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The XTERRA Fitness TR300 Folding Treadmill – A Smart Buy [A Review]

XTERRA TR300 treadmill review

Even though the TR300 is one of XTERRA Fitness’s more affordable folding treadmills, it still has plenty to be proud of- especially when compared to other models in this price range.

And this being XTERRA we’re talking about, of course the TR300 is backed by a more than fair warranty.

Highlights of this budget treadmill include a 20″ x 55″ running surface, a 2.25 HP motor, and 24 built-in workout programs to choose from.

Overall, the TR300 is a nice choice for people looking for a respectable treadmill that takes it easy on the budget (especially for those looking for a walking treadmill).

But before you buy, you have to do your homework- and that’s where I come in.

In this review, I’ll go over everything the TR300 has to offer, including the areas where it falls a bit short.

After reading, you’ll know everything you need to in order to decide whether this is the right treadmill for your home gym.

The XTERRA Fitness TR300 Folding Treadmill

XTERRA TR300 treadmill review
Photo courtesy of XTERRA Fitness

XTERRA is probably my favorite budget fitness brand. It’s mostly because their warranties blow most competitors out of the water, but it doesn’t hurt that their machines are well-built too.

It’s also nice that they’ve got such a large lineup of products to choose from.

And they really do specialize in affordable equipment- of the few dozen machines they offer, the majority of them cost under $1000 (and many cost well under that).

When it comes to treadmills, XTERRA has about 10 models to choose from and they’re organized into 3 series: Performance, Sport, and Compact.

The TR300 is the most affordable model in their Sport series, which also contains their higher-end TR6.4 and TR6.6.

On sale, the TR300 will cost ya about $800.


  • 20″ x 55″ running surface
  • 300 lb weight limit
  • 26 workout programs
  • 10 levels of power incline
  • Direct speed/incline buttons
  • Handle bar speed/incline controls
  • Folding frame
  • Easy assembly
  • Great warranty


  • Weaker motor
  • No bluetooth

Running Surface

If you’ve ever read any of my other treadmill reviews, you know I always like to start out by reviewing the running surface. When it comes to treadmills, I think this is the most important spec to consider.

If you get a treadmill with a running surface that’s too small, your workouts are going to suffer.

And realistically speaking, if you aren’t comfortable in your workouts, it’s unlikely you’re going to continue using the treadmill- and it would be a shame to have a new treadmill sitting in the corner collecting dust.

This spec is pretty easy to understand- it’s really just a measurement of the belt dimensions.

A treadmill’s running surface is usually written as “width x length” and measured in inches.

The TR300 comes with a running surface of 20″ x 55″.

While this is actually much larger than most treadmills in this price range (where it’s not uncommon to see lengths in the mid-40 inches), it still falls a bit short of the gold standard 60″ length.

The 20″ width is great, by the way.

With a length of 55″, taller folks (6′ and above) will likely find themselves having to shorten their stride a little when running at faster speeds.

Shorter folks shouldn’t have this issue.

At this size, the TR300 would make a great walking treadmill for all users (the motor strength also suggests this, but more on that below).

It would be nice to see a longer running surface on this treadmill, but I know that’s not realistic in this price range, so I can’t really hold that against it.

This treadmill does score highly in the frame department. Even though this machine is fairly light, with an assembled weight of 207 lb, it still has a respectable weight capacity of 300 lb.

Which is impressive for a treadmill this affordable.

This tells me that the TR300 is well constructed, allowing it to safely hold larger users.

Overall, the running surface on this treadmill makes it best suited for shorter runners or walkers of all sizes. I like that it comes with such a high weight capacity too.


Motor strength is another key spec you should consider when looking for a treadmill. And just like running surfaces, when it comes to motors, size matters.

I’m of the opinion that stronger is always better- well, almost always, if it was between a stronger DC motor and a weaker AC motor I’d have to think about it, but that’s besides the point.

Stronger motors are generally better because they can provide the same output without having to work as hard.

Not only does this put less stress on the motor, but it makes for a smoother, quieter workout experience.

Home treadmills usually come with motors in the 1.5 – 4.0 HP range.

If you’re planning on running regularly, I recommend at least a 3.0 HP motor to ensure smooth operation.

With this in mind, the XTERRA TR300 is packing a 2.25 HP motor.

When looking at our expected strength range, this is on the weaker side.

It’s true that budget treadmills tend to come with weaker motors (after all, there are reasons why these machines cost less to begin with), but it would still be nice to see a little more horsepower here.

With a motor this strong, I think the TR300 is better suited for walking than regular running.

This is evident too when we see that this model only has a top speed of 10 mph (compared to the 12 mph most home treadmills offer).

Given the price range, it’s pleasantly surprising to see that this treadmill comes with 10 levels of power incline. This is a feature we shouldn’t expect at this price and it’s a nice thing to have when it comes to shaking up your routine.

Overall, the weaker motor on this model is probably its biggest limitation. This, combined with the smaller running surface, makes the TR300 best suited for walking and light jogging.


The XTERRA TR300 comes with the following features:

5.5″ LCD console- the display screen isn’t fancy or anything, but it’s brightly lit and easy to read during workouts.

26 workout programs- this treadmill comes with a ton of built-in workouts to choose from. Of the 26, 24 are pre-programmed profiles. There’s also a manual mode and a heart rate guided workout.

Direct speed/incline buttons- this is kind of a nice feature for such an affordable treadmill. You can instantly set the speed and/or incline with the push of a button (3, 6, or 9).

Handle bar controls- you can also conveniently control your speed and incline from the buttons located on the handlebars. This sounds like a small thing, but it does make it easier on ya during workouts.

Audio jack- you can plug your phone or mp3 player into the console and listen to your favorite workout music through the built-in speaker.

Grip heart rate sensors- you can grab the heart rate sensors to check your pulse during workouts. Grip sensors are notoriously inaccurate and kind of cumbersome to use, but it’s better than nothing.

Cooling fan- the built-in fan can help keep you comfortable during more strenuous workouts.

Water bottle holder- there are 2 large water bottle holders that allow you to store your workout beverages of choice.


XTERRA does a great job of making the assembly process for the TR300 as painless as possible. There are only 5 steps from start to finish, and step 5 includes plugging the machine in.

The main deck comes preassembled. All you’ll be responsible for is bolting the 2 uprights to the deck and then attaching the console to the uprights.

You’ll also have to attach the little stabilizing bar (mast support) at the end.

Overall, this is a very straightforward process.

That said, it’s still a good idea to have a second person around, especially when it comes time to connect the cable while attaching the console.

This step is a lot easier if you have someone who can hold the console while you attach the cable and position it on the uprights.

All necessary tools are included and XTERRA does a nice job with making their assembly manual easy to follow.


XTERRA backs their TR300 Treadmill with the following warranty:

  • Lifetime frame
  • Lifetime motor
  • 1 year deck
  • 1 year parts
  • 1 year labor

For this price range, this is as good as it gets.

You can’t beat a lifetime frame and motor guarantee. And even though this is type of warranty is expected on more expensive models, it’s exceedingly rare for an $800 treadmill.

A year on the deck and parts is also better than most in this price range, where a 6 month parts guarantee is pretty standard.

A year on labor is pretty standard regardless of price range, although many treadmills this affordable don’t come with a labor warranty.

Overall, this is a great guarantee on this treadmill. Easily one of the best reasons to purchase the TR300.

Final Thoughts

Well, that about does it for the TR300.

Generally speaking, when talking about treadmills this affordable your expectations shouldn’t be too high- there are reasons some treadmills cost a lot less than others.

But even so, I’m pretty impressed with the TR300.

When it comes to performance specs, this model out scores most in this price range.

Given the smaller running surface and weaker motor, I still think this treadmill is best suited for walking and light jogging (runners should consider a more powerful treadmill).

When it comes to the console, I think this model scores highly with having so many workout programs to choose from. I also like that it actually comes with power incline settings.

But the biggest selling point, in my humble opinion, is the warranty- XTERRA backs this model with the best warranty I’ve ever seen in this price range.

Overall, if you’re looking for a quality treadmill that’ll take it easy on your budget, I think the TR300 is a great choice. Easily one of the best treadmills $800 will get ya. Recommended.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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