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The LifeSpan Fitness TR6000i Light-Commercial Treadmill – A Runner’s Dream [A Review]

lifespan fitness tr6000i treadmill review

When discussing high-performing treadmills, LifeSpan Fitness is a brand that often finds their way into the conversation. And with options like their TR6000i Light-Commercial treadmill, it’s easy to see why.

Although labeled as a commercial treadmill, the TR6000i is priced as a home model (and a moderately priced one at that).

The TR6000i is designed to challenge sprinters and athletes at home, with its large running space (22” x 60”), powerful motor (3.5 CHP AC), and 40+ built-in programs.

And with a top speed of 13.5 mph and multiple incline/decline levels to choose from, this treadmill is well equipped to grow with you as your fitness level improves.

If you’re looking for a powerful, well-priced treadmill, the TR6000i is a smart choice.

Before making the decision, you need to be informed about everything this treadmill offers and that’s exactly where this review comes in.

This article will take you to an up-close-and-personal tour of the TR6000i. I’ll show you all its specs and features so you can check if it meets your fitness requirements.

Let’s get started.

The LifeSpan Fitness TR6000i Light-Commercial Treadmill

Ever since LifeSpan Fitness has stepped into the market in 2001, they’ve made a name for themselves by providing exceptional machines and pricing them fairly.

In fact, they’ve produced several award-winning machines like their TR4000i treadmill.

Their machines look ordinary at first glance. They have no particularly striking features or design elements that would draw you to them immediately.

But with an emphasis on function and performance, they’ve gained a stellar reputation in the industry.

LifeSpan Fitness isn’t all about the bells and whistles. They prioritize function over everything else. That’s why if you’re looking for some high-performing units for your home gym, LifeSpan Fitness makes a great choice.

They have all the traditional fitness equipment you’d expect, like treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, and more. They also innovate workplace fitness machines like bike desks and treadmill desks.

LifeSpan Fitness has a catalog of really interesting machines, especially with their Cycle Boxer. It’s a hybrid of an exercise bike and a punching apparatus.

But let’s go back to their TR6000i treadmill.

Unlike many of their other treadmills, this one doesn’t fold. It’s considered a light-commercial machine due to its robust performance and ability to withstand 3 hours of daily average use. 

And with a retail price just over $2000, it falls right in that sweet spot for home treadmills where we usually find the best deals.

Here’s a quick glimpse at what this treadmill has to offer:


  • Large workout area (22″ x 60″)
  • Powerful AC motor (3.5 CHP)
  • Large rollers
  • Top speed 13.5 mph
  • 13 incline levels
  • 3 decline levels
  • 46 built-in workout programs
  • Telemetry heart rate monitoring
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Contact pulse sensors 
  • 350 lb max weight capacity


  • Simple console
  • Residential warranty?

Running Surface

When reviewing treadmills, I feel it necessary to begin with the running surface. It looks like a very simple spec (probably why some shoppers don’t care as much), but it tells a lot about the level of comfort you can get from the machine.

See that operational space you have to walk or run at? Yes, that’s the running surface.

It’s the measurement of how much belt area you have available on your workouts. The dimensions are reported in inches (width x length).

Regardless of your size, a larger running surface is always going to be more comfortable. It feels as if you’re running on a commercial-grade treadmill.

I bet everybody considers commercial treadmills as the benchmark of what they’d like their home unit to feel like. Well, commercial treadmills feel the way they do, in part, due to the larger workout surfaces.

If you’re using a treadmill with a narrow running surface, you might feel like you’re walking on a tightrope (an exaggeration of course, but you know what I mean). If it’s too short, you may find yourself shortening your stride during runs.

Neither is good. 

So how large of a running surface should we look for?

That depends on your height and leg length, but generally speaking, the ideal deck size for home treadmill is at least 20″ x 60″. Users of most heights can comfortably walk or run on treadmills this large without any issues.

The TR6000i has a 22″ x 60″ belt size. It’s a bit wider than our gold standard, which is awesome. The length is great too and should be long enough to accommodate even the taller runners out there. 

Based on this data, I can tell that the TR6000i has a running surface that’s comparable to commercial units. It’s suited for both short and tall users. It can accommodate any routine while giving better comfort and mobility to everyone.

The TR6000i is robust with a frame that can hold users up to 350 lb. It has surpassed the usual weight limit of 300 lb that we see on many home treadmills (although there are many models priced above $2000 with a 400 lb capacity).

A higher weight limit is better as more users can use the machine safely. Higher weight capacities also relate to heavier-duty frames that feel more stable during use.

The TR6000i is good for those with sensitive joints as it has 8 independent compression shocks that reduce compression forces through your joints during use. It also comes with 1” heat-resistant phenolic deck to simulate real-world conditions.

The TR6000i is not a folding treadmill and won’t be an attractive choice for those with smaller homes. It has a dimension of 74.5″ L x 35″ W x 55.5″ H.

But it does have 2 Front-mounted and 2 rear-mounted wheels for easy forward/backward transportation and storage.

If space is an issue, LifeSpan’s TR5500i is worth considering. It folds and has very impressive specs. Just in case you’re interested in electronic folding features, you can check out their TR2000e.

Overall, the TR6000i scores very highly in the running surface department. The frame doesn’t fold, but the running surface is large, heavy-duty, and equipped with a nice shock absorbing system.


Motors are the engines that make your treadmills work. They hold the responsibility for powering the belt during your workouts and making sure you’re enjoying a quiet and smooth belt motion.

They tell us a lot about the performance quality of the treadmill, as well as on how it should be appropriately used.

A stronger motor is usually better as it can reach and maintain higher speeds more efficiently than the weaker ones. Those with high CHP (continuous horsepower) should last longer and operate more smoothly at varying speeds.

Stronger motors are also preferred because they last longer. They don’t exert much effort when running at intense speed for long periods.

Home treadmills motors usually range from 2.0 to 4.0 CHP. If you’re planning on doing light exercises like walking and a little bit of running, you can get away with weaker motors.

Regular runners and pro athletes should shoot for at least a 3.0 CHP motor.

I also want to point out that most home treadmills come with DC motors and most commercial treadmills come with AC motors. AC motors tend to run more efficiently, as well as heat up less, making them great for prolonged use.

Treadmills with AC motors usually cost more (at least $3000 or so), but that isn’t the case here.

The TR6000i comes with a massive 3.5 CHP AC motor under the hood. This is a lot of motor for a treadmill in this price range and is easily strong enough to provide a consistent feel regardless of how fast you’re moving. 

It has enough motor power to reach a max speed of 13.5 mph. This treadmill also comes with 13 levels of incline and 3 levels of decline to play with.

That’s a lot of speed and training options at your disposal. You can reach your training needs by combining the different incline, decline, and multiple speed settings to train for any event that might come up.

I like that the TR6000i comes with decline settings because you can practice running downhill. You can condition yourself for any race, hike, or trail activity.

When it comes to rollers, this treadmill also scores highly. It comes with 3″ rollers in the front and 2″ rollers in the back. It would be nice to see 3″ rollers all around, but this is still pretty good.

In case you’re wondering, the rollers are what actually propel the belt down the deck. Larger is better because it results in less stress for the motor, the belt, and the rollers themselves.

The TR6000i has huge rollers compared to the standard 1.9″ we see on many home treadmills.

Overall, the TR6000i has one of the most powerful AC motors you’re going to find on a home treadmill. Seasoned runners will likely appreciate the faster than normal top speed as well as all the incline levels it comes with. 


The TR6000i comes with the following features:

6” LCD: Its display is average, and I was expecting a touchscreen LCD at this price point. But its multi-color display is nice to look at. It offers simultaneous readouts for time, calories, distance, steps, heart rate, speed, incline level, pace, and elevation change. 

46 onboard programs: Training programs include weight loss, healthy living, and performance training. 

Rockport Fitness Test: It’s designed by exercise physiologists and shows your fitness level by timing a 1-mile walk. This makes a great tool to gauge yourself if you’re new to exercising.

Navy Fitness Test: It’s a timed 1.5-mile run that’s used by the Navy (together with push-ups and sit-ups) to determine your fitness level.

Intelli-Step™: It works like a pedometer that automatically counts your steps.

Intelli-Key™: This feature simplifies the console operation with sequential button illumination. It prompts you through program selection and setup.

Intelli-Guard™: It’s a safety feature that automatically pauses the belt 20 seconds after you step off the treadmill deck.

Bluetooth: You can connect your music or podcast to the TR6000i wirelessly to boost your motivation.

USB Plus: You can charge your mobile devices or transfer the fitness data to your gadget.

Contact pulse sensors: You can enjoy real-time cardio readings by gripping the contact pulse sensors located on its handlebars. You can also use the included chest strap to monitor your readings without having to grab the contact sensors.

Media holder: There’s a ledge in front of the LCD where you can put your phone or tablet. But doing so can instantly block your console display. 


Putting the TR6000i together should be straightforward. It comes with an assembly manual that’s well-organized and easy to read.

There are images together with every written instruction. They’re also easy to see so you don’t have to end up guessing where stuff goes.

The TR6000i weighs 242.5 lb so it makes sense having a second person around when unpacking or moving your treadmill.

Once you’ve put it at its designated spot, the assembly isn’t that bad. It comes mostly preassembled and you only have to attach the console and covers and tighten the screws.

You should be done in an hour or so.


LifeSpan Fitness protects their T6000i with the following warranties:

  • Frame: 5 Years
  • Motor: 5 Years
  • Parts: 1 Year
  • Labor: 1 Year

If this seems short, it’s because this is their commercial warranty. Commercial warranties are always shorter than the residential guarantees we see.

Oddly enough, LifeSpan doesn’t report a residential warranty for this model. Most commercial grade machines that are marketed for home use usually come with both (like Sole’s TT9).

Considering their lower-end models come with lifetime frame warranties, it would be safe to bet that LifeSpan would recognize a lifetime guarantee on the frame for residential use, but I’d reach out to LifeSpan to make sure first.

Overall, I’m disappointed by the warranty offering of the TR6000i. The commercial warranty is fine, but a residential warranty should also be included.

Final Thoughts

Even though this treadmill is considered a light-commercial unit, it’s priced competitively as a home model.

And as home models go, this is one of the most powerful ones you’re going to find.

With a 3.5 CHP AC motor and a 22″ x 60″ deck, the TR6000i is a perfect choice for runners. It’s big enough and powerful enough to support the most strenuous workouts you can throw at it.

It’s also capable of hitting a 13.5 mph top speed, which few home treadmills can do.

My biggest complaint would be that LifeSpan doesn’t advertise a residential warranty for it (although I’m guessing they’d honor a lifetime guarantee on the frame).

Either way, I think the TR6000i is a great choice for folks looking for a powerful treadmill. Just make sure you have the floor space, this bad boy doesn’t fold.


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