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NordicTrack’s New EXP 7i Treadmill – Affordable And Full Of Features [A Review]

nordictrack exp 7i treadmill review

The New EXP 7i is the updated version of the older model of the same name, but it’s still one of NordicTrack’s budget-friendlier models.

But with a tilting HD touchscreen, this affordable treadmill is still as iFit ready as any other NordicTrack treadmill.

The fact that a treadmill in this price range comes with an HD touchscreen console is pretty remarkable in its own right, but the EXP 7i comes with some respectable performance specs too.

With a 20″ x 55″ running surface and 2.6 CHP motor, the EXP 7i certainly isn’t the largest or strongest treadmill out there, but it’s still capable of offering a legit workout.

But if we’re being honest with ourselves, I bet it’s all the streaming workout possibilities that really grab your attention.

All things considered, the EXP 7i isn’t the heaviest-duty treadmill in this price range, but when it comes to streaming features, it’s going to be hard to find a better option in this price range.

But before you decide, you need to know what this treadmill is all about – and that’s where I can help.

In this review, I’ll go over all the specs and features this treadmill has to offer, but I’ll also compare it to some of the other top options this price range to see how it stacks up.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not the New EXP 7i is the right treadmill for your home gym.

NordicTrack’s New EXP 7i isn’t the heaviest-duty treadmill, but when it comes to console features and streaming workouts, it’s easily one of the best options in the $1300 price range.

NordicTrack’s New EXP 7i Folding Treadmill

nordictrack new exp 7i treadmill
Image courtesy of NordicTrack

NordicTrack has a pretty large lineup of cardio machines to choose from and they’re all compatible with iFit these days.

There must be big bucks in workout streaming because all home brands seem to be trying to get in on it now.

But I’m not sure any brand has dove into streaming as aggressively as NordicTrack.

So, if you’re looking for a streaming fitness machine, NordicTrack is definitely a brand worth considering.

When it comes to treadmills, they have several models to choose from in their current lineup, including a few older models that are still floating around out there.

The New EXP 7i we’re here to discuss now is the entry level model in their “EXP” series (which is NordicTrack’s most budget-friendly lineup).

FYI, this newer edition of the EXP 7i has replaced the older version and it does come with different specs – so if you’re buying through a seller other than NordicTrack, make sure you know which model you’re getting.

Anyway, at the time of writing this, the EXP 7i is selling for around $1299, making it quite affordable as home treadmills go.


  • 7″ HD touchscreen console
  • 2.6 CHP motor
  • 20″ x 55″ running surface
  • Folding frame
  • 300 lb weight limit
  • iFit ready
  • Access to unlimited workouts (iFit)
  • Automatic Trainer Control (iFit)
  • Scenic routes (iFit)
  • FlexSelect cushioning system
  • Bluetooth compatible
  • One touch speed/incline buttons
  • Cooling fan
  • Decent warranty


  • Running surface could be larger
  • Motor could be a little stronger
  • Frame could be heavier-duty

Running Surface

I like to start my treadmill reviews with a rundown on the running surface and frame and I do this because I think this is one of the most important aspects to consider for any treadmill.

This spec tells us exactly how much room we’ll have during workouts and the fact is, if a treadmill is too small, it isn’t going to be very comfortable to use.

And if it isn’t comfortable, it doesn’t matter how many cool streaming features it has – odds are you won’t be using it for long.

Anyway, with a running surface of 20″ x 55″, the EXP 7i isn’t the largest treadmill in this price range, but it’s still big enough to comfortably accommodate most users.

With a 55″ length, runners of most heights will be able to stretch out fully at faster speeds without having to worry about running out of belt.

That said, if you’re especially tall, you might want to go with a treadmill with a longer, 60″ length.

And with a width of 20″, you’ll also have plenty of wiggle room from side to side, so you won’t feel like you’re running on a tightrope either.

Some quality treadmills are coming with even more spacious, 22″ widths, but this isn’t the norm in this price range.

So, 20″ x 55″ isn’t bad, but there are larger treadmills in this price range – like Horizon’s 7.0 AT, which comes with a 20″ x 60″ running surface.


When it comes to the frame itself, the EXP 7i is a folding treadmill, so you can easily fold the deck up vertically to get it out of the way when not in use.

This is especially helpful for smaller workout areas or when you might be sharing your home gym area for other uses.

And with a footprint of roughly 71″ x 35″, the EXP 7i is a few inches shorter than some of the other comps in this price range (mostly due to the shorter deck).

I also like to look at assembled weights though, because this spec can give you a good idea as to how heavy-duty or robust you can expect the treadmill to feel.

With the expectation that heavier treadmills should feel more stable and secure than lighter ones.

That said, NordicTrack doesn’t exactly disclose the assembled weights for their products – instead, they provide us with the “in box” weights, which also include the weight of any packaging.

I’m not sure how much the packaging for this treadmill weighs, but I think subtracting 20 – 30 lb is a nice, conservative amount.

So, the EXP 7i comes with an in box weight of 228 lb – if we subtract 20 – 30 lb, that leaves us with an estimated assembled weight of somewhere around 200 lb (give or take).

As home treadmills in this price range go, that isn’t bad, but there are certainly heavier-duty options out there.

Like Sole’s F63, which comes with an assembled weight of 224 lb, or the 7.0 AT just mentioned that weighs around 277 lb.

At roughly 200 lb though, the EXP 7i should still be able to provide a secure feel.

Like most of NordicTrack’s treadmills, the EXP7i also comes with their Runner’s Flex cushioning system that most agree offers a pretty comfy running experience.

Finally, I want to mention that this treadmill comes with a weight capacity of 300 lb, which isn’t bad, but again, the treadmills mentioned above both come with higher limits.

A 300 lb weight limit is pretty standard though, and certainly high enough to accommodate most users.

Overall, the EXP 7i definitely isn’t the heaviest-duty treadmill in this price range, but it does come with a decent running surface that’ll fit most runners comfortably.

nordictrack exp7i treadmill folded
The EXP 7i folds for easy storage after workouts. Image courtesy of NordicTrack.


Having a strong motor is a good thing because it’ll make your belt action feel smoother, especially when jogging or running at faster speeds.

And that’s because a stronger motor won’t have to work quite as hard to provide the same output as a weaker one.

For example, a 2.0 HP motor and a 3.0 HP motor might have the same top speed of 12 mph, but the 3.0 HP motor will likely feel a lot smoother at that top speed than the 2.0 HP motor.

It’ll likely be a little quieter too.

Something else to consider is that stronger motors can reach those faster speeds faster than weaker motors – in other words, they have better acceleration.

This might not make much difference to walkers and joggers, but it may come in especially handy when doing interval style workouts where you’re switching between speeds often.

Anyway, with a 2.6 CHP motor, the EXP 7i isn’t the strongest treadmill in this price range, but it isn’t bad.

For example, both of the treadmills mentioned above from Sole and Horizon both offer 3.0 HP motors, so there’s more power out there for this price.

But let’s be real, neither of those treadmills comes with a touchscreen and Automatic Trainer Control.

Regardless, the EXP 7i is strong enough to support jogging and moderate running and with a top speed of 10 mph, it can also challenge walkers and runners of most skill levels.

This treadmill can also reach a max incline of 12% for even more workout variety (no decline functions though, if you want those you’ll have to upgrade to NordicTrack’s New Commercial 1250).

So, again, in terms of motor strength, the EXP 7i isn’t the strongest treadmill out there, but it’s got enough power to get the job done for most folks.

Its rollers, however, are pretty average-sized for this price.

FYI, the rollers are what the belt glides across and having larger rollers is always a good thing because they make for added durability and provide a smoother overall feel.

With 1.9″ rollers, the EXP 7i scores in line with what most other top treadmills in this price range are offering (1.8″ – 2″).

More expensive treadmills tend to come with larger rollers, however NordicTrack tends to use 1.9″ rollers on all their treadmills.

exp 7i console
The EXP 7i comes with a 7″ HD touchscreen console. Image courtesy of NordicTrack.


The NordicTrack EXP 7i Treadmill comes with the following included features:

7″ HD touchscreen console- the star of the show here is the 7″ touchscreen display that pairs perfectly with iFit and all their streaming workouts. 7″ is certainly small compared to some of the colossal consoles found on their other treadmills, but it’s still large enough to see your workouts clearly. And the fact that you get any touchscreen console in this price range is impressive.

iFit- this is NordicTrack’s (and ProForm’s) streaming platform and with it you get access to unlimited instructor-led workouts, metric tracking, scenic routes, and all that good stuff. You get a 30 day free trial with purchase then it’ll cost ya $39/month from then on.

Automatic Trainer Control- this feature allows the treadmill to automatically set its speed and incline settings to match what the instructors are instructing during your workouts. It’s a cool feature, but you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.

Bluetooth- the console on this treadmill is bluetooth compatible with headphones and heart rate straps.

One Touch controls- you can also set the speed and/or incline settings rapidly with the push of one of these convenient console buttons.

Cooling fan- there’s a built-in fan to help keep ya more comfortable during workouts.

Storage tray- there’s a tray under the console, giving you a place to store all kinds of small things, like remotes, phones, toys, pagers (if anyone actually still has one of these).

Water bottle holders- and yes, there’s even a place to hold your beverages.

nordictrack new exp 7i console
Image courtesy of NordicTrack.


Putting the EXP 7i together is pretty standard stuff.

Like all treadmills, you have to attach each upright to the base and take care not to pinch the console cables when snaking them up through the right upright.

Then, you’ll have to attach the handles, the cross bar, the console, and a few covers.

This is all pretty straightforward stuff and NordicTrack’s assembly manual is easy enough to follow during this entire process.

The only thing that’s maybe a little out of the ordinary, is that you have to attach the storage latch on the underside of the deck – a lot of treadmills come with this step already completed, but NordicTrack has you do it yourself.

Not a huge deal.

Overall, if you’re at least a little bit handy, you shouldn’t have any problems getting the EXP 7i assembled yourself.

It’s a good idea to have a second person around to assist though, especially when it comes time to attach the console.


NordicTrack backs their EXP 7i with the following home warranty:

  • 10 year frame
  • 2 year parts
  • 1 year labor

This is NordicTrack’s standard warranty they use on pretty much all their products these days and I think it works fairly well for the EXP 7i.

I like to see a lifetime frame warranty, but 10 years isn’t bad for a treadmill in this price range.

Two years on parts is also pretty solid, considering most brands in this price range offer somewhere between 1-3 years.

And a year on labor is standard operating procedure, nothing too special there.

Overall, NordicTrack’s warranty on this treadmill isn’t bad – certainly not the best, but not the worst either.

NordicTrack’s EXP 7i vs The Competition

NordicTrack EXP 7iSole F65BowFlex BXT8JProForm Trainer 14.0
Running surface20″ x 55″22″ x 60″20″ x 60″20″ x 60″
Motor2.6 CHP
0 – 10 mph
0 – 12% incline
3.0 CHP
0 – 12 mph
0 – 15 incline
2.5 CHP
0 – 12 mph
0 – 15% incline
3.0 CHP
0 – 12 mph
0 – 12% incline
Frame~200 lb weight
300 lb limit
267 lb weight
325 lb limit
254 lb weight
300 lb limit
~200 lb weight
300 lb limit
Console7″ HD touchscreen9″ LCD7″ LCD14″ touchscreen
Warranty10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
Lifetime frame/motor
2 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
3 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
The EXP 7i and a few of its top competitors.

Let’s take a closer look at a few of the other treadmills in this price range.

The first that comes to mind is Sole’s F65, which costs a bit more at around $1500.

The F65 comes with a 22″ x 60″ running surface, a 3.0 HP motor, a top speed of 12 mph, and a top incline of 15%.

It’s also a lot heavier, comes with a higher weight limit, and is backed by a longer warranty.

sole f65 treadmill review

The F65’s console, however, is not a touchscreen – not even close.

It’s a simple LCD screen that comes with a few built-in workout programs. Now it’s compatible with Sole+, Sole’s free streaming platform, but you’d have to connect your own phone/tablet to watch the workouts.

There’s also BowFlex’s BXT8J, which usually costs right at $1300.

bowflex bxt8j treadmill

The BXT8J comes with a larger running surface and a heavier-duty frame, but the motor strength is actually just a hair weaker.

This treadmill can also reach a faster top speed of 12 mph and a higher power incline of 12% and BowFlex does offer an additional year on parts here.

And even though this treadmill’s console isn’t bad (26 built-in workouts, bluetooth compatibility with apps, heart rate monitor included), it still isn’t an HD touchscreen.

It’s not easy to find other touchscreen treadmills in this price range, but there is ProForm’s Trainer 14.0.

You can get this treadmill for free with a 3 year iFit commitment (or purchase outright for ~$1400) and it comes with a 14″ touchscreen console.

It also comes with a larger, 20″ x 60″ running surface, a 3.0 CHP motor, and a top speed/incline of 12 mph/12%, respectively.

proform trainer 14.0

It’s also backed by the same warranty NordicTrack offers.

So, if you’re looking for a streaming treadmill in this price range, I’d definitely take a close look at the Trainer 14.0.

NordicTrack’s EXP 7i vs The EXP 10i

NordicTrack’s EXP 7iNordicTrack’s EXP 10i
Running surface20″ x 55″20″ x 55″
Motor2.6 CHP
0 – 10 mph
0 – 12% incline
2.75 CHP motor
0 – 10 mph
0- 12% incline
Frame~200 lb weight
300 lb limit
~200 lb weight
300 lb limit
Console7″ HD touchscreen10″ HD touchscreen
Warranty10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
The EXP 10i comes with a larger console and a slightly stronger motor, but otherwise these treadmills are pretty identical.

The last treadmill I want to mention is NordicTrack’s own EXP 10i.

The 10i usually costs around $200 more than the 7i and even though it does technically come with a stronger motor, I’m not sure that’s enough difference to make any noticeable performance improvement.

But hey, stronger is stronger.

The only real big difference though, is that the EXP 10i comes with a larger, 10″ HD touchscreen.

Otherwise, both treadmills come with the same speed/incline settings, the same size frame, the same warranty, and all the same iFit streaming features.

So if you’re looking for a larger screen, the EXP 10i might be worth the extra cash – but again, I’d take a look at ProForm’s Trainer 14.0.

Final Thoughts

Ok, there ya have it.

I think the EXP 7i offers a solid combination of performance specs and console features for this price range.

True, there are certainly heavier-duty treadmills with bigger decks, stronger motors, and longer warranties in this price range, but none of these other comps come with an HD touchscreen console with streaming capabilities.

And they don’t offer the Automatic Trainer Control feature either.

That said, if you’re looking to go the affordable streaming route, I’d definitely compare prices with ProForm’s Trainer 14.0 while it lasts.

I mean it’s bigger, more powerful, and comes with a larger console.

Overall though, if you’re looking for an affordable streaming treadmill in this price range, I think NordicTrack’s New EXP 7i is easily one of the best options out there.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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