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Is ICG’s IC7 Indoor Cycle Worth The Investment? [A Review]

icg ic7 indoor cycle review

The IC7 is one of ICG’s most advanced indoor cycles, making it arguably one of the most advanced cycles in the world.

And I’m not trying to exaggerate here, I just don’t know how a bike could be any more elite.

To be more specific, the IC7 comes with a 1:11 gear ratio, which gets its lightweight flywheel spinning ridiculously fast, creating a smooth feel that’s also easy on the joints.

This cycle also comes with one of the most accurate power meters on the market, compatibility with fitness apps, and a coach by color feature that makes it easy to instantly see which workout zone you’re in.

Of course there’s also the heavy-duty frame, the fully-adjustable everything, and 100 levels of magnetic resistance at your disposal.

Not to mention the fact that this is one of the sleekest cycles I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

Add all that together and it’s easy to call the IC7 one of the best indoor cycles in the world, but is it really the right bike for your home gym?

Well, that’s what I’m here to help you answer.

In this review, I’ll go over everything this bike does and doesn’t have going for it.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not this is the right cycle for you.

Let’s begin.

The ICG IC7 Indoor Cycle

icg ic7 indoor cycle
Image courtesy of Life Fitness

ICG, short for “Indoor Cycling Group”, is a German cycling brand that’s gained a lot of fame in Europe for their high-end indoor cycles.

Well, with a few power moves and mergers, ICG is now owned by the same larger company that owns Life Fitness.

I’m assuming this is good news for ICG because their disruption and brand recognition will expand, but it’s also great news for Life Fitness – because now they can fill their indoor cycling lineup with ICG bikes.

ICG has several cycles to choose from and they’re all high-end.

And honestly, it can be hard to tell some of ’em apart because the differences can be quite subtle.

Standouts though, include their newer Ride CX, which offers a great combination of features for a much more affordable price and the elite IC7 we’re here to discuss now.

The IC7 is their most advanced cycle marketed for home use, but there’s also their commercial IC8, which is designed for elite cyclists (which can reach an astounding max output of 3800W…crazy).

Anyway, the IC7 goes for around $3600 and is often sold out due to high demand.


  • 1:11 gear ratio
  • Fast spinning, lightweight flywheel
  • 100 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Heavy-duty frame
  • 330 lb weight limit
  • Self-powered generator
  • WattRate console
  • Coach by color feature
  • Bluetooth/ANT+ compatible
  • Access to ICG app
  • Fully adjustable seat
  • Fully adjustable handlebars
  • Dual-compatible pedals
  • Easy assembly
  • Sleek design
  • Decent warranty


  • Expensive
  • Often sold out


Alright, let’s start this review with a look at the most important thing in my humble opinion – the resistance system.

When it comes to indoor cycles, there’s really 2 major designs to choose from – heavy flywheels or light flywheels.

Now to be honest, your budget will play a big part in which road you go down because light flywheel cycles usually cost a whole lot more than your heavy flywheel models.

Most light flywheel cycles start around $2k…

And by light flywheel cycles, I’m talking about the ones that use a light flywheel on purpose – not bikes that are designed for heavy flywheels but use light ones because they’re cheap.

Both types of cycles can be highly effective and I wouldn’t say one type is necessary better than the other, it just depends a lot of personal preference.

Regardless of which style you choose, know that it all really comes down to momentum.

The key to creating a smooth pedaling feel is getting that flywheel to build momentum and this can be done by adding weight to the flywheel or getting a light flywheel to spin fast.

Well, the IC7 does the latter.

The IC7 comes with a flywheel that weighs a mere 7.6 lb, so it certainly falls into the light flywheel category.

But with a gear ratio of 1:11, this bike gets that flywheel spinning faster than pretty much any other bike on the market.

I say “pretty much” because Keiser’s M3i also has a 1:11 gear ratio and ICG’s IC8 has an astounding 1:13.75 gear ratio.

And these gear ratios basically mean that the flywheel spins 11x for every complete rotation of the pedals.

So, with a gear ratio of 1:11, the IC7’s flywheel is moving really fast during workouts and all this speed creates all the momentum it needs to provide a smooth feel.

But without all the extra weight behind that flywheel, it doesn’t put quite as much pressure on your joints, especially when starting and stopping.

ICG pairs their fast spinning flywheel with 100 levels of magnetic resistance, giving you a ton of control over the intensity of each workout.

The IC7 also comes with a belt drivetrain, making for nearly silent operation.

Overall, there aren’t many cycles on the market that can match the speed at which the IC7’s flywheel spins. Folks looking for an elite, light flywheel design will likely appreciate what the IC7 has to offer here.


The IC7 scores very highly in the resistance department, but it also scores highly when it comes to its frame.

Not only is the rear mounted flywheel design sleek as hell, but the frame itself is quite heavy-duty too.

And unlike most bloggers who throw that term around without it meaning anything, when I use it, I’m being as literal as possible.

Looking at the bike’s assembled weight can give us a good idea as to how stable we can expect it to feel during workouts.

And when it comes to weights (and weight limits for that matter), higher is always better.

The IC7 comes with an assembled weight of 119 lb, which is pretty good for any cycle, but keep in mind how light the IC7’s flywheel is.

A lot of bikes have a massive flywheel adding to the total assembled weight – the IC7 doesn’t.

Only 7 of those pounds are coming from the flywheel, the rest is solid frame.

The IC7 also comes with a respectable weight capacity of 330 lb, allowing it to hold larger users safely as well.

Oh, and for the folks out there who care, this cycle has a really narrow Q-factor too (155 mm), mimicking the feel of riding a real road bike.

Overall, I think the IC7 scores very highly with regards to its frame too. I love the design, but I love how heavy-duty it is even more.

Seat and Handlebars

This bike comes with a fully adjustable seat and fully adjustable handlebars, meaning you can adjust the height and horizontal (fore/aft) position of each.

The use of levers makes it easy to adjust each, as does the user assist feature.

Speaking of which, according to ICG, the IC7 can fit most folks who are between 5’1″ and 7′ tall, which is a pretty inclusive range.

It’s also worth mentioning that the handlebars are multi-grip and foam covered, offering all the standard grips you’d expect to see on an indoor cycle.

But it’s lacking the drop handles found on their Ride CX and IC8.


The IC7 comes with dual-compatible pedals, meaning there’s a toe cage on one side that’s compatible with sneakers or pretty much any shoe you want to wear and SPD compatible clips on the other.

This is a nice feature because folks who want to wear cycling cleats can, but those who don’t want to don’t have to.

And if you prefer another style of cleat, you could always swap the pedals out easily.

Overall, the pedals on this bike are very accommodating.


The ICG IC7 Indoor Cycle comes with the following extra features as well:

WattRate power meter console- the console on the IC7 is quite advanced and ICG boasts that their console is one of the most accurate power meters on the market (+/- 1%), something elite cyclists will likely appreciate. There are 4 exercise modes to choose from as well, including manual, power training, heart rate training, and a power test (FTP).

Coach by color- the full color LCD console also comes with ICG’s coach by color feature, which changes the color of the screen based on your workout intensity (based on power output). This color code system makes it easy to gauge how hard you’re working and it’s also a strong motivator to push it to the next level.

Self-powered generator- the IC7 doesn’t need to be plugged in and it doesn’t take batteries – the only thing powering it is you.

ICG training app- ICG’s free app gives you access to metric tracking, instructor-led workouts, and scenic rides.

Bluetooth/ANT+ – the console on this cycle is bluetooth and ANT+ compatible with strap heart rate monitors and other fitness apps.

Dual water bottle holders- yup, there’s even a place to keep your beverages.


If you decide to purchase the IC7, you shouldn’t have to worry about assembly because there’s not much to it.

The main frame and all internal components come preassembled.

All you’ll be responsible for is attaching the stabilizers, connecting the handlebars, attaching the pedals, and connecting a few cables to power the console.

That’s about it.

It’s pretty straightforward stuff, just make sure not to pinch those cables because that could cause the console to malfunction.

It’s also probably a good idea to have your own tools (socket wrench, Philips head screwdriver) available for assembly.

Overall though, most folks should be able to get the IC7 up and running in no time.


The ICG IC7 comes with the following residential warranty:

  • 5 year frame
  • 3 year mechanical parts
  • 1 year wear items
  • 1 year console
  • 1 year labor

Ok, so 5 years on the frame doesn’t sound that great for a $3k bike, but it’s actually pretty standard for elite cycles.

I’m not sure who decided these bikes shouldn’t come with lifetime frame guarantees, but few offer this (Sole still does though).

And 3 years on parts is also pretty standard, few offer any longer than this.

The same goes for the console and wear items and a year is also standard procedure for the labor guarantee.

Overall, ICG’s warranty isn’t bad, but it isn’t particularly good either – it’s average all the way around.

Final Thoughts

Ok, that’ about all I got for the IC7.

All things considered, this cycle is awesome.

With a fast spinning flywheel that can even match Keiser’s M3i and 100 levels of magnetic resistance, the IC7 is sure to provide a smooth feel.

But unlike the M3i, the IC7 comes with a heavy-duty frame and a sophisticated LED console for added user satisfaction.

And that accurate power meter is a major perk for elite cyclists who want to track performance.

The only real downside I see is that the IC7 is pretty expensive and often out of stock, making it harder to get.

But I guess this only goes to show how happy folks are with this cycle.

Overall, I think the IC7 is easily one of the most sophisticated indoor cycles on the market. If you’ve got the budget for it, it’s unlikely you’ll be disappointed.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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