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NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i – Taking Incline Training To A Whole New Level [A Review]

nordictrack commercial x22i treadmill review

The Commercial X22i is one of NordicTrack’s premiere treadmills and as such, it’s packing a generous combination of both performance specs and high-tech features.

One of the most notable features is the fact that this treadmill can reach a max incline of 40% (as well as a decline of -6%), but it also comes with a large running surface, large rollers, and a 4.0 CHP motor.

And on the tech side of things, it’s hard to miss that 22″ HD touchscreen display that’ll make viewing all those iFit workouts very easy on the eyes.

But there’s also the cool AutoAdjust feature that allows your instructors to automatically set your speed and inclines to match whatever workout you’re doing.

All things considered, I think NordicTrack has a pretty awesome treadmill here, but with so much competition in this price range, it can be hard to decide if it’s really worth investing in.

But don’t worry, I’m here to help.

In this review, I’ll be going over everything this treadmill has to offer, as well as the areas where I think there’s room for improvement.

I’ll also offer a head-to-head comparison against some of the other top comps in this price range so you can see how it holds up against the competition.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not the X22i is the right treadmill for your home gym.

With a powerful motor, astounding incline range, and loads of tech features, NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i is one of the most impressive and versatile home treadmills out there. The warranty could be longer, but it’s still a great option for folks looking for serious incline training.

NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i Treadmill

nordictrack commercial x22i
Image courtesy of NordicTrack.

NordicTrack’s a giant in the world of home fitness and they’ve earned their status through decades of innovation and quality products.

Side note, I have a patient who still owns and uses one of their original Pro Skier Machines and claims it still works fine… awesome.

Anyway, NordicTrack is known more for their treadmills, ellipticals, and exercise bikes these days.

And their products are usually amongst the best home options in their respective price ranges (I wish NordicTrack would offer longer warranties, but more on that later).

When it comes to treadmills, they have a lot to choose from.

The X22i we’re here to discuss now is part of their Incline Treadmill lineup, which also contains the larger Commercial X32i, which comes with an even larger touchscreen.

Anyway, prices may vary some throughout the year, but the Commercial X22i usually sells for around $3500.


  • 22″ HD touchscreen console
  • 22″ x 60″ running surface
  • 4.0 CHP motor
  • -6 – 40% incline range
  • 2.5″ rollers
  • Very heavy-duty frame
  • AutoAdjust feature (iFit)
  • Access to unlimited instructor-led workouts (iFit)
  • Scenic runs (iFit)
  • Bluetooth compatible
  • Sled grip handles
  • Quick touch speed/incline buttons
  • Dual cooling fans


  • Warranty could be longer
  • Console doesn’t rotate
  • High step-up height

Running Surface

I always start my treadmill reviews with a rundown on the running surface (see what I did there?) because this spec is crucial when it comes to overall comfort.

Basically, if a treadmill is too small, you may not be able to stretch out comfortably when running – which will certainly affect enjoyment during workouts.

Luckily, that shouldn’t be an issue with the X22i.

This treadmill comes with a running surface of 22″ x 60″, which is about as large as most home treadmills come.

True, there are some longer treadmills out there coming with 62 – 65″ lengths, but realistically, the vast majority of us are going to have plenty of room on a 60″ belt.

Speaking of which, one notable difference between the X22i and the X32i is that the X32i comes with a 65″ long belt… but more on that later.

Anyway, the X22i is very spacious when it comes to the running surface, so folks of all heights should be able to run as fast as they like without running out of belt.

So on to the frame.


I like to look at weight limits and assembled weights to get an idea as to how robust or heavy-duty a treadmill is.

And in my book, being heavier is a good thing because it’s going to make for a more stable feel – you know, you’ll notice less shaking and movement during use.

Well, NordicTrack makes it a little more challenging because they don’t give us the actual assembled weight spec, instead they offer the “in box” weight, which includes the weight of any packaging too.

In this case, the X22i comes with an in box weight of 417 lb.

I don’t know exactly how much the packaging weighs here, but most home treadmills come with around 40 lb of packaging.

So, if we subtract 40 lb from the above in box weight, that gives us an estimated assembled weight somewhere in the ballpark of 377 lb.

Give or take.

Assuming we’re in the right ballpark here, that’s still very heavy for a home treadmill.

For the sake of comparison, I own a Horizon 7.8 AT and that thing weighs around 330 lb and it’s rock solid.

So, the X22i is very heavy for a treadmill and with a weight capacity of 400 lb, this treadmill can safely hold most users.

Again, for the sake of comparison, most heavy-duty home treadmills come with weight limits in the 375 – 400 lb range.

So the X22i scores at the top of the class here.

In terms of size, the X22i is actually surprisingly compact for such a spacious treadmill.

With a footprint of only 70″ x 39“, it’s a good 6” or so shorter than a lot of other full size treadmills.

This is nice, considering this treadmill can’t fold up for storage.

That said, it does come with a high step-up height of 14″, which is almost double the 7-8″ step-up height of most treadmills.

This is high and could make this treadmill harder to access for folks with joint issues or mobility problems, so certainly something to consider if this applies to you.

Overall though, the X22i scores very highly with its heavy-duty, yet surprisingly compact frame.

commercial x22i frame
The Commercial X22i is heavy-duty and can reach crazy incline levels, but it doesn’t fold. Image courtesy of NordicTrack.


But what about under the hood?

I agree talking about running surfaces and frame weights can get kinda boring, but there’s nothing boring about talking about motors and horsepower.

Oh, yeah.

Ha, seriously though, it’s always a good idea to consider the strength of a treadmill before purchasing because if your treadmill’s motor isn’t strong enough to keep up with demand, your workouts are gonna suffer for it.

Stronger motors can reach and maintain faster speeds more efficiently, meaning they tend to provide smoother operation than weaker ones.

And even though most treadmills top out at the same 12 mph max speed, treadmills with stronger motors are able to reach those faster speeds faster (more acceleration).

Which comes in handy for interval training.

Most home treadmills come with motors somewhere in the 2 – 4 HP range, but if you’re planning on running often, it’s a good idea to go with at least a 3 HP motor to ensure you have enough power to handle the faster speeds.

That said, the X22i comes with a 4.0 CHP motor.

This is at the top of the range I just mentioned, making this one of the more powerful home treadmills out there.

Which makes sense when you think about it, this treadmill is gonna need some serious power to handle those higher inclines.

Like most treadmills, the X22i can reach a top speed of 12 mph, but unlike pretty much any other treadmill, it can also reach a top incline of 40%.

Which is really freakin’ steep.

Folks (like my brother) who like to get their cardio in by walking against steep inclines will appreciate the insane incline range this treadmill has to offer.

But it also offers a decline up to -6%, allowing you to train walking downhill.

Personally, I don’t really see a reason to train downhill on a treadmill, but if you’re trying to mimic real world conditions, maybe.

Regardless, with the X22i, you have the ability to train at any incline angle your heart desires.

Although keep in mind there’s a safety feature that limits how fast the treadmill will go once you get past 15.5% (or below 0%).

I also want to mention that this treadmill comes with 2.5″ rollers, which is good considering most higher-end home models use rollers in the 2- 3″ range.

The rollers are what the belt glides over and having larger ones is beneficial because they tend to offer smoother operation and last longer than smaller rollers.

Overall though, I’m impressed by the X22i’s motor strength and I like that NordicTrack used large rollers too.

And other than NordicTrack’s other incline trainers, I’ve never seen treadmills in this price range that can reach inclines like this.

commercial x22i console
The Commercial X22i comes with a 22″ HD touchscreen console, making it easy to select and view all iFit workouts. Image courtesy of NordicTrack.


NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i Treadmill comes with the following features:

22″ HD touchscreen console- it’s funny, 22″ used to be huge for an HD console, but these days it’s become the norm. Anyway, it’s still pretty darn big if you ask me and it certainly makes it easy to see any workout you’re doing. The touchscreen also makes it easy to make all selections and with nice speakers, you’ll be able to hear the instructors whether you’re on or off the treadmill. Unlike some other models though, the console on the X22i doesn’t rotate.

iFit- this is NordicTrack’s streaming services and this is what gives you access to all the workouts, metric tracking, scenic routes, maps, and all that stuff. I think it still costs $39/month and without a membership, you can’t access any of the good stuff this treadmill has to offer.

AutoAdjust- this is another feature you get with iFit and it’s pretty cool. With this feature, the instructors can automatically set your speed and incline settings during workouts, so all you have to do is keep up. This feature also makes for more realistic experiences when doing scenic hikes. You can always make your adjustments manually too, in case you want to modify what the workouts call for.

Bluetooth- the console is bluetooth compatible with both headphones and heart rate straps, always a plus.

Quick touch buttons- these handy buttons allow you to instantly set your speed or incline to a preset value, making it faster to jump between settings.

Dual fans- if you’re working against those higher inclines, you’re going to appreciate the cooling effect the built-in fans offer.

Sled grip- this refers to the extended handlebars attached to the frame. These will come in handy when working against those crazy incline angles, but you can also use them to mimic pushing a sled. You can set the treadmill to a speed of 1 mph and push into these handles, accelerating the belt speed to whatever speed you like. It’s like mimicking a manual treadmill.

Water bottle holder- and finally, yes, there’s a place to store your water bottle.


Believe it or not, most home treadmills are pretty easy to assemble (and disassemble, as I discovered during our move), and the X22i is no different.

The main deck comes preassembled, so there’s nothing to mess with there.

All you’ll have to do is attach the uprights to the deck, connect the crossbar between the handles, attach the console to the uprights, and then tighten everything up.

There are also a few covers to attach, but that’s about it.

It’s very straightforward and NordicTrack’s assembly instructions are adequate to get the job done.

A few things to consider though.

First, this is a very heavy treadmill, so you’ll want to make sure you have assistance to get this thing to its final location.

Second, it’s very helpful to have a second set of hands when attaching the console – remember, there’s a cable to connect and you don’t want to pinch that.

Otherwise, I think most folks who are of at least average handiness should be able to assemble this treadmill themselves.


NordicTrack backs their Commercial X22i Treadmill with the following warranty:

  • 10 year frame
  • 2 year parts
  • 1 year labor

NordicTrack backs pretty much all of their products with this same warranty now and while it’s not a bad guarantee for some of their more affordable models, it’s a little lacking for a treadmill in this price range.

For a $3k+ treadmill, I’d like to see a lifetime frame warranty because that’s what most other brands offer (Sole, Horizon, Spirit, Life Fitness).

2 years on parts is also a bit short compared to the 3-5 years a lot of there brands of this caliber offer.

A year on labor is standard, so that’s fine.

But overall, I think NordicTrack has some room for improvement when it comes to their warranties for these higher-end treadmills.

NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i vs The Competition

Commercial X22iSole F89Matrix TF30
Running surface22″ x 60″22″ x 60″20″ x 55″
Motor4.0 CHP
0 – 12 mph
-6 – 40% incline
4.0 HP
0 – 12 mph
-6 – 15% incline
3.25 HP
0 – 12.5 mph
0 – 15%
Frame~375 lb weight
300 lb limit
314 lb weight
375 lb limit
294 lb weight
350 lb limit
Console22″ HD touchscreen21.5″ touchscreen10″ HD touchscreen
Warranty10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
Lifetime frame/motor
3 year parts
1 year labor
Lifetime frame/motor
5 year parts
2 year labor
The Commercial X22i holds its own well against any other treadmill in its price range.

Ok, that does it for the X22i itself, so let’s take a look at some of the other top treadmills in the ~$3k price range.

Right off the bat, I have to bring up Sole’ F89, which usually sells for around $3300.

sole f89 treadmill

The F89 is a beast and it’s loaded with great features, including a 4.0 HP motor, a 22″ x 60″ running surface, 2.75″ rollers, and a 375 lb weight limit.

It also comes with a new 21.5″ touchscreen that comes loaded with entertainment apps (Netflix, Hulu, etc), screen mirroring from your phone, and free access to streaming workouts through Sole+.

And even though it can’t reach 40% inclines, it does offer downhill training to -6% and an incline range up to 15%.

Sole’s warranty is also better.

The F89 is a tough competitor for the X22i and it’s no wonder it’s become so popular.

Another impressive treadmill in this price range is Matrix’s TF30, which’ll cost ya around $4k if you go with the 10″ HD touchscreen console (it comes with 3 console options and price depends on your choice).

The TF30 is a folding treadmill and it comes with a smaller running surface and motor, but it’s still large enough and powerful enough to handle most users.

matrix treadmill tf30

Again, the TF30 can “only” reach a max incline of 15%, but Matrix is known for the durability of their treadmills and this model is backed by a great warranty.

And if you go with the 10″ HD touchscreen console, you get access to entertainment apps, screen mirroring, a built-in web browser, as well as integrated iFit access.

That’s right, Matrix treadmills come with iFit too.

Matrix treadmills are great, but it’s their consoles that really stand out to me – so if you’re looking for some great tech, the TF30 is worth checking out.

But again, I can’t find any treadmills in this price range that offer the kind of incline training the X22i does.

Sunny Health & Fitness has an incline trainer that can reach a 50% incline and it goes for ~$3k, but it’s not in the same league as the X22i.

It only comes with a top speed of 5 mph, there’s no touchscreen, and it only comes with a 6 month parts warranty.

Oh, Free Motion also offers incline trainers that go up to 30%, but they seriously start out at like $10,000, so nowhere near the X22i’s price range.

NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i vs The Commercial X32i

NordicTrack Commercial X22iNordicTrack Commercial X32i
Running surface22″ x 60″22″ x 65″
Motor4.0 CHP
0 – 12 mph
-6 – 40%
4.25 CHP
0 – 12 mph
-6 – 40%
Frame~375 lb weight
400 lb limit
>400 lb weight
400 lb limit
Console22″ HD touchscreen32″ HD touchscreen
Warranty10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
The Commercial X22i is smaller than the X32i, but comes with all the same features.

The last treadmill I want to compare the X22i to is NordicTrack’s own X32i, which usually costs around $4400, give or take.

The X32i is NordicTrack’s biggest, most expensive treadmill to date and it’s definitely a site to be seen.

That said, the upgrades over the X22i might not affect the quality of your workout that much.

The X32i comes with just a little more horsepower, but the biggest differences are seen in the size of the console and the size of the running surface.

The giant 32″ HD touchscreen is hard to miss, but the belt on the X32i is also 5″ longer, making it one of the largest running surfaces I’ve ever seen.

Otherwise, both treadmills come with the same iFit features, same warranty, and same weight capacity.

Oh, the X32i is also quite a bit heavier and takes up a bigger footprint (which makes sense considering how much larger its deck is).

There’s no denying that 32″ HD console is a work of art, but personally, I think the X22i is the better buy here.

Final Thoughts

Well, there ya have it.

As I said in the beginning, the X22i is a cool treadmill.

With a powerful motor and spacious running surface, folks should feel comfortable during workouts – well, as comfortable as you can expect to be while torturing yourself with steep inclines.

And with a large HD touchscreen display, viewing workouts and tracking metrics should be a piece of cake.

The warranty could be longer, but generally speaking, NordicTrack’s a trusted brand with a lot of happy customers, so there’s that.

Often I find myself saying that you have to be sure you’re willing to keep up with the iFit membership fee to make investing in a NordicTrack treadmill worthwhile.

But given the X22i’s power and incline range, this treadmill would still have a lot to offer even if you did stop using all the iFit features.

Any way you look at it, this X22i is an impressive specimen.

And pound for pound, it’s likely NordicTrack’s best overall treadmill. Highly recommended.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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