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Is Matrix’s Treadmill T30 A Smart Buy? [A Review]

matrix treadmill t30 review

As entry-level treadmills go, Matrix’s T30 is more impressive than most, but given Matrix’s track record, I guess that shouldn’t really be a surprise.

With a 3.0 CHP motor, this treadmill has enough muscle under the hood to support running at any speed and with a 20″ x 55″ running surface, most folks should feel comfortable as they work.

And having the ability to choose between 3 different consoles lets you go as tech-savvy or as simple as you like.

The T30 doesn’t fold, so if you need this space-saving feature, this isn’t the treadmill for ya – but if you’re looking for a quality treadmill backed by a great warranty, it could be a smart choice.

But before you decide, you need to know what to expect – and that’s where I can help.

In this review, I’ll go over everything this treadmill has to offer, as well as where it falls a bit short.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not the T30 is the right treadmill for your home gym.

The Matrix Treadmill T30

Image courtesy of Matrix Fitness

Matrix is the premiere brand in the larger Johnson Health Tech family (which also owns the Horizon brand, which I love) and they offer both residential and commercial products.

Their residential lineup isn’t huge, but they offer several treadmills, ellipticals, and exercise bikes to choose from.

They also have a rower and a stair-climber, which is surprisingly popular (I thought I was the only one that actually likes using a stair climber?)

Anyway, one thing all their products have in common is that they’re well-built and backed by generous warranties.

Most of their products also come with the option to choose your console, but more on that later.

The T30 we’re here to discuss now is their most affordable treadmill to date and it comes with a starting price of around $3k.


  • 3.0 CHP motor
  • Heavy-duty frame
  • 350 lb weight limit
  • Choice of 3 consoles
  • Access to iFit
  • Entertainment apps (depending on console)
  • Screen mirroring (depending on console)
  • Top speed of 12.5 mph
  • Bluetooth
  • Safety rail
  • Low step-up height
  • Great warranty


  • Running surface could be a little larger
  • Power incline only up to 12%

Running Surface

The running surface spec tells us the physical dimensions of the belt, but it really tells us how much room we’ll have at our disposal during workouts.

I’m of the opinion that having more room is always a good thing, but depending on your height and the amount of floor space you have to work with, there are times when going with a smaller deck could be beneficial.

As a reference point, most quality home treadmills these days come with a running surface that’s 20 – 22″ wide and 55 – 60″ long.

Taller runners might want to go with a treadmill closer to 60″ long to make sure they don’t have to shorten their strides when running, but shorter folks can get away with small decks with no issues.

That said, the T30 comes with a running surface of 20″ x 55″.

This is large enough for most folks to run comfortably, but again, if you’re over 6′ tall, you might feel more comfortable with a 60″ length.

For this price point, it would be nice to see a larger running surface, but to be fair, this isn’t uncommon for the higher-end brands (Life Fitness, Precor) – they all tend to offer smaller running surfaces on their entry-level models.

Which, considering this treadmill doesn’t fold, might be a good thing because it means it’ll take up a little less floor space.

When it comes to the frame, not folding usually adds an extra layer of stability and with an assembled weight of 289 lb, you shouldn’t have to worry about the T30 feeling flimsy or shaky.

Plus, let’s be real – this is Matrix, so the deck and frame feel well-built.

This treadmill also comes with a weight capacity of 350 lb, allowing folks of most sizes to use it safely.

Overall, it would be nice to see a larger running surface on the T30, but I like how robust the frame is and that it can handle users of all sizes.

Oh, I almost forgot – the step-up height on the deck is only 6.4″, so it’s a little easier to get on/off of too (average step-up height is around 8″).


Having a spacious deck is important, but it’s also important to have a motor strong enough to power your workouts.

The last thing any of us want is a weak motor that we hear struggling to keep up anytime we start cranking up the speed.

Well, with a 3.0 CHP motor, you won’t have to worry about that with this treadmill.

For the sake of comparison, most treadmills in this price range come with motors in the 3 – 4 HP range and having at least a 3 HP motor is recommended for regular running.

So, the T30 falls right where we’d expect it too in terms of motor power.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the nicer brands put 3 HP motors in their home treadmills and they work great, so it gets me thinking about the more affordable brands that use stronger motors…

Are the motors in the nicer brands better built, thus requiring less total power? or the more affordable brands exaggerating a little  with regards to their motors’ outputs?

Not sure, but probably a little bit of both.

Either way, you’ll find 3 HP motors on Life Fitness, Precor, and Matrix treadmills and all 3 brands have very happy customers.

Matrix also uses 2.4″ rollers on this treadmill, which are pretty large.

The rollers are what make contact with the belt and having larger ones is good because it makes for smoother belt action and an overall more sturdy machine.

The T30 comes with a top speed of 12.5 mph and a top incline of 12%.

The speed is a bit faster than the average top speed of 12 mph, but most treadmills in this price range offer power incline up to 15%.

I do a lot of incline walking on my treadmill and I rarely go above 12%, but still, it would be nice to know you have if you need it.

Otherwise, I think the T30 scores pretty well in the motor department. It’s definitely packing enough muscle to get the job done.


The Matrix T30 comes with the following features:

Choice of console- with this treadmill, you get to choose between 3 consoles, the XR, the XER, and the highest-end XIR. The price and features you get will vary depending on your choice. The XR is the most affordable and it’s just an 8.5″ LCD screen. The XER is a 10″ touchscreen and the XIR is a 16″ HD touchscreen.

iFit- all consoles are compatible with iFit, the popular fitness streaming platform found on NordicTrack machines, but the XER and XIR consoles allow you to access instructor-led workouts directly through the console. Matrix includes a free 30-day trial with purchase, then you’d have to pay the monthly fee to keep using it.

Entertainment apps- the XER and XIR apps also come with built-in entertainment apps like Netflix and YouTube and there’s even a built-in web browser.

Screen mirroring- this is one of the cooler features found on the XER/XIR consoles because it allows you to access any entertainment or fitness app you may have on your phone. Simply plug your phone to the console and you can view anything on your treadmill’s console.

Safety rail- as a physical therapist, I also really like the extended safety rails found on Matrix treadmills because it gives you a great hand hold across the entire machine.

Workouts- the amount of workouts you get will depend on which console you choose, ranging from 5 – 13 built-in profiles.

Bluetooth- all 3 consoles are bluetooth compatible with apps, heart rate monitors, and headphones (well, there’d be no need to connect headphones to the XR).

Water bottle holders- there’s also room for 2 water bottles.


If you decide to purchase the T30, you’ll likely be pleased to know that Matrix offers white glove delivery that includes dropping your treadmill off in the room of your choice and assembling it for you if you like.

Given the size and weight of this treadmill, I would accept this service, but if for some reason white glove delivery isn’t available in your area, Matrix will refund the cost of delivery and drop it off at your door.

And if you have to assemble this machine yourself, don’t worry too much, it isn’t too complicated.

The hardest part will be getting the treadmill to where ever it’ll be in your home.

When it comes to assembling, you really just have to connect the uprights, connect a few cables, and attach the console, rails, and a few covers.

And Matrix’s assembly manual is easy to follow, but there are helpful assembly videos as well.


Matrix offers the following warranty on their Treadmill T30:

  • Lifetime frame/motor/cushioning
  • 5 year parts
  • 2 year labor

Yeah, this is a really good warranty.

I love to see a lifetime frame/motor guarantee and even though I would expect as much at this price, these days it isn’t a given.

Five years on parts is also really good, considering most problems that occur are usually in this category.

And Matrix even offers an extra year for labor compared to what most brands offer.

Overall, a great warranty.

Final Thoughts

That about does it for the T30.

As entry-level treadmills go, this is a pretty impressive specimen.

The running surface could be a little longer, but this treadmill comes with a strong motor and high-end components and it’s cool that you get to choose your console.

Speaking of consoles, I think Matrix has some of the best consoles on the market.

When you compare Matrix’s XER and XIR consoles to Life Fitness’s Track Connect console there’s really no competition whatsoever.

I also like how long Matrix’s warranties are.

Overall, I like the T30 and think it’s a quality treadmill, but I want to point out one more time that it’s frame doesn’t fold, so make sure you have enough floor space to keep it out at all times.

If you like the T30 but need a folding option, check out Matrix’s TF30 – it’s pretty identical expect for the fact that it folds and inclines up to a steeper 15%.



Will's a licensed physical therapist (DPT) with over 15 years of experience treating patients from all backgrounds. He's been lifting weights and exercising in one form or another since middle school and has been working out in his own home gym for over a decade. When it comes to fitness equipment, there isn't much he hasn't tried. In his spare time, if he isn't writing or working out, he's likely playing basketball, watching movies, or hanging with his family.

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