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The 5 Best Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmills – Top Budget Models Reviewed

5 best sunny health and fitness treadmills

Sunny Health & Fitness is a popular, budget-friendly home fitness brand with a ton of products to choose from. Their treadmills are especially popular for folks looking for some of the most affordable models around.

But with a lot of their treadmills having similar sounding, numeric names, it can get a little confusing when trying to find the best option.

So, I figured a guide discussing the best Sunny Health & Fitness treadmills could be helpful.

In this article, I’ll present my 5 top Sunny treadmills on the market, as well as the specs you should consider when comparing different home treadmills in general.

If you’re looking for a Sunny treadmill, I hope you find this guide helpful.

But first things first…

Is Sunny Health & Fitness A Good Brand?

In order to answer this question fairly, we need to consider the price range Sunny is in – I don’t think it’s fair to compare Sunny to brands that are offering $2-3k treadmills because there’s just no comparison.

Let’s be real- Sunny is a budget brand.

And budget brands cost less for legitimate reasons.

Budget brands cost less because their products are less heavy-duty, come with less impressive performance specs, and more times than not, come with little to no warranty.

And I’m not bashing budget brands. These brands play a key role in providing people fitness options that otherwise might not be able to afford home equipment.

But it’s important to have realistic expectations when shopping for budget fitness equipment.

And by “budget”, we’re talking treadmills that are well under $1000. Believe it or not, a treadmill that costs $700-$800 is very budget-friendly in the world of home treadmills (where many of the top picks cost $2k+).

Most Sunny treadmills fall in the $500-$800 range.

But back to the question at hand- is Sunny a good brand?

I would say yes.

When compared to other budget brands, Sunny holds up pretty well. They’ve got a ton of models to choose from and their treadmills are very well-reviewed by users.

Their treadmills come with plenty of features you shouldn’t necessarily expect in this price range, like built-in workout programs, power incline, and bluetooth capabilities.

Sunny’s products could use longer warranties, but otherwise their specs hold up against any other budget brand.

I’d go as far as to say that Sunny is one of the best budget home fitness brands around. The only budget brand that probably has ’em beat is Xterra, who offers much better warranties.

My biggest complaint about their treadmills is how small they are.

There’s no getting around it- these treadmills come with small running surfaces. These machines are definitely designed for smaller users (which is also evident when you see the weight capacities on these models).

The smaller running surfaces and low weight capacities tell me that these treadmills are best suited for walking and light jogging- taller and larger users beware.

Another small beef I have with Sunny is how they name their products- they usually just use these numerical codes to identify the different models, making it almost impossible to remember which model is which.

The numerical names do nothing to identify one treadmill from another to a consumer. It would be nice if they had catchier titles or at least easier to remember numerical codes (like Sole uses).

Anyway, it’s a small complaint.

Choosing A Treadmill (Regardless of Brand)

Before we dive into the top Sunny treadmills, I wanted to include a quick reminder on what we should be looking at when comparing treadmills.

These are also the same specs I used to decide on which treadmills made this list.

Running Surface

I mentioned running surface above. This spec describes the usable dimensions of the belt and is the single most important spec for a treadmill in my opinion.

And that’s because it directly relates to how comfortable it’s going to be to use.

Treadmills with larger running surfaces are more comfortable to use- more room equals more space to roam and sway while walking or jogging.

The gold standard for a quality home treadmill is a running surface of 20″ x 60″ (width x length, measured in inches).

It’s rare to see running surfaces this large when looking at treadmills in this price range, as you’ll see when we start discussing the treadmills below.

But when it comes to running surface, bigger is always better.


A treadmill’s motor is its heart- it’s what keeps your machine going and it powers all of your workouts. When it comes to motors, stronger is always better.

A stronger motor won’t have to work as hard to supply the same output as a weaker motor will. This means stronger motors should, theoretically, last longer.

They should also provide smoother, quieter workouts too (since they aren’t having to strain as much).

Quality home treadmills usually come with a motor that’s at least 3.0 CHP, but many go as high as 4.0 CHP.

If you plan on doing a lot of running, I suggest going with at least a 3.0 CHP motor, but as you’ll see, none of the treadmills on this list reach this limit.

Again, cheaper treadmills come with smaller motors, but even when comparing budget options, I’d still try to go with the stronger motor when comparing similar options.


Warranty is another key spec you should consider when looking at any treadmill. As you’d expect, longer warranties are always preferred to shorter ones.

Treadmill warranties are usually broken down into the following components: frame, motor, parts, labor.

Some will also include a separate deck warranty.

High quality home treadmills will come with lifetime frame and motor guarantees, 3-5 years on parts, and a year or 2 for labor.

Budget treadmills will come with significantly shorter warranties, as you’ll see below. But again, finding the longer warranty is always the goal.

If you’d like to read more about what to look for when choosing a treadmill, check out my comprehensive treadmill guide.

The 5 Best Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmills

#1 The Sunny Health & Fitness Performance Treadmill (SF-T7874)

Sunny’s Performance Treadmill tops my list because this model comes with one of the biggest running surfaces this brand offers.  It also comes with a stronger motor and a good combination of workout programs to choose from.

The T7874 (see what I mean here?) comes with a running surface that measures 18″ x 54″.

I know this is considerably smaller than that gold standard I mentioned above, but it’s actually one of the larger decks for Sunny treadmills.

That said, I still think anyone nearing 6′ in height is gonna have a hard time running on it.

This model does come with a 3.0 CHP motor however, which is surprisingly strong for this brand. The T7874 can reach a top speed of 11 mph and also comes with 15 levels of power incline.

The folding frame on this treadmill comes with a max weight capacity of 285 lb, which is higher than most Sunny machines.

When it comes to the console, this model is packing 14 workout programs, quick select speed buttons, and built-in speakers for playing your favorite music.

This treadmill is backed by a 3 year frame and 180 day parts guarantee.

Overall, the Performance treadmill is one of the larger, stronger treadmills in Sunny’s lineup. And for roughly $700, it’s got a lot to be proud of.


#2 The Sunny Health & Fitness ASUNA SpaceFlex (7750)

If you’re looking for a sleeker, more modern look from your Sunny treadmill, their ASUNA SpaceFlex might be a good fit. This small, folding treadmill comes with a tiny footprint and a minimalist design, allowing it to fit in even the smallest of spaces.

Sunny’s ASUNA lineup contains many of the brand’s higher-end machines. That said, the specs on these products aren’t always better.

The running surface on this model measures 19″ x 51″. The width is pretty good here, but at 51″, the length is quite short.

Walking and jogging at slower speeds should be doable for most smaller folks, but taller folks are going to run out of space if they start stretching out their stride.

The ASUNA SpaceFlex comes with a 2.5 CHP motor, so just a little weaker than the motor offered on the model above, but not bad for this price range.

This machine can reach a top speed of 8 mph and also offers 12 levels of power incline.

This treadmill only has a 220 lb max weight capacity, so this is definitely a model designed with smaller folks in mind.

But with a total machine weight of only about 120 lb, moving this treadmill around will be a breeze, especially since it folds in half for easy storage.

The SpaceFlex comes with 8 built-in workout programs, a USB charging port, and built-in speakers. It’s also backed by a more impressive, 5 year frame warranty.

Overall, if you’re of smaller stature and looking for a slim, sleek treadmill to add to your home, Sunny’s ASUNA SpaceFlex is worth checking out.


#3 The Sunny Health & Fitness Incline Treadmill (SF-T7917)

I’m not really sure why this model is referred to as the “incline treadmill”- it doesn’t offer any more incline than the other models, but it does have a little more going on in the tech department.

The running surface on this treadmill measures 19″ x 52″, so easily in the same ballpark as all of the other treadmills on this list so far.

The motor on this incline treadmill is only packing 2.0 CHP, making it one of the weaker machines on this list. Again, don’t get this machine and expect it to hold up to strenuous running, but it can reach a top speed of 10 mph.

It also comes with 15 power incline levels and quick select buttons for both speed and incline.

But when it comes to the console, there are a few pleasant surprises.

For one, the SF-T7917 comes with bluetooth speakers, meaning you can play music through the treadmill wirelessly. It also comes with handrail speed/incline controls, allowing for convenient adjustments during your workouts.

This model also comes packed with 15 built-in workouts to choose from, giving you a lot of variety at your disposal.

The SF-T7917 comes with a 265 lb max weight capacity and Sunny’s standard 3 year frame warranty.

Overall, the motor is a little weaker on this model, but this might be forgivable for the folks who like the idea of bluetooth speakers and plenty of workouts to choose from.

#4 The Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill with Body Fat Function (T7873)

Sunny’s T7873 is very similar to the T7874 that landed my #1 spot, but with fewer workout programs and a slightly smaller deck. As the really long name implies, this model also comes with a function that estimates your body fat percentage.

The T7873 comes with a running surface that measures 16″ x 52.5″.

The length on this model is long for a Sunny machine, but the 16″ width may feel a bit narrow. Although to be fair, there are treadmills in this price range that come with a 14″ width.

The T7873 comes with a 2.5 CHP motor and a max weight capacity of 285 lb, both of which are impressive when compared to most Sunny models.

This treadmill can reach a top speed of 11 mph as well as a top incline of 15%, which should be plenty to challenge any user.

The console on this model comes with 9 pre-programmed workouts, quick select speed/incline buttons, built-in speakers, and dual water bottle holders.

This is also a folding treadmill, making for easy storage when not in use.

The T7873 comes with a 3 year frame, 180 day parts warranty.

Overall, with a sales price just over $600, Sunny’s T7873 has a nice combination of performance specs and console features to offer.


#5 The Sunny Health & Fitness Smart Treadmill (SF-T7515)

Rounding out our list is Sunny’s Smart Treadmill. This treadmill comes with the smallest deck of the bunch, but it offers a neat little tech feature that no other model on this can do.

And when I say smaller deck, we’re talking a running surface of 16.5″ x 49.5″.

This means the length of the SF-T7515 is almost a foot shorter than the gold standard 60″ length we like to see. This means most folks are going to be more comfortable with walking and light jogging on this treadmill and not so much faster running.

Although shorter people might not notice the shorter deck.

This treadmill comes with a 2.2 CHP motor that can reach a max speed of 8 mph. It also comes with 12 levels of incline which can be set instantly with the quick touch buttons.

The weight capacity on this smart treadmill maxes out at 240 lb, so larger users should look elsewhere.

If you’re wondering why Sunny refers to this as their “smart” treadmill, it’s because this model is bluetooth compatible.

Not only can you listen to your music through the built-in speakers via bluetooth, but you can also answer your phone and have a conversation through the treadmill’s microphone.

I don’t know how often you’ll actually have to use that feature, but it’s pretty cool I guess.

Jokes aside, this feature is pretty impressive when you consider that this treadmill has a sales price under $500. Like most other Sunny treadmills, the SF-T7515 comes with a 3 year frame and 180 day parts guarantee.

Overall, it’s gonna be hard to find a smarter treadmill for under $500.

Final Thoughts

If you’re in the market for a budget treadmill, Sunny Health & Fitness is a good brand to explore. They’ve got a ton of models to choose from with many coming with sales prices in the $400 – $800 range.

Like all budget brands, you have to take the good with the bad.

In Sunny’s case, the bad tends to be smaller running surfaces and pretty short warranties.

That said, Sunny can still compete with any of the other budget brands around. I like this brand because of how extensive their lineup is and because their products tend to be of higher quality than most in their price range.

In other words, they’re one of the best budget brands around.

I think the 5 options mentioned above represent their best treadmill options to date. When comparing treadmills (Sunny’s or otherwise), if nothing else, I encourage you to consider the running surface, motor strength, and warranty.

These 3 specs will tell you a lot about the treadmill you’re looking at.

Alrighty, that about does it. I hope you found the above info helpful. Like always, if there are any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get back to ya soon.


Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

2 thoughts on “The 5 Best Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmills – Top Budget Models Reviewed”

  1. I bought Sunny Health & Fitness Walking Treadmill Model SF-T7857 with Low Wide Deck and Multi-Grip Handrails for Balance, 295 LB Max Weight. My reasons: First, my husband and I are both 79 years old, and this is only one of a very few treadmills that I could find with Multi-grip handrails, which I think will allow us to use for more years than one without this feature. Second, we are planning on using this for walking, not jogging or running. I would love to see your thoughts on this model.

    1. Hi Margaret, thanks for bringing up this treadmill and thanks for reading! I checked out the SF-T7857 and the first thing that stands out to me is how long the side rails are. I think this is a great feature for folks looking for a safe treadmill. I also like how low the deck is to the ground – with only a 2″ floor clearance, it’s going to be easier to get on/off of than most. Otherwise, looking at the performance specs, it’s obvious this is a smaller, lightweight machine, but as you mentioned, I think it’ll work fine for walking. I also think it’s priced very well. Overall, it looks like a good walking treadmill to me. I’d love to hear what you think once you get it and try it out for awhile.

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