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Is Matrix’s Treadmill T75 Worth The Investment? [A Review]

matrix treadmill t75 review

Matrix’s T75 looks like the kind of treadmill you’d see in any self-respecting commercial gym – large deck, robust non-folding frame, and of course a huge HD console loaded with entertainment and workout options.

This treadmill certainly looks the part, but if you stop and look at the fine details, does it really stand up to what we should expect from a treadmill in this price range?


With a 3.0 CHP AC motor, 22″ x 60″ running surface, and an indisputably heavy-duty frame, the T75 can perform with any treadmill in its price range.

But if you ask me, it’s the console features that really set it apart.

With the T75, we get to choose between 4 consoles, ranging from the basic XR to the 22″ HD touchscreen awesomeness that is the XUR.

And not only does the XUR come loaded with entertainment apps and screen mirroring capabilities, but it also offers seamless iFit access.

All things considered, the T75 isn’t cheap, but if you’re looking for a commercial-grade treadmill to add to your home gym, I think it’s a great choice for the price.

In this review, I’ll be going over everything this treadmill does and doesn’t have going for it – I’ll also try to compare it to some of the other top options in this price range to see how it stacks up.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not Matrix’s T75 is the right treadmill for your home gym.

Let’s begin.

The Matrix Treadmill T75

Image courtesy of Matrix

Matrix is a respected brand, known for both their residential and commercial lineups.

They’re part of the Johnson Health Tech family, which also owns popular brands like Horizon and Vision Fitness (Horizon offers more affordable options and Vision is more of a light-commercial brand).

Matrix machines are high-end, but as I mentioned above, it’s their consoles that set ’em apart – especially for people looking for streaming workouts and entertainment apps in a single package.

But more on that later.

The T75 we’re here to talk about now is their premiere home treadmill and the only residential model that’s packing an AC motor.

The price will vary quite a bit depending on which console you go for, but in general, expect this treadmill to cost somewhere between $5k – $7k.

Alright, let’s start things off with a rundown on the performance specs.


  • 22″ x 60″ running surface
  • 3.0 CHP AC motor
  • Heavy-duty frame
  • 400 lb weight limit
  • Choice of 4 consoles
  • Built-in entertainment apps*
  • Screen mirroring*
  • Bluetooth
  • iFit compatible
  • Built-in workouts
  • Built-in web browser*
  • USB charging*
  • Safety rail
  • Included heart rate strap*
  • Great warranty

*depending on console choice


  • Rollers could be a little larger

Running Surface

The first thing I look for when checking out any new treadmill is the size of the running surface.

The running surface tells us the dimensions of the belt, but what it really does is tell us how much room we’ll have when using said treadmill.

And I’m of the opinion that more room is always a good thing.

Now I’m a 6’1″, 200 lb dude, so what I consider spacious and what a smaller person needs may be a bit different, but regardless – most quality home treadmills come with a running surface that measures somewhere in the 20″ x 60″ range.

At this size, folks of pretty much all sizes should be able to walk or run comfortably without feeling like they need to shorten their strides.

With this in mind, the T75 comes with a running surface of 22″ x 60″.

This is large enough to accommodate users of all sizes and the extra couple inches of width is nice, but it should also be expected for this price range.

So, in terms of running surface size, the T75 is right where we want it.

It’s also worth knowing that the T75 is not a folding treadmill, so you won’t be able to fold that deck out of the way after workouts.

There are a lot of folding treadmills out there now, but the higher-end models are continuing to use non-folding decks because they tend to offer a more stable feel.

Speaking of stable, the T75 weighs in at 375 lb, making it quite heavy for a home treadmill.

With this much weight to it, you won’t have to worry about this machine feeling flimsy or wobbly during workouts – it’s gonna feel rock solid.

The fact that it can safely hold folks weighing up to 400 lb is another great indicator to how strong this treadmill is.

Just know that all this mass will make it more difficult to move, so make sure you know exactly where it’s going before assembly.

Overall though, I love how heavy-duty this treadmill is and the running surface is as spacious as we can expect from any home treadmill.


The running surface on this treadmill is spacious, but that should be a given, considering the price.

What’s more impressive though, is the 3.0 CHP AC motor this bad boy is packing under the hood.

The fact that the T75 uses an AC motor is impressive because most home treadmills come with DC motors – AC motors are usually only seen on commercial treadmills.

AC motors do a better job of handling the stress of extended daily use and can handle hours of continuous operation without over heating.

DC motors on the other hand, can’t really do this – these motors are designed for a lot less daily use.

But DC motors work fine for home treadmills where there’s often only a single daily user.

Anyway, with a 3.0 CHP AC motor, the T75 will be able to handle hours of daily use from multiple users, making it a great option for serious runners or families where several members plan on using the treadmill regularly.

At this price range, it isn’t surprising to see an AC motor, but it isn’t a given either.

For example, Life Fitness’s T5 costs around $6k (with Track Connect 2.0 console) and it’s still coming with a 3.0 HP DC motor.

And Precor’s TRM 631, which costs just under $7k, also uses a 3.0 CHP AC motor.

So, given the comps, I think the T75 holds its own quite well in the motor department.

This treadmill can reach a top speed of 12.5 mph and a max incline of 15%, so it should have enough muscle to challenge folks of all fitness levels.

The last thing I want to mention here is that this treadmill comes with 2.4″ rollers.

The rollers are what the belt makes contact with, allowing it to glide smoothly across the deck. And having larger rollers is a good thing when it comes to smooth belt action and overall heavy-dutiness.

Most quality home treadmills come with rollers in the 2″ – 3″ range, so the T75’s rollers certainly fall within this range – but for the price, it would be nice to see them a little closer to 3″.

But honestly, that’s really me nitpicking, but hey, that’s what I’m here for.

Overall, I think the T75 scores very highly in the motor department and with its AC motor, it can handle as much daily use as you and your family can throw at it.


The Matrix Treadmill T75 comes with the following features:

Choice of console- you get to choose between 4 different consoles with this treadmill and the features you get will vary depending on which one you go with. The XUR is the nicest of the bunch and it comes with a 22″ HD touchscreen console. Next in line is the XIR, which has a 16″ HD touchscreen. After that, there’s the 10″ HD touchscreen XER and lastly, the 8.5″ LCD XR console. The XR is pretty basic, but if you don’t care about tech features you can save about $2k off the asking price with this option.

iFit- all the consoles are iFit compatible and the ones that include an HD touchscreen allow you to watch the workouts directly through your built-in screen (with the XR, you have to pair your phone or tablet to watch workouts). Through iFit, you get access to thousands of instructor-led workouts, as well as scenic routes and metric tracking. Matrix includes a 30 day free trial and after that, you’ll have to pay the monthly membership fee to continue using it. But, unlike NordicTrack, you don’t need an iFit membership to take advantage of all the other features the T75 has to offer.

Entertainment apps- the XUR, XIR, and XER consoles also come with built-in entertainment apps, like Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, etc. You can access all these fun apps directly through you treadmill, although you need your own individual memberships.

Web browser – the XUR, XIR, and XER consoles also come with a built-in web browser, so you can search the internet while working out.

Screen mirroring- all the HD consoles come with screen mirroring capabilities too, allowing you to hook your phone or tablet up to the console and view anything directly on the treadmill.

Bluetooth- all consoles are bluetooth compatible with fitness apps or heart rate monitors and the XUR/XIR/XER consoles even include a strap heart rate monitor with purchase.

Workouts- each console comes with built-in workout programs, but the number will vary between 5 – 13 depending on which console you opt for.

USB charging- the touchscreen consoles also come with USB charging, allowing you to keep your phone or tablet fully charged during workouts.

Safety rail- as a therapist, I really appreciate the safety rail encircling the front of the treadmill because it makes it even more convenient to find a hand grip any time you need one.

Water bottle holders- and finally, there’s room for 2 water bottles.


Matrix offers white glove delivery and installation, so if you decide to purchase the T75, you won’t have to worry about putting it together.

It’ll cost a few hundred bucks, but you can rest assured that it’ll be done correctly and you won’t have to worry about the headache regarding moving something this heavy.

If for some reason white glove delivery isn’t available in your area, Matrix will wave the delivery fee and drop it off at your front door.

Again, this treadmill weighs almost 400 lb, so moving it will be the hardest part of assembly.

Putting the treadmill itself together is a pretty straightforward task – it’s just a matter of bolting a few components to the deck, hooking up the console, and attaching a few covers.

Overall though, I’d take advantage of the white glove delivery if it’s available in your area.


Matrix offers the following warranty on their Treadmill T75:

  • Lifetime frame
  • Lifetime motor
  • Lifetime cushioning
  • 7 year parts
  • 2 year labor

Ok, overall, I’d say this is a pretty awesome warranty.

You can’t beat a lifetime frame/motor/cushioning guarantee and 7 years on parts is quite generous as well.

And 2 years on labor is even better than the 1 year many brands offer.

But let’s take a look at what Life Fitness and Precor offer, as they’re two of the biggest names in this price range.

Life Fitness offers a lifetime guarantee on their frames and 7 years on parts, but they only offer 10 years on their motors (and 1 year on labor).

Precor’s warranties are great too and they offer lifetime frame, 10 year motor, and 10 year parts warranties.

So, based on these comps, again I would say Matrix holds their own very well.

Final Thoughts

Alright, that’ll about do it for the T75.

Looking at all the specs and features this treadmill comes with, there’s not much to complain about.

This is a heavy-duty treadmill with a spacious deck, but it’s the AC motor and sophisticated consoles (well, 3 of the 4 anyway) that impress me the most.

The warranty is pretty awesome too.

This is a great treadmill, but for the price, I would expect it to be a great treadmill – the real question is whether or not it’s worth that cost.

And the best way to answer that one is to look at the comps.

I’ve mentioned Life Fitness and Precor a couple times already because those are two of the biggest names in this price range.

With Life Fitness, we’re really talking about their T5 (~$6k) or their Club Series+ (~$8k).

The Club Series+ comes with an AC motor and a heavier-duty frame, but if you go with their touchscreen console, the price jumps to over $10k.

And as I mentioned earlier, the T5 comes with a DC motor and a basic console that isn’t even in the same league as the T75’s XUR, XER, or XIR options.

The closest comp Precor offers is likely their TRM 631, which goes for around $7k.

It’s a great treadmill, coming with a heavy-duty frame and a 3.0 CHP AC motor, but again – it comes with a rather basic LED console.

So, as I think these comps suggest, I think Matrix’s T75 is priced pretty competitively, considering what these higher-end consoles offer.

And if you don’t care about a touchscreen, the T75 could still make a lot of sense if you just want a robust machine that can handle multiple users.

Any way you look at it, I think the T75 is easily one of the best home treadmills in this price range. Highly recommended.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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