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6 Simple and Budget-Friendly Ways to Boost Your Health Every Day

Boost Your Health Every Day

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive. While it’s possible to spend a fortune on organic meals and gym memberships, it’s far from necessary. Being healthy has much more to do with the amount of work you put in than the amount of money you spend!

When it comes to eating clean, exercising, getting enough sleep, and otherwise caring for your head-to-toe health, here are some daily health strategies that fit any budget:

#1 Create a Home Gym

Regular exercise is by far one of the most important things for your health. Physical activity reduces inflammation, an underlying cause of several health problems including depression, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Exercise also has the power to lengthen our lives by slowing the aging process at the cellular level!

To save money, avoid paying for a gym membership by setting up an at-home gym. You can find numerous affordable fitness products and workout tools — like weights, resistance bands, activity trackers, smart scales, and workout mats — from retailers like Best Buy.

Just be sure to grab a Best Buy coupon before shopping so you can stretch your budget a little further!

#2 Enjoy the Outdoors

Spending time outside is a huge promoter of good health. Many are already aware that sunlight provides us with vitamin D, but fewer know that this vitamin can protect us from osteoporosis, cancer, and other health issues—just make sure you don’t spend more than 10 or 15 minutes in the sun to avoid harming your skin.

Being outside can also add exercise to your fitness regimen; plus, sunlight can improve mood and concentration. The beauty of the great outdoors is you can spend as much or as little money as you wish to gain these health benefits.

Simply going to the beach, hiking, riding your bike, or kayaking can be all you need for some healthy doses of sunlight. If you’re kayaking, make sure you have the right trailer to tow your kayak.

Trailers are especially useful if you’re going out on the water with friends or family and need to transport multiple kayaks.

#3 Find Ways to Relax

Although some people may associate relaxation with laziness, their assessment couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s important to set aside time every day to just kick back and relax, whether that’s binge-watching a few episodes of your favorite television show or diving in an enjoyable video game.

Fortunately, if you’re the type of person who likes to use gadgets to unwind, there are ways to add some weaponry to your relaxation arsenal while still adhering to your budget.

For example, a good foot massager, one that can help relieve the tension in your feet, is a wise investment — though it’s important to find a great one before you spend the money.

And if you need a little help dozing off during that weekend afternoon nap, there are many white noise machines that can lend you a helping hand at an affordable price.

#4 Prioritize Dental Health

While most of us know that exercise is an essential aspect of a well-rounded health routine, few of us are aware of the impact dental health has on the body.

Sadly, many adults forgo dental care due to cost only to be hit with high dental bills in the future. Not only that, but untreated dental diseases can cause a variety of adverse health effects, including heart disease and depression, which can cause a vicious cycle.

It’s easy to maintain your oral health by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. Part of any good oral care routine also involves dental checkups and cleanings every six months.

During these visits, dentists will monitor your oral health and put an end to any problems before they become serious.

#5 Be a Smart Shopper

Many people are also deterred from eating healthy due to cost. It’s true that many health foods are more expensive than prepackaged, empty-calorie options.

However, if you’re smart about your purchases, following a healthy diet is extremely affordable. Thrive Global recommends bulk purchasing healthy diet staples — such as frozen vegetables, quinoa, oats, wild rice, and dried beans.

Of course, you may have to be selective about your choices in order to stay under budget. For example, frozen vegetables are much cheaper than their fresh counterparts, but they provide identical nutritional benefits.

To save even more, prep large batches of a few different meals to pop in the freezer or store in the fridge for the coming week. That way, you won’t be tempted to order out or pick up an unhealthy microwavable meal when you’re short on time.

#6 Declutter and Redesign Your Bedroom

Sleep is one of the most overlooked aspects of our health. Did you know that just over 100 years ago, people used to sleep an average of nine hours every night?

Today, 35 percent of Americans don’t even get seven hours of sleep! Lack of sleep increases your risk of suffering from obesity, depression, and chronic pain.

While our busy lives likely have a lot to do with this, our bedroom environment may also be sabotaging our sleep. Fortunately, there are many ways to fix this without buying a pricey mattress.

To improve your sleep quality, John Hopkins Medicine recommends decluttering your bedroom, purchasing blackout curtains, and keeping your pet off the bed. Buying a cheap fan can also help — our bodies have an easier time sleeping in cooler temperatures.

Being healthy on a budget is entirely possible. In fact, it can be quite easy when you put in the time to plan ahead.

If you’re having trouble keeping up with your health goals, create a simple checklist of healthy actions you want to take every day, such as brushing your teeth, cooking a home meal, or working out. Eventually, these actions will become effortless habits!


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