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Everything You Need To Know About The UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill [A Review]

UREVO 2 in 1 under desk treadmill review

UREVO’s 2 in1 Under Desk Treadmill is a budget-friendly option for getting your steps in while you work, but as the name implies, it can also be used by itself as a stand alone machine.

There are a lot of these treadmills to choose from these days, making it difficult to tell ’em apart, but if you look at the fine details, UREVO’s version looks more impressive than most.

For starters, at 17″, UREVO’s running surface is a little wider than most, making for a more comfortable experience.

And with a 2.5 HP motor, it’s also packing a little more muscle than most similarly-priced treadmills (which is always a good thing).

It also comes with a higher weight capacity than most (265 lb), making it a better option for larger users.

Now UREVO’s Under Desk Treadmill still has many of the downsides that come with purchasing such an affordable treadmill, like lightweight components and a really short warranty, but as these treadmills go, it’s easily one of the best.

But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here.

In this review, I’ll be going over everything this treadmill has to offer; I’ll also try to compare it to some of the comps so you can see how it stacks up.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not UREVO’s 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill is worth investing in.

Off we go.

The UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill

UREVO is a budget-brand, specializing in really affordable fitness equipment. They have a little bit of everything, but it would appear treadmills are their main focus.

They’ve got several to choose from, but their 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill we’re here to talk about now is one of their most popular.

It’s actually one of the most popular treadmills on Amazon too… as I’m writing this, it’s ranked #3 on their highest-selling list.

Not bad UREVO, not bad.

But just because a lot of people are buying it doesn’t necessarily mean the treadmill is worth buying – it’s still a good idea to do your own homework and see what you come up with.

Although, I will say the user reviews for this treadmill are very positive, especially for such an affordable machine.

Anyway, I think we should examine this compact treadmill the same way we would any full-size model and that means starting with the performance specs.


  • Very affordable
  • 2.5 HP motor
  • Easy to move
  • No assembly
  • Folding handrail
  • Remote control
  • Quick-touch speed buttons on handrail
  • Phone holder


  • Small running surface
  • Lightweight components
  • Short warranty
  • Not a good idea to run on it

Running Surface

I think the running surface is the most important performance spec to look at for any treadmill because it immediately gives you a good idea as to how comfortable you’ll be using said treadmill.

This spec refers to the physical dimensions of the belt, but it really tells ya how much space you’ll at your disposal during workouts.

And having more room is always a good thing.

For the sake of comparison, most full-size, traditional home treadmills come with running surfaces that are at least 20″ wide and 55 – 60″ long.

The UREVO treadmill comes with a running surface of 17″ x 42.5″.

This is obviously really small compared to the running surfaces of larger, more expensive treadmills, but we saw this coming.

After all, being small is kinda the point with this treadmill – it’s supposed to be easy to move around and put under desks and whatnot.

Plus, it’s really cheap and cheaper treadmills are smaller.

However, the UREVO is actually more spacious than most other treadmills in this price range.

For example, REDLIRO’s version of this treadmill comes with a 15″ x 41″ and GoPlus’ comes with a running surface of 16″ x 40″.

And these are both similarly-priced and also very popular little treadmills.

So, by comparison, UREVO’s running surface is actually pretty big, that said…

Even though this treadmill is marketed as a 2 in 1 model that can be ran on, it’s too short for most users to comfortably run on.

With a length of only 42.5″, most folks are gonna have to significantly shorten their stride to make sure they don’t step off – especially folks like me that are over 6′ tall.

But this will be plenty of room for walking – many higher-end desk treadmills come with similar lengths.

So, the running surface on the UREVO is small compared to normal treadmills, but it’s actually pretty good for an under desk treadmill in this price range, but I also want to mention weight.

This treadmill comes with an assembled weight of roughly 57 lb, making it very lightweight for a treadmill.

Being this light makes it really easy to move around, but it also tells us that all the components in this thing are small and lightweight too.

This is to be expected for a budget treadmill, but I mention it because it’s just another reason not to run on it – regardless of your weight or the weight limit (which is 265 lb in this case), this treadmill isn’t designed to withstand the forces of running.

The weight limit here is quite a bit higher than the 220 lb limit found on many similar models, which technically means larger folks should be able to use it.

But again, I wouldn’t recommend anyone run on the UREVO.


Ok, now that I got that service announcement off my chest, let’s move on to the motor.

The UREVO 2 in 1 comes with a 2.5 HP motor that can reach a top speed of 7.6 mph with the handrail up and a max speed of 3.8 mph with the handrail folded down.

A 2.5 HP motor is kinda weak for a traditional treadmill, but it’s actually quite strong for a $400 under desk treadmill.

For the sake of comparison, most similarly priced comps come with 2.2 or 2.25 HP motors.

This means the UREVO is one of the stronger treadmills in this category.

The 3.8 mph top speed while in walking mode is plenty fast, especially if you’re actually trying to walk while doing work at your desk (in which case, you’ll likely need to slow down a lot more to get any work done).

The 7.6 mph top speed while in running mode is on par with what most other comps offer, but again, I wouldn’t recommend doing much running on this treadmill.

This motor isn’t powerful enough to support running on the reg (not to mention the small running surface and lightweight frame).

But most users agree the UREVO is quiet during operation and most report being able to walk on it comfortably while being on conference calls.


The UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill comes with the following features:

Digital display- there’s a little digital display at the base of the treadmill that shows your basic metrics, including time, speed, distance, and calories. This is helpful I guess, but you probably won’t be able to see it if you have this under a desk.

Folding handrail- the folding handrail is what makes this a “2 in 1″ treadmill and it’s easy to move up and down. You can only reach the 7.6 mph top speed when the handrail is raised and you can control the treadmill from the handrail, which is nice. Oh, and when folded down, the UREVO is only like 5” high, so it can easily be stored under furniture.

Remote control- there’s a remote control too that allows you to control the treadmill when the handrail is folded down. This is a convenient way to adjust your speed while working at a desk.

Phone holder- there’s a small place to hold a phone on the handrail.

Quick-touch buttons- the handrail also has 2 quick-touch speed buttons that let you instantly adjust to 3 mph or 6 mph.


Another nice thing about this little treadmill is that there’s isn’t any assembly required.

The treadmill base is completely pre-assembled and the handrail comes already attached and there isn’t anything you need to do with the little handrail console either.

Simply unpackaged it and plug it in and you’re ready to roll.

And since this treadmill only weighs 57 lb (and has built-in front rollers), most folks should be able to move it around without any issues.


The UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill comes with the following home warranty:

  • 12 month frame
  • 90 day parts

This is a short warranty when it comes to home treadmills in general, but it’s par for the course when it comes to $400 treadmills.

Most comps in this price range offer somewhere between 90 days to 1 year and UREVO kinda offers both – a year on the frame and 90 days on everything else.

Seeing a warranty this short sucks, but you’re always taking your chances a little when purchasing a treadmill in this price range to begin with.

Overall though, UREVO’s warranty here is as good as you’ll find in this class.

Final Thoughts

Ok, I think that’ll about do it.

UREVO’s Under Desk Treadmill is a small, simple little treadmill that takes it really easy on the wallet.

And when compared to the other treadmills in this price range, I think it scores highly.

I like that it comes with a slightly larger running surface and that the motor is a little stronger than most comps; it’s also awesome how easy it is to set up, move around, and store when not in use.

Even though it’s designed to be a “2 in 1” treadmill, I think it would work best as an under desk or walking treadmill – as I’ve mentioned numerous times already, I don’t think it’s a good idea to run on this thing.

But, if you’re looking for an affordable way to get some more steps in throughout the day, I think UREVO’s treadmill is easily one of the best treadmills under $500.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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