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Everything You Need To Know About The Sole S77 Treadmill [A Review]

sole s77 treadmill review

The S77 is one of the only non-folding treadmills you’ll find in Sole’s current lineup. Although this could be troublesome for smaller homes, folks that have the space and are looking for the durability of a commercial grade treadmill (without the commercial grade price) may want to take a closer look.

Highlights of the S77 include a 22″ x 60″ running surface, 4.0 CHP motor, and 15 levels of power adjustable incline. It’s also backed by one of the best warranties in the industry.

And with a sales price south of $2000, it’s priced to move.

If this all sounds intriguing, keep reading. In this review, we’ll take a close look at everything this treadmill has to offer- specs, features, and everything else in between.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not the S77 is the right treadmill for your home gym.

Off we go.

The Sole S77 Treadmill

Sole produces some of the best home treadmills around- some (like myself) might even argue they provide the best. I guess it depends on what you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for advanced console features, like HD displays or touchscreens, then Sole isn’t your best option. They also aren’t the best choice if you’re looking for dozens of workouts to choose from.

But if you’re looking for easy-to-use, durable treadmills that can give commercial grade machines a run for their money, then Sole is a smart choice.

They’ve got 7 treadmills in their current lineup (including their desk treadmill), but you can still find some of their older models on retail sites like Amazon.

The S77 is one of their higher-end models, with only 2 of their treadmills costing more (the highly popular F85 and the commercial grade TT8).

The S77 is very similar to the F85 in terms of specs and features. The only noticeable difference is that the S77 is lacking the ability to fold for storage.


  • 22″ x 60″ running surface
  • 4.0 CHP motor
  • 0.5 – 12 mph
  • 15 levels of power incline
  • Cushion Flex Whisper Deck shock absorbing system
  • 400 lb weight capacity
  • 2.75″ rollers
  • 10.1″ LCD screen
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Data tracking with fitness apps
  • Chest strap heart rate monitor included
  • USB charging port
  • Integrated tablet holder
  • Quick touch buttons for speed and incline
  • Backed by amazing warranty


  • Only 10 workout programs
  • Non-folding deck

Running Surface

A treadmill’s running surface (or belt size) describes how much usable space you have to walk or run on during your workouts. It’s a key spec and the first thing I always look at when examining a new treadmill.

The dimensions are measured in inches and usually written as “W x L”. Larger is better because it means you have more room during your workouts.

Smaller users might not notice the difference, but taller runners will. If a treadmill has a running surface that’s too short, you could find yourself shortening your stride or even having to limit your max speed due to fear of stepping off the belt.

Treadmills that are too narrow can be just as uncomfortable- nobody wants to feel like they’re running on a balance beam.

Neither of these circumstances should be an issue with the S77 and its 22″ x 60″ running surface. The extra wide belt gives it a more spacious feel and at 60″ long, even taller users will be able to stretch out completely when running at higher speeds.

The frame doesn’t fold, but it’s solidly built out of high-grade steel, providing a sturdy base for the treadmill to operate on. Sturdy enough for users weighing up to 400 lb to use safely.

Speaking of sturdy, the S77 weighs 258 lb fully assembled. This is a large, bulky machine and I mean that in a good way. Having a heavy treadmill is good because it means it’s going to feel more stable (and less wobbly) during use.

There aren’t a lot of differences between the F85 and the S77, but when you look at total weight, we do see that the more expensive F85 weighs almost 50 lb more (at 301 lb).

Some of this weight is likely due to the hydraulic folding mechanism, but it’s common for higher-end treadmills to weigh more because of the quality of materials used.

One last thought on folding vs non-folding treadmills before we move on- back in the day, folding treadmills weren’t as tough as the non-folding models- many were cheap and flimsy.

Now though, that isn’t an issue. The technology has improved drastically and just because a treadmill folds doesn’t mean it’s giving up anything in the stability department.

Theoretically, it would make sense that a non-folding treadmill like the S77 would feel more stable since the frame isn’t designed to move, but that isn’t always the case.

I suggest you look at the numbers when comparing folding or non-folding treadmills: weight capacities and machine weights tell you a lot about frame integrity.

Like all Sole treadmills, this model also comes with their patented Cushion Flex Whisper deck shock absorbing technology, which has been reported to reduce compression forces by up to as much as 40%.

This is hard to prove, but users do agree the S77 is comfortable to use.

Overall though, the S77 scores highly with a large running surface and high weight limit.


When talking performance specs, running surface is my first priority, but motor strength is a close second. A treadmill motor needs to be strong enough to fuel daily workouts of all intensities (well, a good treadmill motor anyway).

I doubt you’d be surprised to hear that when it comes to motors, stronger is better.

Stronger motors are capable of handling more strenuous workouts (higher speeds, higher inclines, longer durations) more efficiently than weaker motors.

This means these motors won’t have to work as hard to provide the same output- meaning they should last longer, provide smoother operation, and even run more quietly.

How strong is strong enough? Depends on you and your workouts.

Smaller users and users who are only walking can get by with weaker motors. Larger users and runners should look for stronger motors.

More specifically, I recommend runners look for at least a 3.0 CHP motor.

The S77 comes with a 4.0 CHP, DC motor. With 4 ponies under the hood, the S77 is packing a powerful motor that shouldn’t have any problems reaching and maintaining higher speeds.

Speaking of which, this treadmill can reach a max speed of 12 mph (or 5 min mile), which is more than fast enough for most of us mortals.

For added difficulty, you can play with the 15 levels of power adjustable incline to imitate running up and down hills.

The motor on this treadmill is strong, which is great, but I also want to point out that Sole uses 2.75″ rollers on this model. The rollers are the parts that make contact with the belt, propelling it down the deck during your workout.

Having larger rollers is a good thing, because it makes for smoother belt operation, but it also puts less stress on the rollers and motor.

A lot of home treadmills use rollers less than 2″ in diameter. Higher-end treadmills use 2.5″ – 3″ rollers. At 2.75″, the S77 is using larger rollers than most.

For comparison’s sake, the TT8 uses 3″ rollers and the F85 also uses 2.75″ rollers.

Overall, the S77 comes with a powerful motor and larger rollers- a great combination when it comes to providing a smooth workout.


The Sole S77 comes with the following features:

10 workout programs- all Sole cardio machines come with basically the same workout programs, including 6 standard options (hills, cardio, etc), 2 heart rate guided workouts, and 2 custom options. Not a ton of workouts to choose from, but enough to get the job done. Especially if you like to just jump on and run.

10.1″ LCD screen- the screen is large and bright enough to see clearly during your workouts. Users also like that the display shows your progress along a quarter mile track, which can be helpful for determining split times.

Quick touch buttons- using the quick touch buttons, you can instantly set your resistance and incline settings. This comes in handy for interval training, where you may be going between different settings rapidly.

Bluetooth speakers- you can listen to your smart phone wirelessly through the built-in bluetooth speakers.

Data tracking- you can also use bluetooth to track your workout data on the Sole fitness app or one of several other apps the treadmill is compatible with (Fitbit, Record, Apple Health, Mapmyrun).

USB charging port- the built-in USB charger makes it easy to charge your devices during your workouts, ensuring you don’t kill your battery listening to music.

Chest strap heart rate monitor- Sole includes a chest strap monitor with purchase, making sure you can get accurate heart rate readings during your workouts (which is essential if you’re using the heart rate workouts).

Integrated tablet holder- the tablet holder is conveniently located above the console, so you don’t have to block your view of the display while watching your tablet.

Cooling fan- the cooling fan is a nice touch, might help keep you a little more comfortable during your harder runs.

Water bottle holder- there are plenty of places for you store not only water bottles, but keys, remotes, or pretty much anything else that may need storing during your workout (contraband from your kids maybe).


The assembly manual is usually the area where I have the most complaints with Sole products. The images usually have too much going on at the same time, making it more difficult to follow.

That said, it looks like Sole has starting making some improvements.

The instructions for the S77 are much easier to follow than many of the assembly manuals they’ve put out in the past. They’ve split the process up into more steps, so there isn’t as much action in each one.

This makes it easier to follow.

There are still only 9 steps to get through. The deck comes pre-assembled, so you’re basically just attaching the console and console masts to the deck.

All of the necessary tools are included, though I always prefer my own, full size tools, to the small combo ones that comes with these machines.

Overall, the assembly process on this treadmill is pretty straightforward. Most sort-of handy individuals should be able to assemble themselves.

Keep in mind the size and weight of this treadmill though- it’s highly recommended that you have a partner available to assist, especially when attaching the console in step 4.


The Sole S77 comes with the following warranty:

  • Lifetime frame
  • Lifetime motor
  • Lifetime deck
  • 5 year electronics
  • 2 year labor

A treadmill’s warranty is always a good indicator of its quality. After all, these companies are realistic- they know when their products are junk and aren’t gonna last.

Just like Sole knows that their treadmills are built out of high-end materials and are designed to last a life time.

Sole has a reputation for offering some of the most generous warranties on the market and their guarantee on the S77 doesn’t disappoint.

You can’t beat lifetime on the frame, motor, and deck. Five years on the electronics is also impressive, especially considering many competitors only offer 2-3 years.

The labor warranty is better than most too, with 1 year on labor being pretty standard.

Overall, a great warranty.

Final Thoughts

Sole’s S77 has a lot going for it. Right off the bat, it comes with a spacious running surface, powerful motor, and long warranty. These 3 facts alone make it a smarter option than most home treadmills.

But it also comes with larger than normal rollers, a sophisticated cushioning system, and a heavy-duty frame.

The only thing missing is the folding deck, but for homes that aren’t tight on space, there may not be a need to fold for storage anyway.

If your space is limited, the F85 would be a great choice because it has the same specs as the S77 and does have a folding frame. On sale, the F85 will only cost you $100 more too.

Otherwise, the 2 models are almost identical.

Overall, Sole’s S77 is an awesome home treadmill. It’s priced in the competitive $1500 – $2000 price range, where we see some of the best treadmill deals available. Even so, I consider it one of the best home treadmills around. Highly recommended.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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