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Everything You Should Know About Sunny Health & Fitness’ ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill (8730) [A Review]

sunny health fitness asuna space saving treadmill review

Wow, that’s a mouthful – I think that model name takes up more space than the actual treadmill itself does.

Jokes aside, Sunny Health & Fitness’ ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill is one of the more impressive compact treadmills I’ve come across.

The fact that it can fold flat and be stored under furniture is a major selling point, but its performance specs are also pretty good for such a low profile machine.

With a running surface of  17.75″ x 49″, this ASUNA Treadmill is more spacious than many in its class and with a 2.5 HP motor that can reach a top speed of 8 mph, it’s also about as powerful as you’re gonna find in this price range.

And even though it doesn’t offer much in the console department (keep in mind it has to fold flat),  it still has a brightly lit display that allows you to track your basic workout metrics.

Yup, all things considered, I think this treadmill has a lot to offer – but is it really the right option for your home gym?

Well, that’s what I’m here to help you figure out.

In this review, I’ll go over all the specs, features, warranties, and pretty much everything else this treadmill has to offer.

After reading, you’ll know once and for all whether or not it’s worth buying.

The Sunny Health & Fitness ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill (8730)

Sunny Health & Fitness (which I’ll refer to as simply ‘SHF’ for the sake of my fingers) is a well-respected budget brand that’s been around for over 20 years now.

They offer a little bit of everything home fitness related, but they specialize in really affordable cardio equipment.

And they have a huge lineup of machines to choose from – like seriously, I can’t think of any brand that offers more products.

I guess this is a good thing because it increases the chances of them having something that meets your needs, but it can also become overwhelming comparing all their different models.

Especially since most of ’em have really generic names that all kinda sound the same.

With SHF, you really have to pay attention to the model numbers because that’s usually the only way to really tell ’em apart.

Anyway, as budget brands go, they’re one of the better options.

The treadmill we’re here to talk about now is part of their ASUNA lineup, which I thought included their higher-end models, but as I look at that lineup, it doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case.

So who knows, regardless, at the time of writing this, the ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill is selling for around $600 – $700 (depending on where you find it).


  • Folds flat to ground (5.25″ high)
  • Easy to move
  • Affordable
  • No assembly
  • Powerful motor for the size
  • Relatively large running surface
  • Top speed of 8 mph
  • Decent warranty


  • Not a good idea to run on it
  • No heart rate monitoring
  • Larger tablets might not fit on phone holder

Running Surface

Ok, let’s start this review off with a discussion on what I consider to be the most important spec on any treadmill – the running surface.

This humble spec may not be as exciting to talk about as motor strength or console features, but it’s really important because it tells you how much room you’ll have to work with while using it.

The running surface gives you the physical dimensions of the belt, telling you to the inch how much usable space it has to offer.

And if you ask me, bigger is always better.

Mostly because larger runnings surfaces provide a more spacious feel, but more importantly, you want to make sure you have enough space to comfortably use the treadmill.

If the running surface is too short, you might have to shorten your stride, especially when running.

This isn’t usually as much an issue when it comes to walking (our strides are shorter when walking at slower speeds), but with running, it can be.

Anyway, the ASUNA comes with a running surface that measures 17.75″ x 49″, which is pretty small compared to traditional, full size treadmills where 20″ x 60″ is pretty much the norm.

But let’s be real, this isn’t a traditional full size treadmill.

This is a compact treadmill designed to fold flat to the ground and be stored underneath stuff – and 17.75″ x 49″ is pretty big when compared to other treadmills like this.

For example, UREVO’s 2 in 1 Treadmill comes with a running surface of 17″ x 42.5″ and REDLIRO’s Treadmill comes with a 15″ x 41″ running surface.

So, as compact folding treadmills go, the ASUNA’s is actually more spacious than most.

But that said, at only 49″ long, this treadmill is better suited for walking than anything else – most folks probably aren’t gonna want to run on this thing.

This is also evident when you consider that this treadmill only weighs about 95 lb.

This does make it really easy to move around, but it’s certainly not a heavy-duty treadmill designed to withstand the forces of regular running.

And with only a 220 lb weight limit, it’s certainly not designed for larger folks either.

Overall, the ASUNA comes with a small running surface and very lightweight frame, making it better suited for walking than anything else.


So, this treadmill is small and lightweight, but that’s kinda the point – it’s designed to fold flat and be easily stored under beds and couches and whatnot.

By the way, this treadmill is only 5.25″ off the ground when folded flat, so it really should fit under most beds and some couches, which is pretty cool.

But moving on, let’s talk motors.

Being so small and lightweight, I wouldn’t expect this treadmill to pack a lot of horsepower, but with a 2.5 HP motor, it’s surprisingly strong compared to other similar competitors.

Most treadmills in this class come with treadmills in the 2 – 2.5 HP range, so the ASUNA is definitely at the high end of the expected range.

This treadmill can reach a top speed of 8 mph and doesn’t come with any adjustable inclines or anything like that.

With a top speed of 8 mph, it’s technically fast enough for running – but again, with the small running surface and lightweight frame, I still don’t think it’s a wise move.

Nope, I still say the ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill is best used as a walking or under desk treadmill, but to each their own.

Overall, the motor on this treadmill can’t compete with the more powerful ones found on larger machines, but as compact treadmills in this price range go, it’s about as good as can be expected.


The SHF ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill comes with the following features:

Digital display- there isn’t much of a console to speak of on this treadmill, but there is a small digital display built-into the handrail that allows you to track things like speed, time, distance, and calories. There aren’t any built-in workouts.

Folding handrail- the folding handrail is a key feature of this treadmill and this is what allows it to fold flat to the ground. There’s an included key that’s used to loosen/tighten the nuts to move the handrail up and down and this key fits conveniently into the treadmill for storage when not being used.

Speakers- the handrail also has built-in speakers, allowing you to connect a phone or mp3 player up to ’em via the audio port and listen to your workout jams through the treadmill.

Phone holder- there’s also a little phone holder, giving you a place to put your phone during workouts.


The foldability (is that a word?) and compactness of this treadmill are awesome, but it’s also nice that it doesn’t require any assembly.

This little guy is ready to roll right out of the box.

All you have to do is unpack it, fold the handrails up, and plug it in – that’s it.

And since this treadmill is so light (and has built-in transport wheels), most folks should be able to manage it by themselves.


Sunny Health & Fitness backs their ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill with the following home warranty:

  • 5 year frame
  • 180 days parts

I’m a little surprised by the 5 year frame guarantee because Sunny usually backs everything with a 3 year frame warranty – but I’m not complaining.

5 years on the frame for such a small, affordable treadmill is pretty awesome, especially since most others offer a few months up to maybe a year.

6 months on parts is pretty short, but it’s still better than the 90 day guarantee some really small treadmills are offering.

Overall, I think Sunny’s warranty for this treadmill is pretty solid.

Final Thoughts

Well, I think that about does it for the ASUNA Space Saving Treadmill.

I feel like this review went by really fast, but this is a simple treadmill without any bells and whistles, so there just wasn’t that much to talk about.

As compact treadmills go, I think the ASUNA is a winner.

I like that the running surface is a little bigger than many and that the motor is a little stronger; I also like that Sunny offers more of a legit warranty on it.

That said, the coolest feature is obviously the fact that this treadmill can fold flat to the ground and be stored under furniture.

This could be a game-changer for smaller homes with limited workout space.

You could easily take this treadmill out from under a bed, roll it in front of a tv, get your steps in, and then put it away once you’re done.

I’ll say it one more time though – this treadmill is better suited for walking, I don’t think it’s a good idea to run on it.

Overall though, I could see this treadmill making a lot of sense for folks looking for an affordable, compact option.



Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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