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The 6 Best Treadmills You Can Get For Under $500

best treadmills under 500

Treadmills are a popular choice when it comes to getting your daily cardio in and these days, we’ve got all kinds of options to choose from.

From sophisticated streaming treadmills and insane incline trainers to lightweight, folding treadmills that’ll fit under a bed, one thing’s for sure – regardless of what your budget is, odds are you can find a treadmill that’ll fit it.

Case in point, the 6 treadmill’s I’ve found here that cost under $500.

If you’re looking to add an affordable treadmill to your home gym, there are some solid options out there, but before you decide on one, it’s a good idea to know what to look for when comparing models.

You know, to make sure you get one that’ll safely meet your needs and hopefully not crap out on ya a week after getting it set up.

Well, I’m here to help.

In this guide, I’ll offer my top picks for treadmills in the $500 and under price range, but I’ll also provide my 2 cents on what we should be looking for when choosing between these affordable treadmills.

After reading, you’ll be ready to find the right budget-friendly treadmill for your home gym.

Let’s begin.

Running SurfaceMotorAssembled WeightWarranty
#1 SHF SF-T751516.5" x 49.5"2.2 HP124 lb3 year frame
6 month parts
#2 XTERRA TR15016" x 50"2.25 HP97 lbLifetime frame
90 day parts
#3 OMA 7200EB16.5" x 45.3"2.5 HP95 lb1 year frame
1 year parts
#4 WalkingPad C215.75" x 47"1 HP55 lb1 year
#5 UREVO 2 in 117" x 42.5"2.5 HP57 lb1 year frame
90 day parts
#6 GoPlus 2 in 116" x 40"2.25 HP70 lb3 month

Choosing An Affordable Treadmill

Most of the top home treadmills cost around $2k+, so I think it’s fair to call any treadmill costing $500 or less pretty darn affordable.

And really, choosing a treadmill this affordable isn’t any different from choosing a more expensive one – you should  still compare performance specs and features and go with the one that has the most to offer for your price range.

The difference though, is that you need to have realistic expectations when comparing treadmills in this price range.

You have to keep in mind that affordable treadmills are affordable for good reason.

In general, this means smaller, lighter-weight frames, weaker motors, fewer features, and shorter warranties.

That said, it’s still important to pay attention to the fine details because all $500 treadmill’s aren’t created equal – some are certainly better than others.

And when trying to find those best options, I encourage you to consider the following:

Running Surface

This spec tells you how much room you’ll have when using your treadmill and it’s always the first thing I look for when researching any treadmill, regardless of price range.

The running surface is measured in inches (here in the States anyway) and it’s usually written as “width x length” and having a larger running surface is usually a good thing.

Regardless of your height or size, having a more spacious running surface will make for a more comfortable experience, but if you’re especially tall, having a longer deck can make the difference between being able to stretch out comfortably or having to shorten your stride.

This is usually only an issue when running at faster speeds, but if you’re really tall and you’ve got a really short treadmill, you could even find yourself having to shorten your stride while walking.

Anyway, treadmills in this price range are going to come with smaller running surfaces, but it’s still smart to compare sizes when shopping.

Higher-end treadmills often come with running surfaces in the 20″ x 60″ range, but in this price range, expect running surfaces in the 16″ x 50″ range and smaller.


The motor is what powers every workout you’ll be doing on your new treadmill, so it makes sense to check out how much power your treadmill will be coming with.

Having a more powerful motor is a good thing because it means your treadmill won’t have to work as hard to keep up.

Which should mean, theoretically anyway, that it’ll provide smoother operation and hopefully even last longer too.

Most home treadmills come with motors in the 2 – 4 HP range, but in this price range, expect less power.

More specifically, expect motors in the 1 – 2.5 HP range.

With motors like this, you can still jog on most of these treadmills, but it’s probably not a great idea to do a lot of running at top speeds because the motors just won’t be able to keep up.

Speaking of speed, most treadmills in this price range usually max out at around 8 – 10 mph; some will offer manual incline settings, but don’t expect power incline.

Assembled Weight

When checking out the frame, I think it’s a good idea to look for the assembled weight spec.

As you probably guessed, this spec tells you how much the treadmill weighs and I like to look for it because it gives you a good idea as to how robust or stable you can expect the treadmill to feel.

Generally speaking, heavier treadmills should feel more stable while you’re on ’em.

For the sake of comparison, more expensive home treadmills can easily weigh 300 lb+; in this price range, expect your treadmills to weigh ~100 lb or so.

When in doubt, I say go for the heavier treadmill.

Oh, you should look for weight capacities too – you want to make sure the treadmill can safely hold ya, but again, seeing higher weight limits is another indicator of superior build quality.

In this price range, most treadmills will max out with a capacity somewhere between 200 – 250 lb.


It’s smart to consider the warranty for any piece of fitness equipment you’re considering because this is your insurance plan.

If something goes wrong, it’s nice to know you have a warranty that’ll cover it.

That said, in this price range, don’t expect generous warranties.

Most budget treadmills come with a 12 month guarantee, which is pretty weak by any standards.

Some brands will do a little better, as you’ll see below, but don’t expect any length warranties here – as I said, there are legit reasons why some treadmills cost more than others.


I think it’s a good idea to focus on the performance specs when comparing treadmills, but we should also look at the additional features the treadmill has to offer.

We shouldn’t expect a ton of fancy features in this price range, but even these treadmills can come with some good stuff, including:

  • Built-in workouts
  • Manual inclines
  • Folding frames
  • Bluetooth
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Speakers
  • Tablet holders

Ok, now that we know what we’re looking for, let’s take a look at the best treadmills $500 can get ya…

The 6 Best Home Treadmills For Under $500

#1 Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7515

Sunny Health & Fitness (SHF) has made a name for themselves with their affordable fitness equipment and I think their SF-T7515 is a perfect example of what they’re all about.

By the way, they have a huge lineup and most of their machines come with really boring serial number names like that, but hey – what can ya do.

Awful names aside, the SF-T7515 has a lot to offer for this price range.

With a running surface of 16.5″ x 49.5″, this is one of the larger treadmills you’ll see in this price range and with a 2.2 HP motor, it’s also one of the stronger ones.

And with the ability to reach a top speed of 8 mph, you can also get a solid jog on this machine.

Oh, and what’s really nice is that this treadmill comes with a power incline  up to 12% – I know, I said we shouldn’t expect power incline in this price range, but SHF can hook ya up.

Additional features include a folding frame, 12 built-in workouts, and bluetooth capabilities.

I also like that the SF-T7515 is heavier than most in this price range – with an assembled weight of roughly 124 lb and a weight limit of 240 lb, this treadmill is heavier-duty than most competitors.

And SHF’s warranty isn’t great, but for the price range, it isn’t awful – 3 year frame, 6 month parts.

All things considered, if you’re looking for an affordable treadmill with power incline capabilities, the SF-T7515 is the way to go. See full review.


#2 XTERRA  TR150

XTERRA’s one of the better budget brands out there and this shouldn’t be a surprise considering they’re part of the same family that owns Sole and Spirit (which are easily 2 of the best home fitness brands in the game).

XTERRA offers several home treadmills to choose from and the TR150 is their most affordable model to date.

The TR150 comes with a surprisingly spacious, 16″ x 50″ running surface and a 2.25 HP motor which is about as strong as we can expect for this price range.

This treadmill doesn’t come with any power incline options, but it does come with 3 manual incline settings (minimal at best) and it can reach a top speed of 10 mph.

And with an assembled weight of 97 lb, it isn’t quite as heavy-duty as the SF-T7515 mentioned above, but it still comes with an impressive 250 lb weight limit.

When it comes to features, there isn’t really anything too crazy going on here.

The TR150 comes with a folding frame, 12 built-in workout programs, and direct speed buttons, but otherwise the console is pretty basic.

This treadmill does come with a lifetime frame warranty (1 year motor, 90 day parts), which is quite good given the price range.

Overall, if you don’t care about power incline and you’re looking for a little more speed, XTERRA’s TR150 could be a smart choice.


#3 OMA 7200EB

OMA is a budget-friendly brand you’ll find selling through retailers like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Target.

It looks like they specialize in affordable treadmills and the 7200EB is one of their highest-end models to date.

And with an asking price just north of $300 (at the time of writing this anyway), it’s also one of the most affordable treadmills on this list.

The 7200EB comes with a running surface of 16.5″ x 45.3″, so it’s the shortest treadmill we’ve looked at yet.

But with 2.5 HP under the hood, it’s also the most powerful one.

That motor can get this treadmill up to a top speed of 10 mph and if you feel inclined, you can play with the 3 manual incline settings to adjust the intensity of your workout.

But let’s be real, manual incline settings are a pain in the you know where.

The 7200EB weighs in at around 95 lb and comes with a weight limit of 300 lb, allowing folks of most sizes the ability to safely use it.

There aren’t many features to speak of on the simple console, but it does come loaded with 36 workout programs, so if you like following profiles, this could be a big perk.

OMA backs this treadmill with a 1 year frame/parts warranty, which is about as good as we can expect for a $300 treadmill.

Overall, users seem very pleased with how sturdy this affordable treadmill is and considering how much it has to offer, it’s easy to see why it’s become so popular.


#4 WalkingPad C2

So far, we’ve gone over a few pretty standard home treadmills – affordable, sure, but otherwise pretty normal.

Well, the WalkingPad is quite a bit different.

For starters, you’ll notice there aren’t any safety handles or traditional consoles to speak of – nope, as the name implies, this is a true walking pad.

This little guy has a running surface of 15.75″ x 47″ and is only packing a 1 HP motor, so it’s very compact – but that’s kinda the point.

The C2 is designed to fit anywhere.

And the fact that it can literally fold in half for storage allows you to store it away in closets, under beds, or pretty much anywhere you want to put it after use.

With a top speed of only 3.7 mph, the C2 is only designed for walking and there aren’t any incline features whatsoever.

And with an assembled weight of around 55 lb and a weight limit of only 220 lb, the C2 isn’t designed for larger users.

But it does come out of the box fully assembled, which is always nice.

There’s a small LCD console built-into the deck, so you can see your basic stats while you walk and you adjust the speed with an include remote control.

It’s also only backed by a 1 year warranty, but if you’re looking for an affordable under desk treadmill or a nice little walking treadmill that can literally go anywhere, WalkingPad’s C2 could be a great option.

Oh, and did I mention that it comes in 5 different colors? See full review.


#5 UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill

As the name mentions, the UREVO is designed to be used as an under desk treadmill, but with the folding console bar, it can be used as a traditional treadmill as well.

The UREVO is a small treadmill, coming with a running surface of only 17″ x 42.5″, but it’s got a surprisingly strong, 2.5 HP motor under the hood.

In walking mode (frame folded down), it can reach a top speed of 3.8 mph and with the frame unfolded, it can reach a top speed of 7.6 mph.

Personally, I’m not sure I’d want to go that fast on a deck that’s only 42″ long, but the option is still there if you need it.

This treadmill only weighs around 57 lb, which is really light for any treadmill, but it still comes with a 265 lb weight capacity.

That said, I don’t think it’s a great idea for anyone weighing over 200 lb to be doing much running on this thing…

Anyway, there aren’t really any additional features to speak of other than the small display and folding frame, but it does come with a small remote so you can change your speed in walking mode.

And UREVO backs this treadmill with a 1 year frame and 90 day parts warranty.

Overall, if you’re looking for a really affordable treadmill that could easily work as an under desk treadmill, the UREVO 2 in 1 is worth considering. See full review.


#6 GoPlus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

Rounding out my list here is another really affordable 2 in 1 option, similar to the UREVO mentioned above.

At around $300, the GoPlus is priced similarly to the UREVO, so I don’t really see any reason to choose this one over that one, but if the prices changed, maybe.

Anyway, the GoPlus comes with a really small, 16″ x 40″ running surface and a 2.25 HP motor that can reach a top speed 7.5 mph in running mode (2.8 mph in walking mode).

This is pretty fast for such a small deck.

This treadmill weighs in at around 70 lb and comes with a weight capacity of 265 lb.

Honestly, I can’t imagine a 265 lb person running at 6 mph on this little thing, but hey, according to GoPlus, this treadmill can handle it.

Well, considering the 3 month warranty, they aren’t saying it’ll handle it for that long.

In terms of features, the GoPlus also comes with a folding rail frame and a simple console for viewing stats on the deck.

There aren’t any workout programs or anything like that, but it does come with a remote for changing speed in walking mode.

Overall, this is another really small, really affordable treadmill that I think would work best as an under desk treadmill. See full review.


Final Thoughts

Alright, I think that’ll do it.

When you think about it, it’s pretty impressive what $500 can get ya, especially considering how expensive everything else in the world seems to be at the moment.

When comparing these treadmills, I’d keep a close eye on the important performance specs because these are what’s going to really determine the quality of your workouts.

Not that treadmills in this price range come with a ton of features in the first place though.

Based on the specs, I think the treadmills listed above all earned their spot on this list, but if you know of any I missed I’d love to hear about ’em.

Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you shortly.



Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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