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Does It Make Sense To Buy ProForm’s City L6 Treadmill? [A Review]

proform city L6 treadmill review

The City L6 is ProForm’s most affordable treadmill to date and it at first glance, it looks a whole lot different from what we’re used to seeing from ProForm.

For starter’s, there’s no large, HD touchscreen mounted front and center – actually, there’s barely any console at all.

And with a running surface of only 17.5″ x 45″ and only 1.6 horses under the hood, it’s a whole lot smaller and weaker than any of their other treadmills too.

But with a small footprint and a console that can easily fold down to the frame, the City L6 still has some value to offer, especially for walkers looking for an affordable treadmill that won’t take up much floor space.

Overall, I don’t think the City L6 is going to be the best option for everyone, but there are situations where it could make sense.

In this review, I’ll be going over everything this little treadmill has to offer – we’re talking specs, features, warranties, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not the City L6 is a good idea for your home gym.

Let’s do this.

The ProForm City L6 Treadmill

ProForm’s a pretty well-respected brand. They don’t offer the highest-end equipment, but as budget-friendlier brands go, they’re one of the better options out there.

They’re basically a more affordable version of NordicTrack and like NordicTrack, their equipment is also iFit friendly.

So, if you’re looking for a more affordable way to get your stream on, ProForm makes good sense.

Anyway, as I mentioned above, the City L6 is their entry-level treadmill and at the time of writing this, ProForm has it listed for around $600.

This is in contrast to their highest-end treadmill, the Pro 9000, which comes with a price tag north of $2k.

They’ve got a handful of other treadmills to choose from between these 2 polar opposites as well.

Moving on, let’s start this review off with a look at the performance specs the L6 is working with.


  • Small footprint
  • Affordable
  • iFit compatible
  • Folding frame
  • Bluetooth friendly (heart rate monitors)
  • Very easy to assemble
  • Automatic Trainer Control (iFit)
  • Quick-touch speed buttons
  • Solid warranty


  • Very small running surface
  • Weak motor
  • Only a 250 lb weight limit
  • Basic console

Running Surface

The running surface is a crucial spec to examine for any treadmill because this measurement tells you exactly how much room you’ll have to work with during use.

This spec is literally the dimensions of the top surface of the belt – it’s measured in inches (in the States anyway) and usually written as “width x length”.

In other words, the running surface is a measurement of the treadmill’s usable space.

The amount of space you need to comfortably use a treadmill is going to depend on a few factors, but it mostly boils down to how tall you are and how fast you wanna go.

Taller folks (or people with really long legs) will need longer belts to ensure they have enough room to stretch out comfortably, especially when running.

Everyone’s stride elongates when running at faster speeds.

So, tall runners will need longer running surfaces to make sure they don’t (literally) run out of room, in which case they’d have to shorten their stride.

Walkers, joggers, and shorter runners won’t necessarily need as much length, but again – more room is always a good thing.

With all of this in mind, consider that the City L6 has a running surface of 17.5″ x 45″.

This is, without exaggeration, one of the shortest “running” surfaces I’ve ever come across (the Unsit Treadmill has a 40″ length, but that’s an under desk walking model).

The width is really small too, but not quite as drastically small as the length.

With a running surface this short, running is out of the question for most folks – you just aren’t going to have enough room to do it.

If you’re 6′ tall or over, I wouldn’t even think about trying to run on this treadmill; much shorter folks might be able to get a comfortable jog on, but let’s be real – the L6 is not designed for running.

This deck is best suited for walkers.

It’s also worth noting how light-duty this machine is too.

With an in box weight of 125 lb, the City L6 weighs around 100 lb, best case, making it really light for a treadmill.

This can come in handy for folks who might have to roll it around for storage, but it’s just another reason why this model isn’t designed for running.

And with a max weight limit of only 250 lb, it’s obvious the L6 is best suited for smaller users.

This is also a folding treadmill, but unlike most that have the deck fold up to meet the console, the L6’s console actually folds down to meet the deck.

This might be convenient for rolling it around, but I’m not sure how much it’ll really come in handy because the console isn’t that low to the ground when in this folded position.

It might fit under a desk or really high bed when folded.

Anyway, the City L6 is a very small, lightweight treadmill with a very small running surface – it’s certainly best suited for walkers (and smaller walkers at that).


Ok, so the running surface on this treadmill is pretty tiny, but what about the motor?

Well, turns out that’s pretty darn small too.

To be more exact, the L6 comes with a 1.6 CHP motor that can reach a top speed of 8 mph and there isn’t an adjustable incline feature.

Considering most home treadmills come with motors in the 2 – 4 CHP range, I feel it’s fair to call this one weak.

So, if the size of the running surface doesn’t discourage you from running on it, the strength of the motor should.

Plus, the fact that the L6 can only reach 8 mph says a lot too – this thing isn’t designed for runners.

For the sake of comparison, most higher-end treadmills can reach a top speed of 12 mph… but let’s be real, the L6 isn’t pretending to be a higher-end treadmill.

This is a small, affordable model designed to give folks with tight spaces (and tight budgets) an option to get some exercise in.

So I don’t want to come off like I’m talking too much trash about this treadmill – but at the same time, I want to make sure you have realistic expectations if you’re considering purchasing it.

Anyway, given the everything we’ve gone over so far, it’s probably not a shock to hear that the rollers on the L6 are smaller than most too.

At 1.6″, the rollers on this treadmill are also about as small as any you’ll find (fyi, the rollers are what the belt glides against and having larger ones is a good thing).

For the sake of comparison, most treadmills come with rollers between 1.9″- 3″.

Long-story-short, the L6 comes with a very weak motor that, once again, is best suited for walking.


The ProForm City L6 Treadmill comes with the following features:

Simple console- I’m not sure it’s exactly accurate to call what this treadmill has a “console” because it’s really just a digital display that shows a few basic metrics. And it’s so small, you can’t see everything at once, you have to wait till they scan through individually. On the plus side, remember that this console can fold down out of the way when not in use.

iFit compatible- surprisingly, the L6 is still compatible with iFit though. You can connect the treadmill to your iFit app on your tablet via bluetooth and take advantage of iFit’s Automatic Trainer Control feature that lets the instructors control your speed throughout the workout.

Heart rate monitoring- this treadmill is also compatible with bluetooth heart rate straps for more accurate readings during workouts.

Quick-touch buttons- these buttons let you instantly set the speed without having to push the up/down buttons a bunch of times.

Tablet holder- there’s a place to put your tablet if you choose to use iFit or watching Netflix.


If you decide to purchase this treadmill, the good news is that there isn’t really any assembly necessary.

Yup, the uprights and console come pre-attached, so all you’ll have to do is attach the tablet holder… that’s it.

And if you don’t care about watching your tablet, you could keep it off (to keep the folded profile a bit smaller).

So, when it comes to assembly, the City L6 couldn’t be an easier – simply take it out of the box, remove all the packaging, and plug it in.


ProForm offers the following warranty on their City L6 Treadmill:

  • 10 year frame
  • 1 year parts
  • 1 year labor

Ok, not a great warranty in the wide world of home treadmills, but not bad for one in this price range.

I doubt you’re going to find a $600 treadmill that comes with a longer frame guarantee and a year on parts is about as good as it gets here too.

I know Sunny Health & Fitness only offers 6 months on their parts; XTERRA only offers 90 days on their most affordable treadmills.

And all the generic, really affordable treadmills rarely come with anything longer than a year on anything.

Overall, a pretty solid warranty for such an affordable treadmill.

Final Thoughts

I think that about does it for the City L6.

This is a very small treadmill with a weak motor and a very basic console.

It’s also quite lightweight and comes with a low weight limit, so larger folks simply aren’t going to fit on it.

I know this sounds pretty rough, but it’s true.

There are larger, more powerful treadmills in this price range that come with more sophisticated consoles and better warranties (like Horizon’s T101).

That said, if you’re specifically looking for a tiny walking treadmill, I think the L6 could still work, as long as you fit the size requirements.

And with a footprint of only 29″ x 70″, this treadmill might even fit in some closets (apparently closet treadmills is a thing, my wife showed me on Instagram).

But please don’t buy this and be disappointed with how small it is… because you’ve been warned.




Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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