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Horizon’s 7.8 AT vs NordicTrack’s New Commercial 2450 – Which Treadmill Makes More Sense?

Horizon’s 7.8 AT and NordicTrack’s Commercial 2450 are two of the most popular treadmills in the ~$2k price range and it’s not that hard to see why.

Both treadmills come from respected fitness brands and both models come with spacious running surfaces, strong motors, and heavy-duty frames.

Sure, there are subtle differences between the 7.8 AT and New Commercial 2450 in terms of performance specs, but the biggest differences between these elite treadmills are found in the console features.

The 7.8 AT comes with a simpler, more traditional console, while the Commercial 2450 comes with an HD touchscreen console designed for workout streaming.

So, it’ll likely be your preference in console style that ultimately determines which treadmill you go with, but it’s still a smart idea to consider everything each treadmill has to offer.

And that’s where this guide comes in.

In this article, I’ll compare the 7.8 AT and Commercial 2450 head-to-head with regards to all their specs, features, cost, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

After reading, you’ll know once and for all which treadmill is the best fit for your home gym.

Let’s roll.

Horizon’s 7.8 AT comes with superior performance specs and a longer warranty, but NordicTrack’s New Commercial 2450 has a more sophisticated touchscreen console designed for iFit streaming.

Horizon 7.8 ATNordicTrack Commercial 2450
Frame330 lb assembled weight
375 lb weight limit
303 lb in box weight
300 lb weight limit
Running Surface22″ x 60″20″ x 60″
Motor4.0 CHP motor
2.3″/1.8″ rollers
0 – 15% incline
3.6 CHP motor
1.9″ rollers
-3 – 12% incline
Features9″ LCD console
10 workout programs
Bluetooth speakers
USB charging
Dial controls
Custom interval buttons
Included chest strap
22″ HD touchscreen
iFit ready
Workout streaming
Scenic routes
Metric tracking
AutoAdjust technology
Bluetooth compatible
WarrantyLifetime frame/motor
5 year parts
2 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
Price~$1999~$2499 – $2999
$39/month iFit fee

Horizon’s 7.8 AT vs NordicTrack’s New Commercial 2450

I’d like to start by saying that I like and respect both of these brands and that I consider both to be amongst the best options when it comes to home fitness equipment.

Both brands offer legit products for their price range and both are generally well received by users.

That said, I currently own Horizon’s 7.8 AT, so I might be a little biased.

I was lucky enough to receive one from Horizon for a review years ago and I’m happy to say that it’s still going strong in my gym today (knock on wood).

But I promise I’ll try not to play favorites while comparing these treadmills below.

I want to start by going over each treadmill’s performance specs because I think these are the most important things to consider before buying any treadmill.

Then we’ll take a look at the features each model has to offer to see how they stack up there.

If you’re interested in a more detailed look at either treadmill, feel free to check out my complete Horizon 7.8 AT review or NordicTrack New Commercial 2450 review.

Frame/Running Surface

Most home treadmills more or less take up the same amount of floorspace, so I don’t want to waste time here by talking about dimensions and footprints.

Instead, I want to skip to the stuff that I think really matters – and in terms of the frames, I’m talking about assembled weights and weight capacities.

These numbers are important to look at because I feel they can tell you a lot about a treadmill when it comes to how stable and secure they should feel during workouts.

Basically, a heavier machine should feel more solid because it has more material to support it.

And weight limits, to a certain extent, act the same way – seeing higher limits is a good indicator that the treadmill is well-constructed and able to provide a secure feel.

With this in mind, the 7.8 AT comes with an assembled weight of 330 lb and a weight capacity of 375 lb, both of which are very impressive for a home treadmill (and I can personally attest to how ridiculously heavy-duty this thing is).

NordicTrack’s New Commercial 2450 also scores highly in this category too though, coming with an “in box” weight of 303 lb.

NordicTrack offers “in box” weights instead of true assembled weights, so we have to subtract a little to make up for the estimated weight of the packaging.

For a treadmill like this, I think subtracting 40 – 50 lb is a pretty conservative guess, so that would put the 2450’s assembled weight somewhere around 260 lb – which is still pretty good.

The 2450’s weight limit though, isn’t nearly as high.

With a limit of only 300 lb, the 2450 isn’t certified to hold users as large as the 7.8 AT is.

My guess is that NordicTrack puts a smaller weight limit on this treadmill to make sure there aren’t any issues with the decline function, but I’m only speculating.

Otherwise, both treadmills fold vertically for storage and use hydraulic assists to make the transition easier.

Another subtle, yet noticeable difference between these models is found in the sizes of the running surfaces.

The 7.8 AT comes with a 22″ x 60″ surface, while the 2450 comes with a slightly smaller, 20″ x 60″ running surface.

Both machines are big enough to accommodate folks of all heights easily, but the 7.8 AT just offers a little extra wiggle room.

Overall, the 7.8 AT is larger and quite a bit heavier-duty than the 2450, but both treadmills score pretty highly in this category.


Moving on, let’s talk motors.

Motor strength is a fun spec to look at and compare between treadmills because it’s such an objective measure, but sometimes I think we give this spec too much significance.

Myself included.

Motor strength is certainly important, but as long a treadmill has enough power to get the job done, does it matter if it’s the strongest model on the market?

I’m not sure, but I guess when in doubt, having a stronger motor is never a bad thing.

Anyway, the 7.8 AT comes with a 4.0 CHP motor that can reach a top speed of 12 mph and a top incline of 15%.

And the New Commercial 2450 comes with a 3.6 CHP motor that can reach a top speed of 12 mph and a top incline of 12%, but it can also decline down to -3% for downhill training.

So, the Horizon treadmill is packing a little more sheer horsepower, but the NordicTrack model has the ability to decline below a flat grade.

Is the 0.4 horse difference between these 2 treadmills enough to make a noticeable difference?

My guess is probably not.

But the difference incline/decline capabilities is quite noticeable.

When talking motors, I also think it’s a good idea to consider roller size because this is another important performance spec that relates to the overall durability of a treadmill.

The rollers are the parts that the belt makes contact with, allowing it to smoothly glide over the deck, and having larger rollers is always a good thing.

Basically, larger rollers make more contact with the belt as it glides, making for a smoother feel while also putting less stress on the belt.

And most quality home treadmills come with rollers in the 2-3″ range.

The 7.8 AT comes with tapered rollers that measure 2.3″ in the center and taper down to 1.8″ on the sides, while the 2450 comes with 1.9″ rollers.

So, Horizon wins out when it comes to roller size.

Overall, both treadmills come with motors powerful enough to support running at all speeds, but the 7.8 AT comes with a stronger motor and larger rollers.


I think that about does it when it comes to the performance specs, so let’s switch gears and go over all the interesting console features these treadmills have to offer.

As I mentioned earlier, the 7.8 AT comes with a pretty standard, LCD console, so no touch screens or streaming workouts, but at around 9″, it’s really easy to see during workouts.

It’s also brightly lit, which makes viewing easier too.

The console comes with 10 built-in workout programs, which isn’t a lot, but I never use ’em anyway so it doesn’t bother me one bit.

I’ll provide a list below of the other additional features this treadmill comes with, but first I want to point out the dial controls used for the speed and incline settings.

As small as this feature seems, I have to say I love using the dials to make my speed/incline adjustments – rolling the dials is just so much easier (and faster) than having to push an arrow up/down.

And having the dials built-into the handles is super convenient.

Anyway, the 7.8 AT console also comes with the following features:

  • Bluetooth speakers
  • USB charging port
  • Included chest strap heart rate monitor
  • Custom interval buttons
  • Quick-touch speed/incline buttons
  • Tablet holder
  • Storage tray

Overall, as standard, non-streaming treadmills go, the 7.8 AT is pretty feature-rich.

Oh, you can also connect with fitness apps through bluetooth for some data tracking too, although I’ve never used this feature.

I mentioned that the features department was where these 2 treadmills really differ and this is easy to see when you look at the 22″ HD touchscreen console found on the Commercial 2450.

This is a NordicTrack treadmill, so of course it’s designed to pair with iFit for workout streaming.

That huge, gorgeous screen makes it easy to select all workouts and view all metrics and since it can pivot and tilt, you shouldn’t have any issues seeing it while doing off the treadmill workouts either.

Through iFit, you get access to unlimited instructor-led workouts of all kinds, metric tracking, scenic routes, and the cool AutoAdjust feature that allows your instructors to automatically adjust your speed/incline during workouts.

Of course all these features will cost ya $39/month after your 30 day free trial, so something to keep in mind.

Additional features on the Commercial 2450 include:

  • Bluetooth compatibility with headphones/heart rate monitors
  • Quick-touch speed/incline buttons
  • AutoBreeze fan
  • Storage tray

Overall, the New Commercial 2450 comes with a more sophisticated, touchscreen console designed for iFit streaming, while the 7.8 AT’s console is more classic.


There’s some pretty big differences between the warranties offered on these treadmills too though.

Horizon backs their 7.8 AT with the following home warranty:

  • Lifetime frame
  • Lifetime motor
  • 5 year parts
  • 2 year labor

Ok, that’s an excellent warranty (it’s actually one of the best warranties on the market).

And NordicTrack offers the following guarantee on their Commercial 2450 Treadmill:

  • 10 year frame
  • 2 year parts
  • 1 year labor

So, it’s pretty easy to see the differences here.

NordicTrack backs pretty much all their products with this same warranty and it works fine for some of their more affordable models, but I think it’s a bit short for a treadmill north of $2k.

Horizon’s on the other hand, is one of the best guarantees you’ll see anywhere.

The warranty shouldn’t necessarily be a deal breaker here, but it’s certainly something to think about when choosing between these 2 treadmills.


I mentioned earlier that these 2 treadmills are similarly priced, but there is still a difference worth noting.

At the time of writing this, the 7.8 AT is going for $1999 and the Commercial 2450 is going for somewhere between $2499 – $2999, depending on current promotions.

So, there’s about a $500 – $1k difference between these treadmills.

These prices can change at any time of course, although Horizon’s prices tend to be pretty consistent throughout the year; NordicTrack’s will vary some depending on promotions and the arrival of newer models.

Also keep in mind that if you opt for the 2450, you’ll also be responsible for the $39/month streaming fee in order to access all the good stuff iFit has to offer.

And no, you don’t have to sign-up for iFit to use the 2450, but I can’t for the life of me think of a reason to purchase that treadmill if you don’t plan on using iFit.

With Horizon, there is no streaming fee because the 7.8 AT isn’t a streaming treadmill (although you could stream fitness apps using your tablet).

Final Thoughts

Ok, there ya have it.

After comparing these treadmills side-by-side, I feel pretty confident saying that I think both treadmills have a lot to offer, both in terms of performance and console features.

The 7.8 AT is bigger, heavier, comes with a stronger motor, and has a higher weight limit.

It also comes with a much longer warranty.

But when it comes to features, the 2450 is the higher-tech option.

With a 22″ HD touchscreen console, streaming capabilities, AutoAdjust technology, and the ability to decline down to -3%, the Commercial 2450 is one of the most feature-rich treadmills in this price range.

So, when choosing between them, it really depends on what you’re looking for out of your treadmill.

If you’re looking for a heavy-duty, easy to use treadmill that doesn’t require a streaming fee, Horizon’s 7.8 AT makes a lot more sense.

But if you’re interested in instructor-led workouts, tracking metrics, and having your workout settings adjusted automatically, NordicTrack’s Commercial 2450 is easily the better option.

These are both awesome treadmills, so there aren’t any wrong answers here – it just boils down to the age old question of performance vs features.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

2 thoughts on “Horizon’s 7.8 AT vs NordicTrack’s New Commercial 2450 – Which Treadmill Makes More Sense?”

    1. That’s true, I just think that 22″ HD touchscreen would go to waste without the iFit membership. Although it is nice to know that if you get tired of paying that monthly fee you’ll still be able to use your treadmill.

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