x 60″20″ x 55″
Motor2.75 CHP2.5 CHP
Speed/incline0 – 12 mph
0 – 12%
0 – 10 mph
0- 10%
Console7″ LCD3 LED windows
Weight limit325 lb300 lb
The T202 comes with several performance upgrades over the more affordable T101.

I think the above shows that the T202 can easily hang with any other $800 treadmill out there, but let’s take a quick look to see how it stacks up against Horizon’s own T101.

The T101 is Horizon’s most affordable treadmill and at $650, it’s priced similarly to the T202.

Are the T202’s upgrades worth the additional cost?

You can check out the above stats and decide for yourself, but I’d say most certainly.

The T202 comes with a larger running surface, larger motor, higher top speed/incline, and a higher weight capacity.

It even comes with an upgraded console too.

I think the T101 is a great treadmill for the price, but I think the T202’s upgrades make it a much better deal.

That said, if you’re only planning on walking, it could make sense to save the money and go with the T101.

Final Thoughts

Well, there ya have it.

In a nutshell, Horizon’s T202 is heavier-duty and more powerful than any other $800 treadmill I’ve come across (if you know of a more impressive specimen, please leave a comment below).

This model comes with a strong motor, large running surface, and great speed/incline range for the price.

And like any other Horizon machine, it’s backed with a nice warranty.

The rollers could be bigger and the console doesn’t come with many built-in workouts, but otherwise there’s not much to complain about here.

And as I think the above table illustrates, the T202 puts most other similarly-priced treadmills to shame.

Given the numerous upgrades over the T101, I also think the T202 is the best deal within Horizon’s ‘Go Series’ lineup.

All things considered, I think Horizon’s T202 is easily the best treadmill $800 will get ya. Highly recommended.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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