At its core, the X3 Complete Home Gym System (aka, the X3 Bar) is a resistance band set with a couple of extra included accessories.
But based on the X3’s claims, you might think it was some new fitness technology posed to take the market by storm.
I don’t want to burst any bubbles, but I think that’s just marketers doing what marketers do.
That said, if you’re looking for a legit resistance band set that can offer some crazy amount of resistances, the X3 could still be worth investing in.
In this review, I’ll go over everything the X3 has to offer – I’ll also offer my 2 cents on some of the claims this product has been making.
After reading, I think you’ll have a better idea as to whether or not this gym system is worth investing in.
Because after all, when it comes to home fitness products, there are a ton of fish in the sea, if you know what I mean.
What Is The X3 Complete Home Gym System?

Also known as the X3 Pro Bar, this product is designed to be a portable home gym system. It consists of a steel bar, 4 resistance bands, and a foot plate.
At first glance, this doesn’t sound particularly interesting or different from any of the other portable resistance band-based home gyms.
One thing that definitely sets the X3 apart is the price, but we’ll get back to that later.
Before we get too far, I want to discuss it’s creator, Dr. John Jaquish.
Dr. Jaquish has a PhD in biomedical engineering and first came on the scene when he developed a device to help reverse osteoporosis by improving bone density- with helping his mother being his prime motivation.
He’s still apparently pretty involved with the field, traveling and speaking to groups regarding bone health and ways fitness machines can be used to treat osteoporosis.
His company, Jaquish Biomedical, continues to produce these devices, but seems to have focused more on their home gym products recently.
The marketing for the X3 system spends a lot of time discussing variable resistance training and all of its benefits. Simply put, variable resistance training is any condition where the resistance changes throughout the movement of an exercise.
For example, when using a resistance band, the resistance increases as the band is stretched (and decreases as the band returns back to its normal length).
Lots of fitness products use a similar system- any system using a resistance bands really (Bowflex and their power rods do too).
You will also find variable resistance training applied in commercial gyms when you see someone bench pressing or squatting with a barbell and resistance bands (or chains) attached to the barbell.
The X3 is a pretty simple system- as mentioned above, it’s a bar and 4 bands. The devil is in the details though:
The Bar
The included bar is made out of steel and chrome plated.
It’s designed to hold over 500 lb worth of force, which will make more sense when we discuss the resistance bands.
It has a hook on each end to attach the bands to and there are ball bearings inside each end (where the hook is) that allows the bar to rotate while keeping the band’s orientation consistent- this makes sure the bands don’t twist or get kinked during use.
Users agree the bar is impressive and well designed to hold a lot of weight. T
hey liken it to the feel of holding a barbell, which is a definite step-up from some of the plastic and more flimsy bars on the market.
And just the fact that it comes with a bar in the first place is nice because a lot of resistance band sets don’t.
The Bands
The 4 resistance bands that come with the X3 are heavy duty and designed to provide more resistance than most of the bands you’ve probably come across.
They are custom made from a double layer of extra-thick latex specifically for the X3.
The 4 included bands come in the following resistances (recalling that with bands the resistance isn’t constant, that’s why each has a range):
- Super light-weight: 15 – 50 lbs
- Light-weight: 25 – 80 lbs
- Middle-weight: 50 – 120 lbs
- Heavy-weight: 60 – 150 lbs
You can also “double over” a band to double the resistance (the light-weight band then becomes up to 160 lbs) and combine bands to fine tune the resistance felt depending on the exercise.
There’s also an “elite” band that can be purchased separately- it provides 200-300 lb of resistance and even up to 500 lb when doubled over.
What really jumps out to me is how much resistance these bands are capable of providing.
The bands developed for the X3 provide a lot more resistance than the resistance tubes currently hanging on my attic door- I think my HEAVIEST tube offers 50-75 lb of resistance.
These X3 bands remind me more of the type of bands used to add a variable resistance training aspect to power lifting moves, or that are used for pull up assistance.
The Footplate
The footplate is a nice touch, because one thing that sucks about resistance bands is having to stand on them.
Well, the included footplate should certainly make that task more comfortable.
The current, steel alloy plate is an upgraded version of their older, polyethylene plate, but it still has a notched out area on the bottom designed to keep the band in place.
Using the footplate should make exercises like biceps curls and shoulder presses more comfortable, and especially deadlifts.
This plate is also designed to withstand over 600 lb of force, so it should be able to keep up with the extra strong resistance bands.
The Exercises
The X3 Home Gym System also comes with a 12-week online training program to help you make the most of your new product.
Each week consists of 2 different workouts, each performed 2x (one workout on Monday and Thursday, the other on Tuesday and Friday for a total of 4 workouts per week).
Each workout only consists of 4 exercises and each exercise only consists of one set…to failure.
This is probably a different way of exercising for most of you, but keep in mind you can make up your own workouts too.
You don’t have to follow their online program if you don’t want to.
Personally, I find it hard to believe that moderate to experienced weight lifters are going to be happy with a single set of each exercise, whether it’s to failure or not.
But again, nobody is forcing you to follow the online workouts.
With some imagination, you can probably come with more exercises, but the ones used in the workouts consist primarily of stuff like: chest press, front squats, deadlifts, tricep extensions, bicep curls, shoulder press, and rows.
The online program also includes nutrition tips to help you lose weight and gain muscle.
The tips vary from week to week and are supposed to be progressive. Dr. Jaquish spends a lot of time talking about ways to cut out sugar.
The Warranty
The X3 Home Gym System comes with the following warranty:
- 5 year bar/foot plate
- 1 year bands
- 1 year carry case
All things considered, I think this is a pretty fair warranty on this product and it’s a lot better than the simple 30-day money back guarantee they used to offer.
It would be nice (and great for marketing) to see a lifetime warranty on the bar, but that’s probably a little unrealistic.
And a year on the bands is pretty fair- no matter how heavy-duty they are, all resistance bands will eventually break down over time.
Overall, I think this is a pretty good warranty for the X3.
The Price
Speaking of price, the X3 bar system isn’t cheap.
The actual price will vary a little depending on promotions and sales, but the regular price for this system (which includes the bar, the plate, and 4 bands) is around $500.
For a resistance band system, this a steep asking price.
That said, the X3 is a lot heavier duty than most resistance bands on the market.
Actually, I’ll be honest and say I’ve never seen resistance bands that can offer more resistance than these. The bar is high-quality too- heavier duty than most of the competition, so there’s that.
And the heavier-duty a band is, the more expensive it is.
For the sake of comparison, Rogue’s Monster bands, which can go up to 200 lb worth of resistance, cost upwards of $50 – 60 per band (depending on resistance).
So, let’s be generous and say the X3 bands themselves are worth $150 – that means the X3 bar and footplate are going for $350 – $400.
Again, sounds kinda pricey.
The Claims
I mentioned in my intro that the marketing for the X3 made some pretty astounding claims. Here are a few of the claims found on the X3 website:
- Gain muscle 3x faster than conventional weight lifting- they are quoting a study performed on college athletes that showed combining elastic resistance with free weights improved strength faster than with free weights alone. This is true based on the findings from this study performed on elite athletes, but the problem I have with it is that the elastic resistance in this case was added to the traditional free weights (barbells). The X3 doesn’t use free weights at all, it is purely elastic. It’s a real stretch (pun intended) to apply these findings to the X3 system.
- X3 will help you produce more growth hormone and testosterone- this is based on a study that showed variable resistance exercises increased the levels of testosterone, growth hormone, and cortisol more so than a constant resistance set up. Again, my only problem is that in the study it sounds like they are adding elastic bands to a barbell set up, which is different than the X3.
- All you need is 10 min/day and no cardio- the creators of the X3 tell us that we only have to workout 10 min a day with this product to lose weight and triple our strength. There’s no research behind the 10 min claim and although it’s obviously better than no strength training, for moderate to experienced lifters I doubt it’ll suffice. The website doesn’t explicitly say that you shouldn’t do cardio, but it does sell t-shirts with the motto: “No weights, no cardio, just X3”. I think cardio is just as (if not more so) important than strength training for overall health, but to each their own.
Final Thoughts
Although their website spends a lot of time trying to sell us on how state-of-the-art this product is, to me it’s just a quality resistance band system.
Nothing more, nothing less.
All the talk about how the X3 is state-of-the-art variable resistance training at its best is just that- talk.
It’s good marketing and it’s got us talking about it, but I don’t think it means much.
And I can’t buy into the research they quote because the training methods in those experiments where different than the X3 system.
I actually wish they would back off a little with all these claims because I think the X3 Home Gym System itself is actually a really nice product.
It’s a portable resistance band set designed for heavy lifting and the bar and bands are awesome.
The price is high, but if it can prevent you from having to pay a gym membership or purchase a larger home gym it may be worth it.
Especially if you can get it on sale.
This product works. I’m a regular guy and can say first hand there is no other product or system that works as well as this that I’ve seen or tried. Have I tried them all, no, but most of them! ALSO, this article is misleading in that attaching resistance bands to bar bells is NOT what this is about. If you use this product as its intended, you WILL see more gains than if you lifted weights and joined a gym. I can absolutely say this as I am someone who bought this product and can show the results.
Great to hear that you’ve had such great results with the X3, thanks for sharing!
Iwant to order a x-3 gym with the orange band,how do ido that ? Also can i phone my order in ? What is your phone number?
You can order directly through their website. I’m not sure if you can order via phone or not, but that info would also be on their website.
Will, have you actually used the product? Based on the way you phrase some comments in your review, it leads the reader to believe that you are simply making objective observations about the product. You are making fair points. I am just interested if your review is based on actually using the product to see for yourself.
Hi Andy, fair question- no, I haven’t used the X3. My observations are based on the specs and comparisons to other similar products.
I just checked the X3 website, and it looks like they are including a warranty now. One year on bands and carry case and five years on bar and foot plate.
Oh awesome, that’s much better. Thanks for sharing, I’ll update the review.
Ive been using the X3 for 1 month, I have not worked out in any meaningful fashion in over 8 years and wanted something i could use at home easily and quickly. It takes a little getting used to doing the workouts properly, but once you get the form down it really does work you pretty good, I definitely feel it the next day. As for results, i have noticed some muscle growth as well as leaning out my arms and chest, the biggest change has been with overall strength, Ive already “graduated” all my workouts to the next heavier bands and I can almost do as many reps, I use it 6 times a week now alternating the workouts as recommended with a rest day. I absolutely feel stronger and more stable since the bands really help with the stability muscle groups. It is expensive, but i have not felt cheated or regretful of my purchase at all, just like anything, it works if you put in the work. I dont know yet if im getting “3x” the gains i would if i was in the gym 6 times a week, i have to assume probably not, BUT thats not to say i havent seen and felt a difference. I would argue using this system in addition to free weights would probably accelerate gains and strength very quickly. I do like that the workouts dont leave my muscles shaky and really sore the next day like weights can, but I still can feel in my arms and legs that it is working.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the X3, I’m glad you’re making gains and enjoying using it on a regular basis. Keep up the good work!
Do you have a distributor in South Africa
I don’t sell the X3, you’d have to contact X3 directly for that info.
HI, There’s a similar product as good as this but more affordable?
Best Regards,
Melvin Ramos
If you’re looking for a more affordable alternative, you should check out the Gorilla Bow– similar idea, but not quite as heavy-duty (or nearly as expensive).
There’s something that doesn’t quite make sense with what you wrote. You said that the issue with the studies, was that they “added resistance bands to a barbell, which is different than X3”. How is that different than X3? The X3 uses a barbell, albeit a little bit of a shorter barbell, but a barbell nonetheless. So how is that not almost exactly the same thing as the study? Unless you meant to imply that resistence bands were added to a WEIGHTED barbell, which is not what the study had.
Yeah, I see what you mean, a bit confusing. What I’m trying to say is that in the study they were using barbells that were loaded with plates to begin with before they added the elastic component to it. So, their experiment group was getting the benefit of the tradition weight training plus the elastic factor. I get what you’re saying about the X3 bar being a barbell, but it isn’t loaded with any plates- all of the resistance is coming from the elastic bands.
The return period is now 30 days.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ve updated that section of the review.
I have been using X-3 for 6 months. I’m in good shape for 76 years old and getting better by the week. One truly excellent piece of X-3 is the Facebook group. Beginners and experts share videos that are very helpful in mastering the techniques. I will say this about the 10 minute workout: maybe when I was a 20 year old Marine I could do it in 10 minutes. Now I sit down after each exercise and catch my breath. I workout nearly everyday and do 6 exercises a workout, varying between push day and pull day. It keeps me in shape for my true passion of freedive spearfishing. Whatever form of exercise you choose, never stop doing it.
Thanks for the input Jeff, sounds great man. Excellent tip with the Facebook group. Freedive spearfishing…awesome!
Hi Jeff, very interesting if you are gaining muscle with this system. Thanks for your feedback.
People with exceptional genetics can work out every day with no issues and you appear to be one of them Jeff. Ive been in muscle sciences for 26 years and people really need down time to profit from the workouts. Growth and repair need time! NOT working out is important or you just overload the muscles leading to damage.
When we steer our gym addicts away from everyday activity they recover from the reasons they came to see us, pain, stiffness and loss of range of motion, get out of the state of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness which is an inflammatory state) and go much further in their gains in a shorter time frame.
4 days is the MAX for working out to get to and maintain peak performance. More than that is overload and time wasting.
Cardio always before resistance (3-5 minutes of a blood pump into the muscles)
Rotate the resistance workouts between:
endurance:(high reps low weight)
strength ( regular weight that struggles at 3rd set)
power lifting. (Maximum weight that exhausts by 10 reps)
It doesn’t matter which system you use..
STRETCH!!!!! This restores the myotatic unit to its optimal length and as such keeps the muscle stronger by increased blood flow to the base muscle unit. Not stretching lessens blood and lymph flow. Low recovery.
Thanks for the great info and I certainly agree with how important stretching is. I know most of us don’t spend nearly as much time as we should with stretching regularly (myself included).
I’ve read some exercises are uncomfortable. Could the chest press be performed lying down on the foot plate to avoid this?
Yeah, there’s not a great way to do chest press with the X3. You could try lying on foot plate, but I’m not sure that would be any more comfortable.
Chest press and tricep press are quite difficult if you are not already a large person. “Doubling up” the band means two strips of bands dangling on your back. Bands are one size only, if you are not the size of the people shown in ads you may not be the right size and never feel like getting full resistance. First foray into bands? This is a lot of money given what it out there in the band market. 10 mins a day? No. I mean maybe you will feel muscle exhaustion if you can perform these to 100% perfection- but doing that is much harder than it appears in the videos. By harder I mean awkward to control.
Thanks for the input Peter, much appreciated.
Good product. I’ve grown up with an athletic background: football, CrossFit, track field, martial arts, MMA, cheer-leading, and training for the Navy. I’m no stranger to the gym and movement culture paradigms that are out there. This product does what it says and as long you’re clear headed about your goals and understand where this product sits in the marketplace then you’re golden.
I got this Sept 2019 started working out with this and Orange Theory and signed up for Anytime fitness membership. But I have been using this exclusively (not by choice of course) since quarantine began and to this day (late may 2020) I have only continuing to get gains and improving my fitness levels. Honestly, I’m in the best shape of my life with credit to this product( not exclusively). I’m pleasantly surprised about the definition and gains I’m getting and also my skills for handstands and other gymnastic maneuvers I have noticed a lot more stability.
If you’re looking to start a home gym or want space saving equipment this is it. That’s where I justify the price of buying a metal platform, bar, and bands that I can throw in a bag and carry with me to the park. If you’re into group fitness classes and want something for some additional muscle building without going to a second gym, then consider this a really viable option. I’ve also been enjoying bands because there’s less ways to cheat a lift. Granted I’d love to be in the gym but consider this product a promotion for band workouts being just as, if not more viable than weights.
Get a Gorilla Bow, it’s pretty much the same thing except there’s options to make it far more portable than the X3 and about half (or far less half than depending on which setup you buy) the price. The only major difference is that it lacks a plate but you can buy a sleeve or use a block of wood with a notch in it, and they state the bow is graded to handle loads of up to 360-400 lbs. Not to mention, replacement bands or added bands are far cheaper than the X3 as well.
Thanks for the input- not bad advice either. The Gorilla Bow doesn’t offer as much resistance as the X3, but it’s a great product (and definitely a lot more affordable).
Why is the actual price so high? I mean I could understand even maybe $300 but over $500????
I know what you mean, the price seems high. I think the folks behind X3 would argue that the quality of the bar and the heavy-dutiness of the bands warrants the cost. If you bought 4 heavy-duty bands separately, you might pay $40-$50 per band, depending on the quality. For 4, that’s about $200 or so right there. Then you have the bar and footplate, as well as the exercise program. I agree, $300-$400 would be an easier pill to swallow. At over $500, it’s an expensive set.
This product targets suckers
agreed, you can but high quality bands on amazon for rogue for much less, the system likely works but you can use most any resistance band setup.
I just flew Delta and packed my x3 carry on. It was flagged going through the X-ray machine because of the bar, but I explained to security what is was, they opened my bag, looked at it and let me pass through.
oh awesome, thanks for sharing! very helpful. i’m glad they let you carry on.
This whole conversation smells of BS
Snake oil at its finest. Very few in his users group achieve any type of results other than weight loss because they have been dieting at the same time as directed. He is against techniques that the best have done for decades. The whole better than gym results in 10 minutes is marketing.
agreed. the marketing for the X3 is pretty out there.
I think you’re right. The whole “10 minutes a day” thing really set off my b.s. detector. Nothing is that easy.
I work out with both free weights and a Bowflex. I’ve been very happy with the results, however I’ve been doing more or less the same routine for a few years now, and was getting bored, so I looked into X3 by joining their Facebook group and reading the posts of users.
My general impression is that people who use X3 do seem happy with it, so i’m guessing it does give you a decent workout. However, based on the testimonials and the before-and-after pics, I wasn’t convinced that I was going to get any better results with this than what I’m already doing.
Another thing that turned me off was that when I tried to post questions on the Facebook page (nothing inflammatory – just some basic questions regarding proper form, etc.) my questions were rejected by the moderator. Seems like they really control the message – only positive comments allowed. That was a turnoff..
Thanks for the input- I agree, it’s not a good sign that they’re rejecting legitimate questions and comments on their Facebook page. I also feel your pain with looking for a new and fresh way to workout from home- my routine is getting a bit stale myself. My impression with the X3 is that it’s a pretty nice resistance band system- nothing more. The idea that the X3 is somehow revolutionizing strength training is marketing shenanigans.
I’ve been using X3 for almost two years now only thing I’ll say is the ten minutes is tough to pull off. Four – six excercises and each takes 90-150 seconds so it’s ten minutes of excercise but with reasonable rest in between usually closer to 20.
Doesn’t change the fact that results are fantastic after the steep learning curve Is tackled
That’s awesome, glad you’re getting good results with your X3. Getting a solid resistance training workout in 20 min is still pretty good. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
You are 100% correct. Dr. JAQUISH has his hands in many money making pies that include Osteostrong. This too has copied the technology of another company. Osteostrong lost that law suit. They repackage what is already out there and give it a big money Marketing spin. Tony Robbins is listed as being “on-staff” . Robbins sells books through Osteostrong locations. This is all BS!
What is the weight of the product? Wondering in terms of bringing everything with in flights.
The X3 main site states that the whole set weighs about 15 lb. This is definitely portable, but when it comes to flying, I’m not sure they’d let the bar get through security for carry on bags. If flying, I would bet you would have to pack it in a checked bag. Great question.